Saturday, March 3, 2012

Risky Business

When Austin tweets something out of the blue, there much more to it than meets the eye.

Could yesterday's double tweet be another example of the Texas Tweeter telling more than meets the eye.


This is what I'm doing this weekend. Want to join me? Hit This -------->

Can someone help me DO THIS? Must see video ----------->

So what is all about?

Adrenalin junky?

That he likes to be launched off a rubber band?

Or taking leaps?


  1. So what is all about?
    Adrenalin junky?
    That he likes to be launched off a rubber band?
    Or taking leaps?

    You forgot one:

    He's hoping to get free swag from Vooray?

    Those two tweets are blatant paid endorsements.

  2. However you have to pay the bills and feed the mouths, ka-ching.

    Are you going to argue against a person trying to make a living?

  3. Sara ‏ @sarawinsor

    Found husband waiting for me next to Jake Gyllenhaal (actually talked to him this time) he really needs to stop following me to @soulcycle
    5:04 PM - 3 Mar 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

    The Bard of NYC ‏ @TheNYCExpert
    The Bard of NYC
    @sarawinsor I'm thinking of changing my name to Fake Gyllenhaal. Thoughts?

  4. Totally could see Austin wanting to do both of these, especially the slingshot over the water.

    Bet he would blob too.

    Biggest Blob in History

  5. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everybody must be sleeping:-)

    We need more pics.........

  6. The live reading of the play 8 was last night at The Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles.

    "8 was written by Academy Award winning writer Dustin Lance Black and chronicles the landmark federal trial of California’s Prop. 8 using the actual court transcripts and first-hand interviews."

    Some of the stars that participated included: Matthew Morrison; Matt Bomer; Kevin Bacon; Jane Lynch; Christine Lahti; Jamie Lee Curtis; Martin Sheen; George Clooney; and Brad Pitt,and was directed by Rob Reiner.

    It streamed live online on YouTube, but in case you missed it you can watch the entire reading here:

    The Benefit Reading of 8

  7. This would have been a project for Jake to participate in. It could have shown that he is a serious actor who is also politcally involved. But unfortunately it seems as though Jake is so paranoid about be associated with anything/anyone who could cast the gay shadow on him that he gets involved with nothing that has to do with the GLBT community. Does he really think that people will think he's gay because he supported Prop 8 or something else? I would like to think he's not that narrow minded, but it's becoming difficult to keep believing that about him. To bad.

  8. I can understand feeling that way about Jake and his complete public estrangement from anything connected with the LBGT community. Just a guess, but I think he feels that it would be hypocritical to openly ship über heterosexuality, participate in the bearding culture of Hollywood and just generally present himself as a straight guy while also supporting LBGT rights within the public square. It's a weird distinction, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jake feels that way.

  9. I watched 8 last night, it was really terrific. Second time around as I saw it live in New York.

    I get your point M and M about Jake and gay causes, it's something I have very mixed feelings on and my opinion changes minute to minute.

    But ultimately I think there is a way to contribute without crossing over that hypocritical line, and it is really only certain things where you're rightly going to be criticized. For example, the heat Quinto took for doing an It Get's Better video while still in the closet himself. In contrast when the USA network did it's own version of a tolerance campaign, Matt Bomer did the one for religion, which I think was the right thing to do because he wasn't completely out at the time. But not being out didn't stop him from doing 8 last fall, and look at Clooney, who did the play last night, despite his numerous beards. Somehow he manages to walk that thin line.

  10. I agree, Destiny. It definitely is a complicated issue. Who knows? Maybe after doing Brokeback Mountain, which most definitely had a huge postive impact in socially moving LGBT rights forward in this country, Jake felt that as long as he was in the closet he would stay silent. Austin, on the other hand, didn't seem to have as much of a problem when he did Prayers for Bobby and used twitter last year to voice his support of the anti-bullying campaign.

    My guess is that I don't think we've heard the last from Jake on this matter.

  11. Wow I can't even dicuss this topic. My feelings are so strong.
    So no comment:-(
