Thursday, March 1, 2012

What to do ...

With Jake no longer attached to the Way Way Back, you wonder what he's going to be doing this year, besides promoting EoW. Makes you wonder why he's not grabbing all the movies he can. Hmmmm wonder why's that. ; ) Sounds like a perfect reason for a top ten list.

The Top Ten Reasons they'll come up with as to why Jake’s not working that much:

10. Doing The Amazing Race: Java Edition.

9. Wants to spend more time with funny sandwiches or sing about them.

8. Gardens to hoe, people. Gardens to hoe!

7. Needs to earn more frequent flier miles to take the family on vacation.

6. Got an offer to write, produce and star in “Jakeyhood of The Traveling (Green) Pants”. Hmmm… who could direct?

5. Wants to see how many more film festival stamps he can get than Austin in his handy dandy film festival notebook.

4. Developing his own line of designer kale chips.

3. Trying to turning “summering” a year round thing.

2. Can’t get out of carpool anymore.

And the #1 reason Jake’s not working much

Need to do housekeeping before going out.


  1. Awww, thanks for the Monkees, Special. Bit by bit, my childhood is passing away and it's kinda sad. But thank goodness for their music and films - we have a way to still enjoy them.

    LOLLLL!! Blues Clues! Blues Clues!!! I recognize the handy dandy notebook!!! lol. And lookit that crayon. It's like Steve's shirt. LOLLLL!!

    **sigh**. Blues Clues was not the same without Steve. My niece & nephew could not get used to Joe.

  2. Alright Maryland. Why cant preachers stick to preaching and not trying to run the goverment.

  3. How about some preachers. They're not all the same.

  4. Nia ‏ @ohheynia

    Omg omg omg literally the best day of my life! Just talked in the phone with Austin Nichols from One Tree Hill...I'm in love ❤thanks Brionna

  5. Huh. Well well well, isn't this interesting. We have a tweet this morning of Maggie in Jamaica and after quite awhile of no sightings of Maggie on Twitter, what happens today?

    steph castro ‏ @fashionweak

    Just saw a glowing pregnant Maggie Gyllenhaal walking down Lafayette. Then I saw a poodle with a cast hobbling along. Highs and lows.

    Ely J. Solodar ‏ @simply_steezy

    Just saw Maggie Gyllenhaal on the train, looks like she's about to pop #preggers #Batbaby

    I just find that very, very interesting. I wonder if Maggie was shoved out the door, pregnant & all, so people would see her. Or are they bogus tweets? See, there's even some value in bogus tweets. Loooove to watch the chess moves played on Twitter.

  6. Ol' Steph Castro laid it on pretty thick, didn't he? Geez. "glowing"


  7. Wicked Gay Blog ‏ @wickedgayblog

    Very Hot VINTAGE Jake Gyllenhaal…

  8. Great news about Maryland passing same sex marriage. One state by one if that is what it takes.

  9. I had to go for the Blue's Clues notebook.

    And don't know if anyone knew this or not about Davy Jones, he ad actually appeared on the same bill as The Beatles when they made their US television debut on the Ed Sullivan show in 1963.

  10. prairiegirl said...
    How about some preachers. They're not all the same.

    I am not a big fan of organized religion anymore PG. Everytime a bill passes it seems like it is religous organizations that are the ones that fight against equal rights. Great example Prop 8. That is why Gay marriage was overturned in California.

  11. I wish the Priests and the pastors who are caring and excepting could fight against the rich and powerful organizations like the Catholic Church. Prop 8 was overturned because of the enormous amount of money of an organized religion which came in from outside the state of California. I wonder how much say the folks who just go to church had to say in how that money was spent. Sure could have been spent so so much more loving ways:-(

  12. Many Catholics are liberal, peace-loving hippies but are in the closet. We stay in our liberal churches and hope the bishop in the next town doesn't notice. It's a patriarchal institution that is corrupt and despicable, but there is literally no recourse but to leave the church, as many have done. It is not a democracy in any sense.

  13. when they made their US television debut on the Ed Sullivan show in 1963.

    I'm sure you meant to type 1964. :-)

  14. While I don't really believe in organized religion myself, there are plenty of good churches, synagogues, etc. out there that have helped in the fight for gay marriage and gay rights.

    But I know where you're coming from Tom, I do think more of them do harm than good when it comes to things like this.

  15. I can't believe Jake would have turned down a chance to work on a movie project like this. Sadly I think it's more likely that Jake just doesn't have the clout to get a role like this right now.

  16. And it is a shame, Tom, I agree. Just like in big business, large amounts of money are raised in a lot of churches and sometimes is spent on what - gargantuan structures? I also agree with former Catholic up there. I was raised Catholic and left after I came home from college.

    A lot of very, very good people out there though. And good pastors and priests. I wish there weren't these dividing lines sometimes. In the end, we're all on the same playing field, no one any greater or any more special than the other. All equal.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. ***claps! claps!*** **applause! applause!** **encore! encore!**

    Roll call for today, on this 60th day of the year 2012. After the Maggie in Jamaica tweet, who has checked in today?

    We have Maggie herself on the train and on Lafayette.

    We have Jake and dear old Mom at a seminar tonight as well as at a Mojo store.

    We have someone slapping their forehead and remembering that oh yeah, they forgot to tell us that they saw Peter running at the park earlier today.

    And then we have checking in all the way from the city of angels, an OTH fan using her seldom used twitter account to casually mention that oh yeah, btw, she met Aus10nichols today. AND includes a twit pic that shows Austin supposedly today with his fan. Even though his hair is all weird looking and it doesn't look like how he was wearing it in Berlin in addition to there being no time/date stamp on the picture.

    Let's see, the only family members who have not checked in today are Atticus, Ramona and Mr. G.

    The Gyllenhaals and solo Nichols put on a grandstand performance today. We are not worthy! Not worthy!!! LOL! LOL!!!

  19. And I am sorry but no time/date stamp on that LA pic, no believe-o. Try again, Austy! And dude, since you're supposedly in LA, can you get Atticus in your next picture?

    LOL. Just stinkin' hilarious. It really is. The whole tribe was out in force today. There hasn't been a twit sighting of Peter in like forever. And today, voila! LOLLLLL

  20. They just made me more suspicious of something being up, that's all they did today.

    Subtlety not a Gyllenhaal strongpoint. Overkill is their family calling card.

  21. no time/date stamp on that LA pic

    What does that matter. Time/date is set up on a camera by the owner, so they can put any date they like. If anything, it's a way of manipulating when a photo was taken, NOT proof of when a photo was taken.

  22. I believe the guys are together and have kids so I am not trolling. I just want to say that Maggie is too far advanced in her pregnancy to fly (I think she is due any minute now). You are not allowed to fly in your last months of pregnancy, so probably the Jamaica sighting is not true. Maybe she was in Jamaica- Queens, NY. There is a place in NY that has that name.

    Austin in LA is probably related to work. It seems he is doing casting and having meetings. It’s pilot season, so it’s a key moment to get work on TV for next season. He probably goes back and for LA-NY constantly. As you said a few days ago Prairegirl, the boys see a plane as a bus, being one day in LA doesn’t mean that the next one they are in NY. A sighting in one place doesn’t mean they are stuck there for long. I am sure they manage to be constantly together. What we see in pics and (real or fake) twitter sightings is a fraction of their real life and not enough to see the whole picture. No matter how much some fans believe they know and see Jake and Austin's every move because of twitter/facebook, it's an illusion. They just don't.

  23. Austin looked like a tired guy in that twitpic. Oh those eyes tell it all.

  24. Oh I'm not saying he can't fly back and forth because he does. I say it all the time, both he and Jake fly at the drop of a hat. Great point about Jamaica NY, too and no flying in final month.

    Taking all into consideration, those tweets yesterday on all family members were too much. I know what I see every day and I'm not the only one who recognized the overkill. Especially with Peter, who had not been sighted via twitter for a long time.

    This family manipulates and they used Twitter yesterday. I know kind hearted people like yourself, two cents and 1000's of others don't want to believe that they would do this and no one has to even pay me no mind, I don't care. I had a ton of laughs last night at that production last night reading all of that.

    Let me have my laughs in my own little corner and everyone else go about their business. This one was just too, too much. I can still be a fan of the guys but wow, I look at them now with so much distrust it isn't funny. They are real manipulators, plain and simple. It's pretty sad in the big picture, actually.

  25. And I don't know about the time date stamp thing on a camera, not sure about that one but please don't cap at me. Geez, not necessary.

    You may know cameras a lot better than myself.

    So I'll just say that I don't know when that photo was taken. There is no proof of verification. You can have a picture on twitter and it does not necessarily prove time and date of a tweet.

    I'll take that huge bucket of salt for a 100, Alex. lol, little shoutout to Dest there.

  26. " No matter how much some fans believe they know and see Jake and Austin's every move because of twitter/facebook, it's an illusion. They just don't."

    Couldn't have said it any better myself.

  27. Alright, that's enough of that. Gotta get through one more day in this work week. We have had it all in our office, a lot of personal stuff, work related stress, people on vacation or trying to be on vacation, anyway.

    Yesterday was yucky, that's all I can say. Sigh. Better get my butt in gear. You all just have a great day and here's a telescope glance at ol' Fred and Dino.

  28. I saw the same bombardment of tweets yesterday and it was amusing as well as preposterously excessive. As you say PG, it's the timing of these events, and the acknowledgement that we have seen the same intemperate technique over and over and over again for years. And it's not just Jake either. When it came to selecting how best to sell the ersatz Sophin myth, we used to see this same kind of social media manipulation, particularly throughout 2010.

    There's no doubt that Jake's PR manipulates the public all the time with the use of FB and Twitter and we certainly know they play loose and fast with planted stories and photos. I remember late last year when that tweet appeared about Jake being at a daycare like cafe with a bunch of kiddos running around and then the very next day, a huge spread with the headline appeared: "Jake Gyllenhaal Plays Doting Uncle to Little Ramona". In the article, the story "explained" that the photo was taken on the very same day Jake was said to have been seen at that daycare center. We never had another photo op like that one before or since. So yes it is amusing as well as sad. But, no doubt the observation is true.

    One more thing, I think PR is reacting not only to the Jamaica tweet, but to many other uncomfortable items that have been appearing lately, including the Blind Item about the famous brother and brother-in-law not getting along, Jake suddenly not being associated with The Way, Way Back, and what Ted wrote yesterday in response to OwlGirl's letter. He had an opportunity right there and then to confirm that Jake had no family, and that was the reason why he wasn't working, but he didn't. Very telling.

  29. I don't think that Jake doesn't have the clout to get the The Way Way Back. I think he chose not to do it. And it could have been for a variety of reason, most of the being connected to family. Again Jake and Austin have made it a point to overlap both working as little as possible.

  30. Austin doesn't have a job, and who knows when filming will actually start on Way Way Back.

    And what's the point of changing managers and agents now if he has no desire to work now?

  31. Gee, a woman who seems to be a HUGE OTH fan and who tweets mostly about OTH and a few other shows and celebs just happened to find Austin even though he isn't doing anything, like shooting a show, where he can be easily found.

    Sure sounds like someone whose job is promotion, despite claiming to be a student.

  32. Sure sounds like someone whose job is promotion, despite claiming to be a student.

    Tut, tut Destiny. Sounds more like a celeb stalker. They're not just stalking via the Internet anymore. ;-)

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. That is so fucking priceless coming from someone who stalks OMG 24/7.

  35. Release date for End of Watch: September 28th

  36. This is what I'm doing this weekend. Want to join me? Hit This -------->

  37. No anons, thanks.

    Destiny, there are many times things are not known until almost after the fact with Austin. Look at many of his past projects. Nothing is said until he is in production or sometimes after he has done them. So we can't say that he doesn't have anything lined up.

    What we do know is that there could be a project with Garret Dillahunt, and that Austin has an additional agent just for his directing career.

  38. Gee, a woman who seems to be a HUGE OTH fan and who tweets mostly about OTH and a few other shows and celebs just happened to find Austin even though he isn't doing anything, like shooting a show, where he can be easily found.

    I know. Kind of reminiscent of the Jaustin late night Baby You Can Watch My Car deal, which I'm not so sure that was real either. What are the odds?

  39. Okay, here's a question. Just talking with my Big Buddy as I prepared to open my tiny little Starkist Salad-Ready tuna pouch and I was talking about Lent Friday and I forgot to bring a meat-less soup for my lunch, blah blah blah.

    And so he asked why was I eating tuna and I said "Because tuna is a fish."

    And so he said tuna was a meat. And I asked how is that? Tuna is fish!!! And back & forth (costing me about 5 minutes of my lunch time! GRRR)

    And so I asked him, "How do you figure fish is meat?!!!"

    And his reasoning was if beef is flesh of a cow, then what is flesh of a fish? So fish is meat!!!!

    So what constitutes meat? I asked him so why do Catholic churches have so many fish fries and he didn't have an answer for that.

    Fish is not meat!!!! Right?

    I ask, right?????

    M&M, you're super smart, what's the answer to this? lol. Help me out. Fish is fish. And beef, pork & chicken is meat. Right?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. And so then I said well, people call nuts "meat" sometimes. Why is that? But we don't consider nuts a "meat".

    And he said, "True because nuts are from a plant."

    grrrr. So I said I was going to go to hell for eating my tuna today.

    Tuna is fish. Fish is not meat.

  42. And now he says Davy Jones was a pirate. Hmpf!

  43. PG, fish falls into an odd category. Catholics don't consider it mean, that's why you see fish on Fridays in school lunches, etc. Jews also don't consider fish to be meat. If you're really Orthodox, you're not supposed to eat meat and dairy in the same meal, but fish is considered "pareve", i.e., not meat or dairy, and therefor can be eaten with either meat or dairy.

    But some vegetarians consider fish meat because it is the flesh of a living being. There are probably others who also think of it as meat. But then there are also a lot of people who will eat fish, but not meat or chicken.

  44. Woops, that's meat, not mean, lol.

  45. Regarding The Way, Way Back, I think Jake needed a movie role floated about last November because he had not been associated with a new project for months. In addition, the story came out on November 11, 2011, which was right around the time some think a new baby arrived. Jake is all about distraction. Getting people to look over here instead of where they need to be looking. By floating that story out there, no one was thinking about his personal life and why he wasn't working because looky here, Jake is in talks to star in, "The Way, Way Back."

    If I recall correctly, Jake was in talks for EoW back around March 2 of last year and it was announced right away that he was going to star in the movie. Same thing happened with Brothers. In mid-September 2007, articles appeared that he was in talks/negotiations and then within a 24-hour period its announced he's going to be in the film. Same thing with Rendition back in late September 2006. And, Brokeback Mountain in 2004. It was announced he would co-star with Heath in Janaury 2004 and by March they were in preproduction in Canada. So that is Jake's pattern when it comes to movie projects. In fact, that's why I was suspicious about his association with Safe House back in August 2010. That was another month when I think he and Austin were about to become fathers again so to distract about his personal life and the "What the heck's going on with Jake's career?" question, it's leaked that he was up for the role because, once again, he had not been associated with a new project since Source Code back on November 2009 and which, by February, he was up in Montreal already rehearsing.

    When it's factored in that the announcement came that Jake had left Evelyn on December 7 and CAA on January 9, 2012 for WME, it's pretty obvious that Jake had made plans long before these two high profile departures. Which means he already knew in November he wasn't going to be staying with his old agency or manager. Which means he wasn't making any new deals with his soon to be dumped representation. All these factors point to me that Jake never had any intention of doing The Way, Way Back. The story served it's purpose while in circulated in November and then died because there was never anything to it in the first place.

  46. Hey, everyone. Sorry I've been "indisposed" for a few weeks. Whew! I need to catch up, don't I? Just a few points. I agree with you PG (and I love your amusing writing style/lighthearted analysis). Yes, there have been many times when Jake's made a mistake that he needs to rectify or Ted has said something provocative or WFT/OMG bloggers have noticed or discovered something and, like a flash, suddenly all this PR appears out of nowhere.

    And, M&M makes another fascinating point about babies arriving and then Jake no doubt wanting bonding time, which means he doesn't want to work. The gals here have said that August 2010 and November 2011 were probably months when new births are believed to have taken place and now it's being pointed out that both months had Jake associated with movies roles that came to nothing.

    Jake, and I'm sure many other actors, don't want their failures to be publicized so I'm sure that's why extra care is taken to minimize an actor being constantly rejected. Jake does have a history of being connected to a part only after he is assured that he's got the role. Yet, contrary to past practices he has had no problem having this "failures" leaked to the public. Very interesting.

  47. Many vegetarians that don't eat meat will eat fish, for a variety of reasons. SOME fish species and practices are more sustainable than meat can ever be, even free-range, organic meat. And it's leaner, generally healthier, etc.

  48. Meat is usually from our fellow mammals. But technically speaking poultry and fish are also the flesh of other living beings.

  49. Austin doesn't have a job, and who knows when filming will actually start on Way Way Back.

    I believe I read yesterday that the film is set to start production this summer. Another thing that's interesting is the stories continue to signal that Jake was set to play the lead role. If that's the case, the lead role is the abusive step-father, which I would think Jake would never have any interest in playing (particularly, if he has children, which he probably does). Plus, Jake is much too young to be selected for that role. Sam Rockwell is nearly 44, which would be right in line with the profile. That lends more support to what M&M is suggesting. The whole story that he was in the running for the part was most likely made up. At first, I thought he was set to play the buddy who befriends the boy, but the way the PR releases are written they are implying that Sam Rockwell got the part, instead of Jake.

  50. Thanks to Destiny, FISH and Vegemite for your help. We got into it further here, involving other co-workers and everyone kind of scratched their heads and said "Well-" alot. LOL

    Great to see you, Jason. Missed ya!

  51. I should say that the meat industry defines meat as that coming from mammals. They are indeed a lot like us, as organs from pigs have been transplanted successfully in humans. There is no self-interest reason for me not eating it, not for health or religious reasons - I simply don't want to inflict unimaginable pain and suffering on my fellow creatures. And nowadays it's debatable with our polluted, overfished oceans as to whether or not fish is actually healthier than meat. But it's all technically still flesh from another living being. A lawyer friend once argued, as only he could that we are the top of the food chain, so I suppose you could look at it like that also. But we as opposed to other animals can take steps to be as humane as possible in how we treat animals.

  52. You're welcome! :)
