Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mursy Mursy Me

It's all about accessories.

You can never have enough hats, gloves and shoes. - Patsy Stone

And the guys both have a long list of accessories from suspenders/braces to rings, jewelry to sunglasses, hats to handbags .., manbags

From Julian's manbag moment
Jake's mini for metro London

Lot's a guys bag it,
and they're handy all your stuff
and good for shopping.but someone let Jake know there rules and what the rules are recently.

He might need to share that with Austin.


  1. Zach Efron on Live With Kelly. Looking hot.

  2. "Jake Gyllenhaal Set to Take Off-Broadway Bow"

    Hollywood Reporter



  4. Well we will be there. Destiny is our go to girl:-)

  5. Is this going to interfere with my trip in the fall to see M&M and real m??????

    I may have to tweet at Austin and tell him to have Jake rearrange.

  6. Good to see Jake working and trying new projects. Now, we know for certain one of the reasons Jake went to see Constellations while he was in England. That's Nick Payne's most recent play.

  7. LOS ANGELES ( - Jake Gyllenhaal will make his American stage debut in "If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet," the Roundabout Theatre Company said Thursday.

    The Oscar-nominated star of "Brokeback Mountain" and "Prince of Persia" will star in the story of a girl who is bullied at school and finds herself suspended after head-butting a tormentor.

    Gyllenhaal will play the girl's foul-mouthed uncle, who forms a bond with his struggling niece. The piece was written by up-and-coming British playwright Nick Payne, who also wrote the critically adored "Constellations."

    Michael Longhurst, who directed "Constellations," will oversee this production.

    The show will run Off-Broadway at Roundabout's Laura Pels Theatre. Performances will start August 24 and officially open on September 20. Gyllenhaal is best known for his film roles, but he's treaded the boards before. He made his stage debut in 2001 starring in Kenneth Lonergan's revival of "This is Our Youth," on London's West End. For his work, he earned the Evening Standard Theater Award for Outstanding Newcomer.

  8. Levon Helm Dead: The Band Singer Passes Away After Cancer Battle

  9. RIP Leovon Helm.

    Jake on Broadway and Austin on TV.
    Oh the possibilities. F HW guys:-)

  10. Matt Sayles ‏ @msayles
    He hit the stage long ago in Cabaret @HWSchool RT @EW Jake Gyllenhaal will make his American stage debut this summer

  11. From the new issue of US Weekly, Maggie is 8 months pregnant and due in May.

  12. I would have loved to have seen Jake in Cabaret. Pretty daring for a youngster to do. How cool.

  13. tabloids said...
    From the new issue of US Weekly, Maggie is 8 months pregnant and due in May.

    So is she having her baby by surrogancy and that's why she's playing around with the dates of when she got pregnant. I agree with those who are suggesting sometimes is up. Why would she be quoted in a story that said she was 6 months pregnant back in November, when she wasn't?

  14. Great news about Jake on Broadway!

    I will be great to see him tackle live theater here in the States.

    Jake drawz energy from those around him and performing in front of a live audience is a perfect fit for a performer like him.

  15. Why would she be quoted in a story that said she was 6 months pregnant back in November, when she wasn't??

    She was never "quoted" as saying that back in November.

    Why are you so obsessed with her pregnancy?

  16. The whole thing with the dates is kind of weird. I can't figure it out. She was clearly wearing outfits when she was in Italy at the end of October that had people talking about her being pregnant.

    It just seems there something really weird going on with all of this.

  17. Well thanks for correcting me about it being Off Broadway.

  18. NEW YORK -- Jake Gyllenhaal has signed on as part of the ensemble cast of Nick Payne's play, If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet, which Roundabout Theatre Company will produce late this summer in its Off Broadway space, the Laura Pels Theatre.

    A critical hit in its 2009 premiere at London's Bush Theatre, Payne's comic drama is about an off-kilter family who knows what the problems are, but not how to fix them. At the center of the story is Anna, an overweight teenager being bullied at school. In order to protect her, the girl's mother transfers her to to the school where she teaches, but that makes the situation worse. Her dad is an environmentalist too busy trying to save the planet to help. But when her estranged uncle, a heartbroken drifter played by Gyllenhaal, shows up, their unexpected friendship may be just what Anna needs.

    Directed by Michael Longhurst, the play begins previews Aug. 24, with official opening set for Sept. 20. The three remaining cast members and design team will be announced shortly.

  19. Jake Gyllenhaal, America's favorite bear cub, will be debuting on the American stage this August. He'll play a foul-mouthed drifter uncle to an unhappy overweight girl in the Roundabout Theatre Company's American premiere of If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet, by Nick Payne. So it's basically any girl's fantasy! Your life sucks and your parents are jerks but then Jake Gyllenhaal shows up and rescues you. Of course in (hopefully most of) those fantasies Gyllenhaal isn't a relative, so they can, like, make out and stuff, but this will have to do. Obviously many people were hoping that Gyllenhaal's New York theater debut would be in a revival of Naked Boys Singing!, but, again, this will have to do.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Maggie's pregnancy has been going on forever. The entire story has been a platform for manipulation and fudging.

    It has been the one story that has proven to me that the G family is a mess. They're a mess and I honestly don't know what to believe about them anymore. Don't trust what any of them say in interviews or have floated about them in publicity releases, especially Jake. Maggie, I always held in a higher regard but wow, guess I was picking the wrong door on that one, Johnny.

    This would be one person's opinion. It's not asking for any agreement nor any followers. <--- Disclaimer.

  22. I definitely agree that the family is a little strange PG. They also seem so obsessed about PR and privacy.

  23. ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS ------>

    3:33 PM - 19 Apr 12 via WhoSay · Details

  24. Jake Gyllenhaal, America's favorite bear cub

    A bear cub huh...sounds like they know Jakey.

    Looks like The Atlantic has a bit of a crush on Jakey. : )

  25. I definitely agree that the family is a little strange PG. They also seem so obsessed about PR and privacy.

    That's for certain. But, it only really started when Jake went deep, deep into the closet. That, in fact, is one of the reasons I do think he has a large family. Just being gay, or having one child would not require all these lies and manipulations.

  26. tricks of the tradeApril 19, 2012 at 8:31 PM

    Maggie intentionally started to wear larger clothing in September and easily looked 5 months pregnant in Italy. She purposely hid behind Jake and Peter in that Yom Kippur "outing" and had a friend be quoted in the Thanksgiving magazine story that she was six months along. Maggie never made any attempts to correct the info, which would have been normal to do since the story was considered the first "official" announcement and had visibility all over the Internet. Also, I saw a photo of her in January and she was blown up like a balloon about to burst. If she truly was only four months along, she would not have look liked she was about to give birth. So yeah these people only seem to know how to lie. Who knows, the baby could be born already or as someone said there's a surrogate involved and that's why the size of her stomach keeps changing from photo to photo.

  27. ^^I would agree with that. I should probably adjust my statement a bit. It really has come to a head just in the last several years. And a large part of it undoubtedly has to do with helping Jake to hide his secrets.

    Now, for whatever reason, Maggie is starting to take after her brother and manipulate as well.

  28. Yeah, for some reason Maggie and the fam wanted to hide/disguise when she got pregnant. That's extremely odd duck behavior. But, given this family's history there would have to be ulterior motives involved. Surrogacy? Marital Problems? Wonder how well she and Hugh Dancy got along when they filmed Hysteria? Hmmmm.

  29. Ooops, I was originally agreeing with "my perspective" but I also agree with 'tricks of the trade'. It could be that the baby is already born. I would not be surprised.

  30. Great news about Jake. Hope it won't be difficult to get tickets, first dibs go to people who buy season tickets for the Roundabout Theater, then the general public.

    Hopefully everyone will be able to come to NYC and see him. As I told a friend who emailed me this afternoon, people are already lining up for our sofa. :-D

  31. Got dibs on the couch!!! It's got PG all over it!!! lol. JK. I do hope it all works out, though. This has the possibility of a big OMG gathering to terrorize NYC.

    Hope it can happen.

  32. Sophia Bush Dishes on Life After 'One Tree Hill': "I'm Happier Than I've Ever Been!"

    OK Magazine

    By Leigh Blickley
    April 19, 2012 - 2:45 pm

    Sophia Bush was glowing last night as she hosted the Origins Rocks Earth Month Concert at Webster Hall in NYC, and it wasn't because she's been enjoying some down time since her hit show One Tree Hill wrapped. Actually, Sophia admits she hasn't had any down time since shooting ended in November!

    "It’s been interesting," Sophia told OK! at the concert last night of life after OTH. "I miss seeing our camera operators and our wardrobe department and the grips everyday, but I missed being home so much! It’s so wonderful to be there."

    "And I thought I was going to have all this down time... and I’ve never been busier in my life! I’m scheduled everyday from 8 a.m. to midnight just running into the ground," she admits. "So, I haven’t had the down time I’m looking for yet, but I feel great, I feel incredibly fulfilled, I’m happier than I’ve ever been!"

    As for what she's up to next, Sophia says she already shot a pilot and can't wait to find out if it gets picked up!

    "I just shot a really great comedy pilot for CBS from the creators of Will & Grace. I was kind of on the fence about starting a new show right away, but when I met Matt Mutchnick and David Kohan, I was like, ‘Done! I’ll sign on the dotted line!’" Sophia explained to OK!.

    "It’s interesting because for nine years I haven’t had to think about pilot season, but now it’s the waiting game. And in the meantime, I’m working on a lot of things in the environmental space and in the tech space and it’s crazy, but it’s very rewarding and I’m loving it!"

    One thing she's not loving lately, though, is a man! And it sounds like she's done dating co-stars, but hey, you never know!

    "I’m clearly an example of when it works out and when it doesn’t work out. In its worst way!" Sophia said of dating co-stars, like ex-husband Chad Michael Murray and recent ex-boyfriend Austin Nichols. "When you work 16 hours a day, like we did on a show, who else do you ever meet? Especially when you’re in a Petri dish of a town the size of a thumbnail. But you got to laugh at your life."

  33. That's really more of a dig at Wilmington than Austin, I think.

  34. I think it's a very uncomplimentary way to put smaller town living. I don't think the residents of Wilmington are going to take very kindly to what she said, Destiny. I understand what she's saying - that it was "small town" living and everyone knew everyone's business.

    But somehow to compare the town to a petri dish and reference it as the size of a "thumbnail" just doesn't sound good.

    But where she messes up is this.

    Notice she makes it sound like she worked allllll day, had nowhere to go to meet other men. She had no choice but to hook up with these 2 guys.


    What happened to Austin following her all the way to Wilmington to be with her on the show? He chased after her, isn't that what she said? I believe that would be what the lady said.

    So the lady is forgetting her own story: Austin's nose followed her scent all the way across the U.S. all because of her. And so I don't see how that puts him in the category of "chopped liver", the only choice on the Wilmington buffet.

    I think it is a subtle slam at Austin. He was "the best" of what she could pick from in Wilmington.

    She is something else. I would expect no less from the likes of Soapy.

  35. The other thing her little mind seems to have forgotten is that she talks about working 16 hrs a day and had no chance to meet anyone else.

    She seems to forget that there were numerous weekends and week days when she was gone from set because she was in Vegas, L.A., New Orleans, and NYC.She even got time off to go to an entire week of Fashion Week in NYC. So, that would be another inaccuracy. She wasn't stuck in the playpen of Wilmy. She had plenty of off-leash time.

  36. Hooray!!! Jake in a play. Count on me to be there no matter what the cost. How many times will a chance to see jake perform live come up. The interview we attended was one thing, but to see him actually perform is another. We need to coordinate how we will all get tickets together. Destiny do you volunteer to buy the tickets once we have a head count. I can send the money ahead for tickets, but since you are closest you are apt to be the first to hear when they go on sale. Of course he could back out, since the date is so far ahead. But the thought is exciting.

    PG, I am guessing the date we can get tickets will be towards the end of the run, not the beginning so I am sure we can work around the dates to do both. Your visit and seeing jake in NYC.

  37. You're right PG. Sophia was peddling the story that Austin had come to NC for her. So it wasn't about NC or working 16 hours. Guess someone else needs a continuity person.
