Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Purple Haze

Julian has wardrobe had gone from henleys, and epaulets, to lots and lots of plaids, and even Chippendale puppy, but we've never seen him in this:

Why is a character who is always dresses in dark colors popping up in a lilac checked shirt in last week's episode ( 9x09)?Especially when he is usually dressed in darker tone as was the rest of the cast for this episode.

Was it just Julian getting Spring fever the first of October (when the filmed the episode)?Or maybe someone in wardrobe got inspired by the purple/brown combination of black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream?Or was it Austin using the wardrobe again as a new small shout out (or a shout out to a new small)?

Speaking of what to wear:

How about this for a St. Patrick's Day Two Wheel Tuesday.
Since someone's always chasing Austin's Lucky Charms.

Happy Two Wheel Tuesday.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. wanting to be with the killer, not the victimsMarch 13, 2012 at 9:05 AM

    Very passive aggressive comments I see here. What's that all about?

    Don't see any passive aggressive comments about Jake's performance in the last post. I agree, for the most part, that the 8 1/2 minute video is alright, but the main purpose of the "experience" was pure self promotion...to obtain cheap publicity for Jake and the amazingly mediocre music of The Shoes. The buzz factor effect if you will.

    I share the same sentiment with those that think because Jake hardly works, he has to try to stay relevant by doing a mini project that probably took him 3 days to shoot, just so he can get his name out there. Since I suspect the singular goal was to get people talking about him again with minimal effort expended.

    The main problem, for me, is that the whole thing is so contrived and risky because the ploy (sensational card) can only be used once without making folks numb to the effect. More on point, where does Jake go from playing a serial killer? Will he now take a role as a rapist, child abuser, puppy mutilator? Oh, boy, I can't wait for that movie. There's always an audience for this kind of stuff, but Jake will be lost in the shuffle for sure. Daring does not necessarily mean gutsy. It can also translate to being defiant and taunting for no apparent reason. Sort of another “up yours,” moment for Jake Gyllenhaal in a long line of pointless “up yours,” moments over these past several years. I only hope that is not what Jake's career path has become these days. A few forgettable movies interspersed with a big f*ck you at the world. The hard truth is that maybe that’s all he has left to give.

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  4. wanting to be with the killer, not the victimsMarch 13, 2012 at 9:30 AM

    Special K - please delete troll post @ 9:25am.

  5. it's 8 minutes of actingMarch 13, 2012 at 9:55 AM

    More on point, where does Jake go from playing a serial killer?

    Where did Christian Bale go after American Psycho?

    Will Michael C. Hall only play killers from here on in?

    What about some of the actors who've appeared in Tarantino or Rodriguez's films. Were they forever typecast as sadistic killers?

  6. wanting to be with the killer, not the victimsMarch 13, 2012 at 10:04 AM

    wanting to be with the killer etc...Geez that blue hair has really stunned you!

    There was no blue hair in that video. I've no idea what you are talking about. But, trolls normally serve no purpose other than to try to disrupt anyway. My comment stands.

  7. Love the Lucky Charms biking shirt.

    Agree that Jake's playing a serial killer in a video is not going to hurt his career.

  8. I would say the difference between Jake doing this video and Christian Bale's amazingly complex and sustained performance in American Psycho is that he probably prepared mentally and physcially for a long time to channel that role. He showed his acting chops by delivering lines credibly and developing a complex character. He proved to Hollywood he was committed. Once again, Jake looks like nothing more than a dabbler. Someone who puts his toe into the water, but just doesn't care to actually make the time commitment to truly build his career. This video is not going to hurt Jake's career, but I don't think it's going to revive it either.

  9. I don't think Jake wants to work. He could have taken parts after Source Code, but he didn't. The question is why not? My take is that it's the complexity of his personal life. If he does have a growing family under the age of five, he understandably wants to be with them.

  10. Maybe Jake is still desperately trying to shake that Gay Cowboy thing. I sometimes think his entire life revolves around it.

  11. I wish there'd been a warning about the subject matter on the video here in the last post so I'd have not bothered to watch it, because the violence is disturbing, particularly to people who have been victims of violent crime or have people close to them who have been. It's fine if people can consume that as art or character development or whatever, but to victims, even short images of violence can be very traumatic.

  12. Totally agree, 11:08am.

    There should be a warning before a video such as this. There were posters on JustJared stating the same.

  13. Sorry for the lack of warning, my oversight. It happens.

  14. Now Austin and that shirt.

    I find the timing fascinating and think there was much thought put into it.

    It is glaringly obvious when you look at screencaps of last week's show, how everyone was wearing dark tone, and there was Austin in a lilac check shirt.

    Just like Jake snuck a couple of things into his wardrobe in PoP the same way.

  15. I wish there'd been a warning about the subject matter on the video here in the last post so I'd have not bothered to watch it,

    You do understand it was just a video don't you? And no hipsters were harmed in the making of it? I suppose you don't watch the news on television either where what they show is real and graphic and a million times more disturbing than that video.

  16. I don't think you can equate that horrifically violent video, with blood spurting everywhere, the slicing of young people's throats and the smashing of heads against walls to nightly news footage. And, by the way, even the network and cable news stations will issue a warning if something is coming up that might be graphically disturbing (e.g., "This video contains extremely
    violent scenes").

    I have to admit, it was surprising that there was no warning before this video anywhere are the net. If Jake had been buck ass naked, explicitly showing of his "manhood" for all to see, you bet there would have been a major rating alert for that one. But, then we have to worry more about consensual sex than non-consensual violence and mayhem.

  17. ^ That's sarcasm at the end of that last sentence, by the way.

  18. symbolize symbolic color for the first emotions of loveMarch 13, 2012 at 1:33 PM

    Now Austin and that shirt.

    I find the timing fascinating and think there was much thought put into it.

    I thought the newborn came along in November, or are you saying that this clue may mean the baby was born in October and that perhaps the lilac color means they had a girl? It certainly may explain that whole Yom Kippur photoshopped mess where Jake and Peter were hiding Maggie's pregnancy.

  19. I meant to just type "symbolic" in my blogger name. Sorry for the typo.

  20. Actually, the color does look somewhat pink. Could have been a shout out of new bundle of joy. It also would explain why Jake wasn't seen very much when he first when back to NY in mid-September. But then, after a few weeks, Jake was seen everywhere.

  21. ^
    not been the victim of a violent crime yourself, huh? If you had, you would not display such ignorance. You have no friggin clue.

    Well as a matter of fact I have been, not that it's any of your business or concern. However, unlike you, I decided to be a survivor and not a perpetual victim.

  22. Warnings on extremely violent videos are a good idea. Doesn't mean anyone is playing the victim card. You, of course, immediately jump to that conclusion because you think you can read people's minds...and apparently their hearts. Get over yourself.

  23. Stork arrival, you got my not so subtle hint. : )

    It looked a little more purple on my monitor but it could be more pink than purple.

    And for the trolls who are trying to distract from today's post. Who knew pastels were so scary! Easter must be tough for you.

  24. I think the shirt and the Photoshopping weekend are all tied together. -- ie baby.

    And something else to add to that argument, is the two episodes that were filmed the end of Sept. beginning of Oct, Austin had less screen time.

  25. And for the trolls who are trying to distract from today's post. Who knew pastels were so scary! Easter must be tough for you.

    Oh Special, I don't think anyone is distracting intentionally; most people just don't believe your wacked out theories. :-)

  26. First of all, besides all the great Austy imagery for today, I enjoy any talk of his clothing choices in the face of what was the "norm" while he was performing as Julian. We've seen over and over again how both Jake and Austin use clothing and trinkets to 'shout out' to each other. Anyone that fails to see this can just save their gas... there are many here who have been watching these guys' antics for years, so save yourself the sputtering and let be, let be.

    On the subject of a cautionary words for the video, I agree, it would have been nice courtesy for those who have an aversion to such gratuitous violence. Must say it all made me a bit sick in the pit of my stomach. I realize this is a work of art, Jake's characterization at the instruction of a famous Directors thoughts. While nice to see Jake stretch his acting chops, it's more than I care to see, but that's just my sensibilities. Others may feel quite different.

    This presents an editorial opportunity for me to expound on a great divide between Canadian and American sensibilities in general. And I'm not speaking of individual people's quirks or concerns so much as a collective sense through the "media" as to what is tolerable in each country. Canadians are thought to be more provincial in some ways than their American counterparts, yet are not so uptight or sensitive towards foul language in our media coverage or in our TV programming. You'll hear more true to life expression on Canadian TV, especially on Cable programming. Colourful language is just very realistic and is heard even on the CBC, the national broadcaster. Also, you will see more nudity, titties and arses, nursing babies, etc. Now, on the other hand, in the U.S. these things are considered less than moral and because of the ultra-right sensibilites of some in the spectrum you don't hear or see much of what we see in Canada. What "We" see in U.S. programming is a plethora of blood and gore, bodys cut apart, murders, graphic physical violence ad nauseum.

    We all live on the same continent, and for the most part watch much of the same programming, but the level of anxiety in the States is topped with a Janet Jackson 'accidentally on purpose' nipple, or a curse or profanity uttered on a show. You are either conditioned to tolerate blood and gore but not a heaving breast or an expletive. Go figure!

    Bottom line for me is this video represents less than stellar music, certainly not my preference, and so far removed from George Harrison and "What is Life" to be in another solar system. Jake can do what he wishes but I'll not look to this video a second time, even to see an actor that I enjoy seeing take a challenge in his craft. It's beyond what I choose to see.

    Just spouting off and hoping I didn't waste your time.

  27. Great comments Seaweed. Realize that the South is a little bit different than the rest of the country here in the USA. You will probably hear their voices loudly in our elections tonight. Thank God they don't have the power they once did.

    As far as the video I have no idea why Jake would do something like it. I quess just to show his diversity as an actor. I have no desire to wtach it.

  28. Cloud 9 (with a NS GrandmaMarch 13, 2012 at 6:10 PM

    Nicely said, Seaweed.

  29. That's a little unfair, Tom. I think anywhere in the US - California, Texas, The West, New York, the Midwest - there's enough violence to vie for the title.

    According to the FBI's latest crime data, Flint and Detroit, MI are the two most violent cities in the US, and this year's statistics show violent crime is up in the Northeast. New Haven, CT is 4th. California has two cities in the top ten - perennial favorites Oakland (6th) and Stockton (10th). Baltimore is 8th; Rockford, IL is 9th; Little Rock 7th, Memphis, 5th; and St. Louis is 3rd.

  30. Seaweed said:

    You'll hear more true to life expression on Canadian TV, especially on Cable programming. Colourful language is just very realistic and is heard even on the CBC, the national broadcaster. Also, you will see more nudity, titties and arses, nursing babies, etc. Now, on the other hand, in the U.S. these things are considered less than moral and because of the ultra-right sensibilites of some in the spectrum you don't hear or see much of what we see in Canada. What "We" see in U.S.

    This is what I was refering to not the violence.

  31. Now Wait a minute...March 13, 2012 at 8:22 PM

    Oh, sorry - I agree, I don't know why this is so, we are more prudish about sex and bodies, but with guns and violence, not as much restraint. :(

  32. Now Austin and that shirt...
    It is glaringly obvious when you look at screencaps of last week's show, how everyone was wearing dark tone, and there was Austin in a lilac check shirt....

    There certainly could be something to your hypothesis, Special. We know something odd was going on in California in September. Jake was in Hollywood on 9/9 photographed coming out of Murakami Sushi. Followed by the 9/13 Ted post does about "Just Tied the Knot" where he uses the phrase "a little Jakey-poo Jr. on the way." On 9/14 we get the overkill of Jake out with three women the previous week (Busy, Anna K. and Rashida.) Then from 9/16-9/19 Jake flies up to SF, but makes sure everyone sees him leave CA by taking a commercial flight. On 9/20 he wants to be seen everywhere in NY so he's walks and takes a train around the W. Village. On the weekend of 9/23-25 Austin is not heard from at all and Jake not that much. But, on October 2 we get the strange "Steam-powered" story on Page Six, which talks about Jake frequenting the bath houses, a week prior.

    As someone has already stated, we get the very odd Yom Kippur family photo nonsense only about a week later. Never mind Jake being seen in an SUV in NY at the end of September. Ted also writes about BT on 9/29 with the creative plural form of "Tile's great, very well taken care of. As far as Toothy's love-life and career go, he's gotten more domestic lately, which has greatly helped the latter."

  33. A stunningly beautiful and tear-inducing mashup of BBM and Adele's Someone LIke You.


  34. Thanks Destiny for sharing.

    What an incredible video.

    Definitely take the time to watch it.

  35. Thanks Destiny.

    I can listen to the BBM soundtrack daily, but the images of Heath and Jake, as Ennis and Jack, take an emotional toll on me that brings on the tears and an ache in my heart.

    It's been six years and I'm certain in another ten the effect will be much the same. This movie was, and is, a cinematic touchstone for so many, what else can be said?

  36. Wow, that video moved me to tears. Between the pain of seeing Heath and the content of the film, so moving and sad.

  37. Thank you, Destiny. This video is a true work of art, bittersweet, visually stunning and lyrically pitch perfect. I had never realized how the meaning of the words to "Someone Like You" match so seamlessly with the immutable love that is Brokeback Mountain. Nothing compares.

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  39. It's hard to believe how powerful BBM still is after all these years and after so many viewings. Glad everyone liked the video as much as I did.
