Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dark Side of the Moon

I see the bad moon arisin'
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today

Bad Moon? Bad Math? or Just Bad Work?

The current story that is spun back up is about Jake and Ellen Pompeo, but it's roots all the way back to 2002.

(And you wondered where they get the 10 years ago line)
The original version of this story came from an interview that was published way back in September 2002, and which according to Pompeo the “meeting” took place in March 2002, in a parking lot behind Joan's on Third. That was when Jake supposedly knocked on her car window in the parking lot, all nervous and shy. Then according to Pompeo he blurted out, "I just want to tell you that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life." At that point, Jake tried to run away. Of course Perez Hilton has a twist on it "

Three weeks later they met at the audition for Moonlight Mile.

But guess what ... the whole thing... the whole story could not have happened. Why?Because Moonlight Mile (then called Baby's in Black, and later Hello, Goodbye before officially becoming Moonlight Mile) was filmed in Massachusetts March and April of 2001!

How do we know? It was all over the local papers in MA. And Pompero being a local from Everett (MA) there were additional tie-ins for all the stories.

"In April and May 2001, you couldn't walk down the street on the North Shore without hearing about the latest Dustin Hoffman or Susan Sarandon sighting. Hollywood had come to the North Shore to shoot a movie, and for a short period it seemed as though every neighbor knew someone who had met one of the stars. " (Boston Globe October 3, 2002)

There were stories in the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and the Patriot Ledger about the movie production between March and the beginning of May that primarily took place in the North Shore towns of Gloucester, Marblehead, and Swampscott , with a few scenes shot in the South Shore coastal town of Cohasset.

"Murderous times: Dustin Hoffman will star opposite Sarandon and Jake....." in 'Baby's in Black' Set in the 1970s, the drama centers on ....a young man grieving over the death of his slain fiancee. Living with her parents (Hoffman and Sarandon), he causes concern when he is newly smitten by a woman who works in a bar owned by her boyfriend, who has disappeared. . . . " (Boston Globe March 11, 2001)

Including this one where Jake "popped by Salon Mario Russo at Louis, Boston the other day for a coiffing before being snapped for the June/July issue of Flaunt maggie. Jake was groomed by Mario himself and then was outfitted in Louis designer duds." [He] "is Flaunt-ing his stuff in the Disney flick with Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon, which continues to shoot all over the North Shore and Cohasset." (Inside Track, Boston Herald May 3, 2001.)

You want video? Here it is, with a cartwheel and a "ta-da"

If you go to You Tube and read the description they too say the filming was in 2001.

Need more proof?

Well remember the story of Dustin Hoffman encouraging Jake to go on the stage? Well that had to happen BEFORE he did. And when did Jake debut on the professional stage? March 2002 in London, where he joined Hayden Christensen and Anna Pacquin for This is Our Youth. Previews for the play were Mar 2nd -14th, and the play opened March15th and ran (with that cast) until April 20th. (Another tidbit you might not have known, Hoffman bought Jake a book on acting from a Marblehead (MA) bookstore, while they were filming. The book? `Stanislofsky on Acting'

So if Jake was in London March and April 2002 how did he knock on Pompeo's window?


Now why create a story like that in the fall of 2002? Well maybe to boost up the love story in the movie that debuted that September.

But what else happened in 2002? Jake met Austin, and while things had been casual about Jake prior to that, 2002 was the beginning of a more concerted effort to give him romantic stories that were far from the real romance that was happening in his life.

Why? Maybe because it looked obvious from the get go with the guys, this was different, this was something serious, this was no flirtation and those around them knew it.

Why is it being re-tread now? Because Pompeo is with WME and Jake is still with Austin? Or is it easier and less complicated to link back to the past , and avoid the situation of a complicated faux in the present and future?

And you gotta wonder what Austin wrote in his movie journal about this movie.

Thanks to M&M, Boston Public Library, Minuteman Library Network, Old Colony Library network for assistance in research & access to free newsbanks. And IHJ for pictures.


  1. As much as I love the Stone's version of this song, this is my favorite version ever.

  2. Excellent post. I was trying to figure out when this film was made because it opened in September 2002. Yet, this Pompeo story supposedly happened in March 2002. I had never heard of an audition, production schedule and release date occur in such a compressed amount of time.

    Wonderful stuff. You guys do it better than every other blog because you don't just mindlessly repost PR spin and Jake lies. OMG questions things. Good work.

  3. Looks like Jake is doing Enemy and shooting in Toronto

    Jake Gyllenhaal set for double trouble in T.O.
    Jake Gyllenhaal last worked in Canada on Source Code. The summer forecast for Toronto just got a little hotter. Big screen star Jake Gyllenhaal is shooting his latest movie in the city.

    The 31-year-old actor will play two roles — that's right, two — in An Enemy for Canadian director Denis Villeneuve (Incendies) from May 22 to mid-July.

  4. Wonderful stuff. You guys do it better than every other blog because you don't just mindlessly repost PR spin and Jake lies. OMG questions things. Good work.

    I echo those words, Bingo. Special and M&M did unbelievably fantastic work on this. They don't just slap stuff up from out of the sky.

    When they state why it is believed Jake & Austin are married or exactly how many kids they have, it's the same situation.

    They don't pull clouds out of the sky on that either. They do tremendous digging and reading to produce facts which help lead them to their theories or conclusions.

    What a bunch of nonsense to regurgitate a story fhat is about a decade old just to make Jake look straight. Shame on Jake. And laughs on William Morris for looking so stupid on this one.

    Very, very poorly done, William Morris. Back to the bunny slope for you on making Jake look straight. CAA failed at it and now you're off to 0 balls, 1 strike.

    Way to go, M&M and Special.

  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal upset by paparazzi photos of daughter
    Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal refuses to buy tabloid magazines or check out celebrity blogs because she hates seeing photos of her five-year-old daughter.

    The actress insists she’ll never get used to the “brutal” and “unkind” coverage the offspring of stars get, and she has urged friends and fans to stop sending her links to family shots featuring little Ramona.

    The actress, who is pregnant with her second child, tells WENN, “Sometimes someone will want to send me something like a picture of Ramona and me on the street and I always write back that I just don’t wanna know. If someone followed my five year old to kindergarten and I knew nothing about it, I would rather just not know.”

    SFGateDailyDish (@SFGateDailyDish)
    4/5/12 11:58 AM
    Maggie Gyllenhaal upset by paparazzi photos of daughter

  6. ^^^^ Boy, seems like Maggie G's short term memory is being somewhat affected by her Twitlonger Pregnancy.

    Seems like just the other day, we were all so graced by that US Stinkley cover and big inside spread of ol' Tay skipping down the sidewalk with Maggie and her daughter.

    Let's see...when was that again???? Something about Thanksgiving with the Family Gilly's??? And something about a famous sidewalk leaf????? LOLLLL

  7. Ha! I was just going to post that bunch of garbage. You know, Heath Ledger's birthday was yesterday. And, even though there is certainly a tendency to romanticize people who die young and who had so much potential for extraordinary things, I can't believe Heath would ever respect or approve what Jake has been doing all these wasted years. Whether Jake has partly done this to have a family or not, or to hide his lover, BF, husband, I really don't care.

    I used to think that still having Jake with us made the pain a bit less when Heath left so soon. I don't feel that way so much any more.

    Walk down memory lane in case people have forgotten.

    Hates when Ramona are papped Photo Op #1
    Hates when Ramona are papped Photo Op #2
    Hates when Ramona are papped Photo Op #3

  8. Sorry, I meant to write:

    "Hates when Ramona is papped." I initially was going to write "kids" but changed back to her daughter's name since that is the focus of the article.

  9. Ellen Pompeo. lol. What a ridiculous story that seemed to grow legs and arms with the addition of 10 years.

    What is so funny to me is that part in the original story where it said Jake tried to run away. LOLLLLLLL!!!! Tried to run away. Run away from what, pray tell?

  10. By the way, thanks for the clarification about the Pompeo crap. I knew that she was repped by WME, which meant this was a set up question, but it's nice to have such a thorough treatment of the truth. I had forgotten that Jake was on the London stage in March 2002. That means Moonlight Mile would have had to have been made long before that as you say because Dustin Hoffman suggested that Jake do theater. In fact, I think Jake flew over there in February of 2002 and obviously had to have agreed to do the revival of This is Our Youth probably at the end of 2001.

    I can't remember, when did Jake meet Austin Nichols?

  11. Don't forget all those other papped photos of Maggie with Ramona and Peter which she pimped to help her win the Academy Award in 2010. Just as bad as George Clooney and his latest beard this awards season. Back then Maggie was oh so accessible then too. What a bunch of famewhores and phonies.

  12. I thought the finale of OTH was pretty good, and totally figured they would use U2's One Tree Hill to close.

  13. They met at the auditions for TDAT which happened in May 2002.

    We have a picture of them together in NY at the Lotus Club at the end of June, the same year. So by that time, they are already serious because that means Austin traveled with him to NYC for that event.

    Thanks to M&M for the assistance.

  14. Which event are you talking about? The Lotus Club pics were taken in the late Lotus Club LA.

  15. Club Lotus was in NYC. Not LA. It was the second anniversary party and was in June 2002.

  16. I'm sorry, I said Lotus Club and in NY, it's Club Lotus. Here is the post on OMG on the Club Lotus event (sorry, it's a Fisher Price link)

  17. If jake and ellen met before the movie,wouldn't that be march of 2001.

    Where or when is it said that it took place in march 2002?

  18. The original interview with Ellen Pompeo was published on September 8, 2002 and this is the relevant passage:

    Inevitably Pompeo realized that if she wanted her career to go any further, she had to head West. "I'm the quintessential East Coast girl," she says. "So I put it off as long as I possibly could. But then eventually you run out of TV shows to do in New York."

    Intent on getting a head start on the TV pilot season, Pompeo moved to the Hollywood Hills in December 2001. Three months later, she experienced one of those only-in-L.A. stories that can seem too perfect to believe. A guy tried to pick her up in the parking lot behind gourmet sandwich shop Joan's on Third. She says she had no idea he was actor Jake Gyllenhaal.

  19. It just dawn on me why one of the elements in the story might have been altered. I bet Pompeo was told to change the story from meeting Jake in a parking lot to the sidewalk because of the notorious Toothy Tile incident from 2005:

    August 11, 2005 Toothy Blind Vice

    As any reader of this filthy column knows damn well by now, our boy Tooth--much like Seymour, above--likes taking chances. He does it in the parking garages of Hell-Ay's more bourgeois shopping centers. On restaurant balconies--hell, wherever there's a chance of getting caught.

    Just like he did last weekend. Parking lot right off the Strip. T.T. and his b-f (for whom, I'm told, Toothy has considered very heavily coming out of the proverbial media closet) were "hard-core" doing the diddly, say their concerned amigos.

  20. So the writer got the date wrong, not ellen p?

  21. I can't remember, when did Jake meet Austin Nichols?

    Here's the timeline of when Jake met Austin:

    May 1, 2002 CAA put the The Day After Tomorrow script up for auction.

    5/06/2002 20th Century Fox picked up The Day After Tomorrow after an aggressive bidding war that included offers from five studios (Hollywood Reporter 5/6). An immediate preproduction start was promised, meaning the script was finished and now location scouting, assembling the crew and casting begins. Production for TDAT set to begin in the fall.

    So somewhere between May 7 and the end of May, Jake and Austin met in 2002.

  22. So the writer got the date wrong, not ellen p?

    No, the writer got the date right and Ellen recently reconfirmed that same March 2002 date in the press conference from earlier in the week (hence the 10 years ago I met Jake Gyllenhaal headlines.)

    That's the point. The whole story was made up even back then because Jake could never have met Pompeo before auditions in March 2002. He was already in England and Moonlight Mile had been made a year earlier. Austin was in Jake's life and Jake's people were already pushing the heterosexual angle by making up the meeting with Pompeo.

  23. ""The whole story was made up even back then because Jake could never have met Pompeo before auditions in March 2002. He was already in England and Moonlight Mile had been made a year earlier. ""

    this makes no sense. of course Jake wasn't in England when the auditions were held. he was in los angeles and he did the audition with ellen p.

  24. The whole story was made up even back then because Jake could never have met Pompeo before auditions in March 2002.

    What I meant to write was that Jake met Pompeo at auditions in 2001, not 2002 like she states in that interview. The story was made up in September 2002 (and repeated again this week in that Grey's Anatomy press conference) to push Jake as someone hitting on women, even though he was already paired up with Austin.

  25. Good detective work as usual. Lies cant stay hidden for long. Especially in the internet era. The old Hollywood tricks dont hold up over time. I'm guessing the story was floated initially to create some heat for the movie, which had a romantic aspect. But it clearly served two purposes. Movie hype and a cover story for Jake. Newcomers are at a disadvantage as they have not seen the hollywood machine in action. But as soon as they recongnize a lie themselves, they will never look at the hype the same way again. Maggie''s flip flop can serve as a real eye opener. Next time she has a film opening they'll see a whole new side.

    I missed OTH again but it should pop up on on demand now that the series is over and I will try to catch it. I am so happy to hear that Austin plans to direct.

  26. Not sure if that article about Jake in toronto is speculation or confirmation. IMDB still shows him as rumored for the film.

  27. I think confused is trying to say that the reporter DID get it wrong. How could Ellen have moved to LA To start her film career in Dec 2001 when she had filmed Moonlight Mile earlier that same year?

    Doesn't mean the whole story isn't made up. And maybe it did happen. Sometimes sexually confused young gay men go after older, unattainable women to prove something to themselves, like that they are bi. I speak from experience with this!

  28. The reporter did not get it wrong, because it would have been corrected,after getting out to so many media outlets and after so much time.

    This was created on purpose like it was, there is no mistake from the reporter.

  29. That story is so contrived it isn't funny, just like so many others when it comes to Jake and his female "conquests". Made love with their eyes on the sidewalk? Where did that one come from, Harlequin romance?

    PR has been writing this nonsense ever since Jake met Austin, trying to cover up Jake's real target of love and passion, the water skier from Longhorn country.

  30. Strolls and lunch sightings of Jake and Maggie but no Peter to be seen or mentioned.

    Maggie also seen at Venus in Fur last night, no mention of Peter. Maggie and Mom. Maggie with Ramona. Maggie with Jake. Peter walking Ramona to school. One lone set of pictures of Peter and Maggie and they were not good pictures.

    Maggie on the train. Maggie at the Co Op. Peter at the Co Op.

    It sticks out like a sore thumb to me that Maggie and Peter just are not being seen or mentioned together anywhere.

  31. Everyons is so concerned about Maggie not being seen with Peter. Is anyone concerned about Jake not being seen with Austin?

  32. Oh my no Maggie and Peter. They must be having problems. Well Jake and Austin are never seen together does that mean they are having problems? I guess not.

  33. Page Six said...
    Maggie Gyllenhaal hosted a private screening of her new movie, “Hysteria,” Wednesday night for friends and family, in advance of its US premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 23. Also at the Sony Screening Room in Midtown were the star’s brother, Jake Gyllenhaal (taking time away from the spin classes he’s been spotted leading lately), Maggie’s husband, Peter Sarsgaard, mother, Naomi Foner, and Sony Pictures Classics co-head Tom Bernard.

    Read more:

  34. I'm not saying you have to see anything in it. It's just a comment.

    Boy there are obviously some people literally just sitting on this blog waiting, arent there? Water cooler time must be over in the office.

  35. Why be concern that Austin isn't being "seen" with Jake. They've been playing this "we aren't together" game forever. You certainly wouldn't have a stupid "making love with their eyes" phony tale put out there this week and then wipe it all away by being seen with your man in public.

    Peter and Maggie are another thing. It should be a happy husband and wife being seen walking around NY, going to plays eating out, not thirty something siblings. Page Six plants stories for this family all the time. If Maggie gave a private, screening how did Page 6 find out about it? Lame.

  36. No double standardApril 6, 2012 at 9:34 AM

    Double Standard said...
    Everyons is so concerned about Maggie not being seen with Peter

    Really? Peter and Maggie are supposed to be a happy couple, about to expect their second child. They should be seen everywhere together. Jake and Austin are in the closet. Scared of their own shadow apparently. No double standard or oddity that the latter couple would not be seen together. Jake "instructing" spin classes and unable to leave Maggie's side is all kinds of weird.

  37. No double standard said...
    Double Standard said...
    Everyons is so concerned about Maggie not being seen with Peter

    Really? Peter and Maggie are supposed to be a happy couple, about to expect their second child. They should be seen everywhere together. Jake and Austin are in the closet. Scared of their own shadow apparently. No double standard or oddity that the latter couple would not be seen together. Jake "instructing" spin classes and unable to leave Maggie's side is all kinds of weird.

    No argument there. It is actually sick.

  38. I agree. It was endearing when Jake was 24-25. But not anymore. He's 31 years old now and it would be great to be so close to his family but Maggie should be seen more often with her husband, not her single 31 yr old brother.

    Between this and his being with his mother at the Paul Newman tribute fundraiser, it's unsettling. As in strange.

  39. Did anyone else notice in the Paul Newman valet parking line video that Jake and his mom got into a big ol honkin' SUV and others are getting into sedans and smaller SUV's.

  40. no more bearding pleaseApril 6, 2012 at 11:50 AM

    I think that kind of traditional and outdated thought 'that you should only be seen with a partner at certain age' is what pushes him to beard for PR.

    I prefer seeing him with Maggie and his mom all the time than bearding again.

  41. This is really funny. This article is in German but copied from ‘In Touch’ magazine, so the source is a US tabloid (and planted by Reese's camp for sure). Here’s a (bad)google translation to make you laugh a bit:

    Jake Gyllenhaal: Reese Witherspoon is his great love

    Once Reese Witherspoon (36) and Jake Gyllenhaal (31) were probably Hollywood's sweetest couple. However, the two movie stars went their separate ways, and Reese married her now husband Jim Toth (41) with whom she found her greatest love. Sweet Jake, on the other hand, is still mourning his blonde ex.

    The tabloid "InTouch", is reporting a quote from a friend of the alleged heartbroken Jake Gyllenhaal: "She broke his heart. Reese was his great love. He can’t get her out of his head ". Even though Jake had many affairs with other women, he is still a child of sorrow. He thinks only of Reese.

    Jake misses the role of father

    Above all, what the blue-eyed pretty boy miss the most are Reese Witherspoon’s two kids. The role of a substitute daddy for the twelve-year old Ava and eight-year-old Deacon, gave him incredible joy. "Jake had grown totally fond of the little ones. He really blossomed as a substitute father" says the friend. And the children made Jake very happy, as numerous photos of the then small family showed.

    Will he be mistaken for a stalker?

    The question remains, why have Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal then separated at all? Perhaps it is simply that they lost their love, but for further controversy the reason why the separated is not really known. According to his friend, It is now reported that a heartbroken Jake was left with a repressed love that turned into a crazy obsession: Out of sheer longing he will even collect newspaper reports of Reese, only to make him feel a little closer to her.

  42. UsWeekly recycles an old Jake and Maggie story this week

    US Weekly

  43. Oh my gosh, In Touch Weekly, that article is just weird, isn't it? Good grief. He can't get her out of his head. Obsessed. LOLLLLLL.

    A repressed love.

    Wow. That is hilarious.

  44. Are you suggesting that he left the kids in the car in the parking lot?

  45. Are you suggesting that he left the kids in the car in the parking lot?

    It does help if you re-quote to which ever comment you are asking this question of. Then everyone knows to whom you are asking the question.

  46. Jake is one very sorry sick man if he allows anyone to plant that type of article. Can you imagine if he did have kids. You need a psych ward for them when they grow up.

  47. Don't think Jake is sick. He's just immersed in the Hollywood culture and lives in a protective bubble. Just like Maggie, for that matter, who pimped her daughter out right and left for years and now all of a sudden acts like it's a crime that someone takes a photo of her.

  48. How about being who he is?April 6, 2012 at 4:15 PM

    I prefer seeing him with Maggie and his mom all the time than bearding again.

    How about neither? I would prefer Jake to live true and be a man. Be a role model as well as an actor. He's pretty much had it easy all his life, now he still is able to be protected and "saved" from having things get to messy. Like owning up to who he is and who he loves.

  49. 4:12 First who the h*%l cares about Maggie. You are corret though the whole Gyllenhaal family is screwed up. Not all the lights are on there.

  50. 4:15 Excellent comment for sure..

  51. Maggie is part of the plotApril 6, 2012 at 4:34 PM

    4:12 First who the h*%l cares about Maggie.

    Maggie is part of the Jake story, including playing an essential role in his closeted tale. So she will be discussed here as she is elsewhere. Get use to it.

  52. What a wonderful post, everyone. I knew about the timeline problem when I saw the silly Pompeo quote from September 2002, but didn't realize about the timing of the narrative that Jake is a ladies man actually begins with this Pompeo "story". It makes so much sense that the manufactured lies and image making surrounding Jake and his ambiguous sexuality really begins after Austin arrives on the scene. In addition to Jake making the transition from indies into mainstream blockbuster films like A Day After Tomorrow, Jake's people did not want the truth coming out so they stepped up the PR campaign of Jake liking "yucky" girls. LOL!

  53. Jason you are a breath of fresh air. Your points are spot on and you fit in so well here. Welcome.

  54. Maggie is part of the plot said...
    4:12 First who the h*%l cares about Maggie.

    Maggie is part of the Jake story, including playing an essential role in his closeted tale. So she will be discussed here as she is elsewhere. Get use to it.

    I doubt many will care about dicussing Maggie. But go rgght ahead if you like.

  55. Hey Jason, glad to see you this afternoon.

    Thanks again for all the great comments from everyone about the post, and for the help with it too.

    When you look at how things are tied to Jake meeting Austin, it really tells you what a life changing thing it was for them to meet, and how it truly is a Big Love.

  56. The private screening thing - I don't wouldn't you rather if your brother and your mother were going to watch you in a movie about the history of vibrators and all that in a bigger venue, so everyone has a little space and have a chance not to have awkward moments?

    And after the story of Maggie's "lending library", what would be the swag for the private screening?
