Monday, June 4, 2012

By the Hair on His Chinny Chin Chin

[Thanks to the sharp eye of M&M who noticed the hair raising this weekend. – Gold Stars for you]

Not only does Jake have to worry about continuity of outfits if he is going to outwit the public, and especially OMG, he really needs to keep track of the follicles on his face.

Let’s just call Saturday Beard Busted.


Well look at his beard while shooting last week in Toronto.

Now look at the picture they said was from Saturday in NYC.

Now look at the picture of Jake filming Sunday in Toronto.

Ahh big guy… you should know by now, that beards while magical to gnomes, sleepy old guys and goats, they can’t do what yours did this weekend.

And if you want further proof, we got ‘stache.

See how the corners of his moustache are trimmed to curve down on the sides?

Last week on set.

But on Saturday somehow he grew a thick full ‘stache straight across.

And then back again on Sunday.
How’d that happen? 

Magical Moustache indeed. (Are they like magic carpets? ; ) 

And why the picture switch-a-roo?  Maybe because he had some VIPs that needed his full attention during his the short trip to NYC.    Or a ride on the rails?

And don’t think running isn’t acting because how else could the Sultan of Soul Cycle be out of breath running down the street?


  1. I got a Dove Bar today. Yum. They had everything you loved as a kid too. I think next week it's between the chocolate eclair bar or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ice cream head.

  2. Sophia in NY too !June 4, 2012 at 8:59 PM

    Sophia Bush ‏@SophiaBush
    And now step two is complete. Makeup thanks to my favorite, @GPCbeauty. Off to the @CFDA!

    2 h ago

  3. Sophia is probaly in NYC on business and just might meet up with 2 old friends.

  4. What is CFDA I wonder?

  5. Council of Fashion Designers of America

  6. She looks beautifulJune 4, 2012 at 9:43 PM

    Which 2 old friends Jersy Tom? Jake and Minka?

  7. I am sorry but I am not losing focus of this stupendous post. This thing is big. And trolls want us to lose the focus by getting us "riled" over the tweet that they apparently could not wait to bring over. I for one am not going to get get suckered or pulled into anything. Not falling for it.

    This post today, everyone, is awesome. Exhibit A on how pictures are used to manipulate to the star's benefit. HUGE gold star to M&M!! LOLLLLL!! lookit that!!!

    Once again, they dug into the file of "Out and Abouts For Future Use" and slapped it up to give Jake cover for what he really was doing for those near 24 hours that he was in NYC.

    That, my folks, is a 3 pointer.

  8. Sultan of Soul Cycle. LOLLLLLL!!!!!

    Aw man, that just killed me.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Wow, good catch Special, no way those photos of Jake are from this weekend.

  11. Don't thank me - thank M&M she gave me the head's up.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. #We'reOntoYou Tip No. 2 - Again, this post especially points out what has been said on here before. This has got to be why Jake has been wearing the same pattern of clothes for about two years. A year ago, it was the beige pants. Remember the beige pants? This year it has been the green army pants ensemble with either the denim shirt or bland grey T shirt. Over. And over. And over. And over. And over again. Also added to the mix for awhile now has been the accessory of the black Yankees cap. The cap is going to cover up the changes in hairstyle or heck, maybe even hair length due to the filming.

    By Jake wearing these same clothes (green pants, grey T or denim shirt) and either the scuffed Buster Brown shoes or grey sneakers on an endless wear 'em til they stand on their own cycle, he can place himself anywhere and have any date slapped on the outing because who's going to know any different? And I know most people believe Jake was there at the JayZ Psst! Over here, Jake! party, but I look at how he was positioned in the very bottom corner of that picture and yup, there was that black hat, and you just do not know 100% that he was really there. Not when you see a case like this where we are lied to about where he was and when he was.

    He and his people are counting on the Public to be totally trusting. But in instances like this "With a friend in New York City", it's more like they are counting on people to be a bunch of saps. Who is going to zoom in on that facial hair and notice a straight away cut on the moustache versus the dip-down? Nobody! They see a bunch of facial hair and they leave it at that. Most people, that is. lol

    We are onto you, buddy. Probably not going to be too happy about it but hey, too bad. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

  14. That ubiquitous beard does not always look the same does it? Jake tries so hard by dressing in the same clothes and wearing that hat all the time, thinking that gives PR a lot more freedom to pull any photo out of their files when in need, but beards are messy things. This is hardly the first time I've seen this kind of continuity error.

  15. M&M, I think you need to put up a plethora of comments. Give me a Harry any day who seems at least to be trying to fight back against management. I love that rebellious spirit. Look at that face. He's got fire. May that fire never go out for him.

  16. Super detective work M&M. Your eagle eye spots every effort to hide the truth. No longer possible with the internet. Try as they might to deceive, there is always a slip up. A dangling shoe, pieces of a dress 2 feet apart, you name it the flaw is spotted. The only ones who cant see it are those that dont want to know the truth that Jake is gay. Actually, the fact that Jake is going to this much trouble totally clinches Baby Tile and his hidden life. No need to go to that much trouble unless there is something big to hide.

  17. I'm working in a movieJune 5, 2012 at 4:01 AM

    Jesus, you are really really crazy guys.

  18. Nice wedding band Austin. I doubt that is a prop since he is not making a movie.

  19. It is not the wrong hand for a wedding band?

  20. Big Gold is back. Austin's big signet, he made sure to wear in OTH's 7th season finale, when they weren't sure if they were coming back. (Wait wasn't that like every season?)

  21. Both Jake and Austin have worn rings and bands on their right hand as you would a wedding band.

  22. Jake doesn't have any ring.

  23. Jake a lot of rings, including the one that he wears on around his neck.

    He has a silver band that he wore promoting PoP in England. He has three gold bands, and black diamond engagement ring. (his words,)

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  26. It was anonymous. You need to put a name on it. Non anon posts.

  27. Whit Reese?

  28. Ooops WITH Reese?

  29. Of course not with Reese.

    Jake's black diamond engagement ring popped up in the Spring of 2005, and later that year, Jake said it was engagement ring to himself during a photo call.

    It was that same year Austin got Big Blue, a Larimar, that is only found in the Dominican Republic.

    We know that Jake went to a very exclusive private resort in the Dominican Republic that Spring. It doubtful he went all alone. It looks like the guys got engaged.

    Interesting, Austin is wearing a stone that looks like turquoise (Jake's birthstone) and Jake has a diamond (Austin's birthstone)

  30. This thing has really taken off. We got Buffalo Wild Wings, y'all!! Check the photo!! #TwoWheelTuesday

    9:34 AM - 5 Jun 12 via WhoSay · Details

  31. We know that Jake went to a very exclusive private resort in the Dominican Republic that Spring. It doubtful he went all alone. It looks like the guys got engaged.

    How do we know this again? Because of some promo materials in the resort's advert or because we have actual photographic evidence? I've never quite understood the blanket acceptance you have that he was there from some sketchy info.

    And again, if they are so deeply closeted why on earth walk around with a diamond ring on your pinky finger (meaning said ring was probably a size 5, 6, 6-1/2) and risk people asking about it? Makes no sense in the history that OMG has made up about them.

  32. Yea for Austin tweeting #TwoWheelTuesday today.

  33. lol.

    It's great to have confirmation that you're hitting bulls eyes, isn't it?

  34. I am all about Jakey and Austin but I see no difference in this facial hair. Am I missing something? The only difference I can see is that Jake's face looks a bit puffy in the NYC photo, and his smile is puffing up his cheeks a little, but the facial hair looks identical to me in every photo.

  35. The Sunday pics looks like a slimmer stash than the Saturday NYC pic, but the prior week resembles the Saturday pic, not Sunday.

  36. M&M that's a great find. That is definitely not the same beard length or mustache. The shape and growth is way off.

    For the person who was upset about the Dominican Republic info, I watched an E news segment at the time and they mentioned that Jake had been at that resort in the spring of 2005 too. I decided to go there the following year, based on the gorgeous video. One of our tour guides confirmed that Jake Gyllenhaal had been there when I mentioned that was how I found out about the area.

  37. Jersey Tom said...
    Sophia is probaly in NYC on business and just might meet up with 2 old friends.

    Or, since Busy Phillips is in town too, maybe they were all there for some sort of special graduation. Isn't one of Jake and Austin's children about to turn 5 this year? This is graduation time and many nursery and preschools have them now.

  38. sideburns_rule
    ITA, I can't see any difference.

  39. They're all in town for the CFD awards, which were held last night.

  40. Well, you know that's why Sophia and Busy were in town is for those fashion awards.

    special invite, we could use a sharp mind like yours, if you know what I mean.


  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Exactly. The CFD Awards was cover for those two being in NY, along with Austin, at the same time. That's how the closet works. A pretext is all that was needed and none would be the wiser.

  43. But but Jake has been back in Toronto since Sunday. What does last night's CFDA Awards have to do with anything?

  44. When something jumps out at you in a "kismet" moment, then you have to pay attention to that mental nudging.

    special invite, I do have to say that Busy at a fashion show just didn't jive with me.

    You're thinking, good for you.

  45. Looks like Michelle Williams was very possibly in town, too.

    Anna Schryver ‏@IsthmusComm

    Am I losing my powerful observation skills? Michelle Williams and Busy Philipps were seen at Super Linda while we were there! #famous

    9:13 AM - 5 Jun 12 via web · Details

    Super Linda - a restaurant in TriBeca
