Saturday, July 21, 2012

All you need is.....

It's my birthday and I'll post what I want to : )


  1. Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Special ! ! ! !

    Great collection of pictures to share with us on your day. Thanks for all that you do and for keeping vigil on all this strange and wonderful exchange here at OMG.

    Many happy returns always.

  2. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It means so much.

    It is a beautiful day here perfect to celebrate.

  3. Happy Birthday Special. Hope you have a wonderful day

    Its no secret that Jake has friends that are women. Does not bother us at all. Lots of gay men have female friends.

  4. Happy birthday Special, i hope you had a special one.!!!!!!

  5. Great, great pictures to post on your special (TM) day, Special !!!

    Love the twirly coat !!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Fantastic post.

  7. Happy Birthday Special!!!

  8. Hi Clarity! Great to see you! Thanks!

  9. Looks like I have a bad link

    Let's try this again.

    Just a great look at Jake

  10. LOL, lookit this guy. LOLLLL!!

    Hey, when I'm wrong, I man up and I say I was riding on the wrong road.

    And from these latest, just released, hot off the press pictures, check it out, a crystal clear, undeniable picture of Jake walking his bicycle. Obviously, a man and his bike.

    Very, very nice. :)

    It makes me happy to see that Mr. Gyllenhaal still has some fight way deep inside somewhere. There's still some spunk left? That is encouraging to me.

    3 years on here and I think I've cut a lot of slack in the past, defended these guys when a lot of people were down on them during the Reeke days. And it's taken that long of time to develop this now-suspicious, leery, mis-trusting feeling I have now when I see either one of them. It didn't happen just overnight. Overtly personal tweets by the Aus10Nichols account (not necessarily by him) and photo shops like the Yom Kippur will cause the crust of mistrust to harden and thicken whereas before it was maybe just a thin, pliable layer.

    I know I am not the only one who just isn't easily suckered in any longer and I don't know that I'll ever return to how I used to feel. Maybe too much has happened now. I dunno.

    But for now? I eat crow. LOL - lookit this guy. It cracks me up.

  11. Overtly personal tweets by the Aus10Nichols account (not necessarily by him)

    If not by him then by whom?

  12. Oh My Dog. Clarity!!!! Hey Clarity, good to see you!

    Well, I was doing a little exploring this morning and wandered over to DataLounge and did a little catching up on The Ass of Louis Tomlinson thread. Those guys have got all kinds of drama going on, don't they? And someone posted a gif of a moment where Harry was rubbing his eye for whatever reason and Louis started to reach out to him and abruptly, and I do mean abruptly pulled his hand back and touched his own hair or something, as if to remind himself that he wasn't allowed to touch Harry or show any kind of personal inclination.

    I'm sorry but you cannot get anymore obvious than that. I don't need anything else to tell me those 2 are still tight and hiding their relationship. But now they have been shoved into a tight closet. That's one of the saddest things I think I've ever seen.

    Louis and Harry pretty much came from regular folk. They don't have Jake's HW background and upbringing to have been in any way prepared for this kind of show biz reality of suppression and management dictatorship.

    Because that's exactly the kind of behavior that someone like Simon Cowell exhibits when they make two young men deny one another in the press and speak of disdain on anyone who "misinterprets simple friendship" into something else. Something as awful as love, I reckon, huh?

    It's these kinds of statements of "Stop thinking that!" that help make it so hard for our young people in high school and middle school. It gives power and intimidation to the bullies and how does it in any way help our gay youth? Can someone tell me how this helps our gay youth?

  13. If not by him then by whom?

    If I knew that, I think I would be living in his house or something because that's the only way I would be able to answer that question.

    There are some funny strange things going on with that account. There have also been some disclosures and revelations about how Louis and Harry don't have total control over their own twitter accounts.

    All it takes is to know the person's twitter email and password and you could sign into their twitter account from anywhere. It's not rocket science or something locked into a vault.

    Wow Tom, I was just reading about the taking down of the Joe Paterno statue at Penn State.

    There's all kinds of activity going on over there right now, isn't there?

  14. But Austin would see those tweets, if he had been hacked, and do something to correct it and mention it. And if they are coming from someone other than Austin, but on his behalf then he'd have to give them not only the okay but access to his password. I think he's doing all the tweeting and DMing. He's a little odd that boy.

  15. Yep saw them hauling off Old Joe this morning PG and well he should be. The message should be loud and clear. Child abuse is a horrendous crime and anyone who hurts a child or protects someone who has hurt a child should be punished to the max. Penn St football will not be the same for a long long time and thats ok by me.

    I love James Franco. Hung out with his double today:-) Life is good.

  16. Lips are so hot. I wonder whats Austin's taste like:-)
