Monday, July 9, 2012

Clean up on aisle 10

Did the beans get spilled about Jake in Austin and now there's clean up on aisle 10 all over the place looks like it.

After a week of Jake not being seen. He gopher pops up for ice cream in Toronto (and Blue Jays hat - hey better than the Yankees especially during a Sox/Yankees series weekend)  and then poof disappears.

Where does gopher Jake pop again?  Austin TX and there are not one, not two but  three Texas tweets.

Why Texas. Hmmmm.....Maybe some little longhorn?

And then suddenly Austin just has to stay in Paris.   How'd that happened?  Is there some French guy standing there say... NON!!!  as Austin tries to leave?

And what does it have to do with a tweet of Jake being seen at a hotel in Paris on the 7th?

Could Texas have been the cover and he's in Paris with his big tall Texan? 

 And what would they do?  Maybe the Tour de France?  Or maybe their own version of it.  (Those time trials could be fun fellas)
Jake in the leader jersey. Really?

Wherever they are and whatever they are doing ... there was a whole lot of work on Aisle 10 in the past 24 hours.

What do you think?


  1. Thanks to the neighbors over the hedge, credit goes to them for the tweet about the Paris hotel sighting and credit for translation to our own multi-lingual talent, M&M.

    The translation indicates that the sighting happened before the 7th. I tend to think that Jake was there prior to this past weekend and then came to Texas. I'm not going to go any further as to why I think he went to Texas but I have no doubt why he went there.

    I don't think people are going to make up Texas sightings. Those things came out of nowhere. And I don't think Jake would purposely be placed in Texas in order to distract from Paris. Because Texas = Austin N.

  2. But, I don't rule out anything.

    This was a very big slip; not sure if people fully realize how big. Leadville was huge because the guys had not been seen together for so long. This one was bad because the 2 guys have been reshelved back into the closet and have done everything they can to disassociate from each other ever since the financial backer and promise of "more blood" was announced for EOW.

    I hope there are not repercussions like there were for Leadville.

    Not sure what Austin meant by "life changing" in his tweet. But I hope that these 2 guys are getting close to ending all of this nonsense. They're wasting so many valuable, irretrievable months out of their lives. They won't fully realize until they're older but they will see. And it will be too late by that time.

    I've given up my 1D infatuation, which was rather intense but short-lived. After seeing and reading about beards, PR nonsense and puppetry, I said I was not doing that again. PR has already ruined Larry Tomlinson for me and I'm not even going to go there. For Jake and Austin, yeah. But that's enough; won't do it for anybody else again.

    But boy, that Harry Styles is without a doubt, one of the most truly beautiful guys I have ever seen.

  3. There's all kinds of something going on because of this past weekend.

    Was Austin having to stay in Paris something that made him make a life changing decision? Or did something happen with his hubs while together that like PG brings them closer to ending all this hide and seek.

    Thanks for all the tweets and translation that go sent to me together. I couldn't do it without you guys.

  4. Elementary, My Dear WatsonsJuly 9, 2012 at 10:34 PM

    Love the song too. :)

  5. ^^^ all this running around and working in Paris, Toronto, Austin, NYC and with NO CHILDREN?
    Hey, it is Summer!

    Summer - Kids!?!?

    Seems the two have plenty of time on their hands unlike many married couples with 5+ kids huh?

    Go figure

    ***Shakes head while lmao******

  6. Gotta make a fashion intervention.

    Jake - Shorts hitting you slightly below the knee and high tops do nothing to show off those long legs dear. You look like you have stump. (Which you don't) The only thing that could make it worse is adding a pair of Austin's knee socks.

  7. You're the one with closed eyes, 22:40. Not even explaining or filling in the blanks to people like you. You're a total waste of time and energy.

    Some of us see. We work at it because we don't expect the story to come to us on a silver platter. I don't feel bad any longer for withholding and not sharing. Tired of it. The day will come, mark my words.

    So go ahead, keep smarting off. You just keep piling on the kindling that's going to go up in the flames of humiliation someday.

    : )

  8. Seems the two have plenty of time on their hands unlike many married couples with 5+ kids huh?

    Parents go on brief holidays all the time together. Keep the home fires burning, if you will. The kids could very well have been with the grandparents in Austin, TX and that's why Jake flew back there. If you haven't noticed, these two are not a typical married couple. And, Jake looks haggard and weary most of the time. Along with being incredibly secretive. Not merely private, but actually CIA black ops stuff. Obviously, hiding something. Just like a closeted gay man might who is a parent of several children, but who doesn't want the world to know. The rest is PR smoke and mirrors.

  9. Thank you, Special. Jake looks like he's 4 feet tall in those shorts and Herman Munster tennis shoes.

    Aw, but he's so proud of those cargo camo shorts, lol. They are part of his leisure, R&R line of wear, after all, because that is when he has been spotted in them, under private, recreational circumstances.

    Right, M&M????

  10. I agree that Harry Styles is a beautiful creature. He sometimes takes my breath away. But, Louis T. isn't so bad himself. Golden and dazzling even. I feel for these two maybe much more than Jake and Austin. They are so young and continue to try to be loving toward one another in public. That Simon Cowell is the real jerk. The person who should be throttled and condemned for his bullying ways.

  11. Aw, but he's so proud of those cargo camo shorts, lol. They are part of his leisure, R&R line of wear, after all, because that is when he has been spotted in them, under private, recreational circumstances.

    Right, M&M????

    That is correct, PG. Jake has shown us several times now that those shorts are his own go to summer wear. His definition of casual attire. Whether he's eating ice cream, walking with a mystery woman or eating a subway sandwich. :-)

    Love Harry Styles too. But, it does seem like Louis is taking the heat right now for their rebellion during the final week of their tour in America. I guess if I can continue to put up with Jake's and Austin's nonsense, I think I can spare some tolerance for these two young men. I feel sad for them, but hope they can find a way to remain fundamentally true to themselves.

  12. The camo shorts do come in handy, with all those pockets to be able to carry all those things Jake might need. You think there's some wipes in one of those pockets along with all his phones and couple toys?

  13. Nah, Louis can be pretty exquisite himself, I agree. Liam is also quite extraordinarily handsome as well.

    It's stupid what management is doing. I don't blame the guys but they need to understand and be aware of what they're signing to.

    My candle burned out so fast and furious, couldn't control it. but it was a blast while it lasted! **shrugs shoulders**

  14. love and happinessJuly 9, 2012 at 11:32 PM

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  15. Troll explosion on Aisle 8. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL. No there's nothing going on here at all. Just thousands of clues that Jake and Austin are in a loving relationship and are raising a family together. Why that bothers you...who knows? There are no lies, only your delusions. Jake must be heterosexual for you to accept him. That is really sick. It's obvious that things have NOT turned out the way you wanted them to. No splashy Reese and Jake happily ever after wedding on the cover of People Magazine. No Taylor Swift fairy tale with glitter and hearts lining their path everywhere they go, and sadly ***sniff*** no Minka forever after. Jake's in love, just not with the person you want him to be attached to. I think you're the one who might need some Lexapro soon.

  16. Interesting that Jake was seen in Paris. I wish the tweet had said what hotel but I guess that would have given away his privacy. Just curious whether it was an out of the way spot or not.

  17. Troll is wasting his/her time with this flag waving of Ted.

    Hear this.

    We do not need Ted. We don't need Ted to follow Jake and/or Austin. Ted hasn't been a help for over a year now. If you would notice, Ted hasn't even mentioned Toothy Tile or Grey Goose since that hotel nonsense and we've been informing and calling out on Jake numerous times since then.

    You can keep waving, Troll but your flag is at half mast, if that. lol

  18. Maybe you need to be trying to track your boy down instead of obsessing over Ted.

    Because he seems to be MIA.

  19. Nervous much about Ted imploding? Thought so!

  20. Actually when Ted makes his comeback the opportunity for more Toothy Tile fun will come with less of the stringent restrictions set by Eonline.

  21. you been dreamin' alot lately gurl

  22. Parents go on brief holidays all the time together. Keep the home fires burning, if you will.

    Sorry, these two are away from each other at least 98% of the year. Sorry that you can't accept that them secretly meeting with others are a more rational reason, but again, you just can't quit the two together I know.

    The kids could very well have been with the grandparents in Austin, TX and that's why Jake flew back there. If you haven't noticed,

    Not buying it. And you don't buy that convenient excuse either. This is 2012, not the 50's or 60's. What grandparents are gonna raise, yes "Raise" 5+ kids while t their parents run around the world (using your words)-playing straight and hanging out with everyone and their children except their own. Only a stupid grandparent would. Not a chance!
    Sell that idea to someone else.

    If you haven't noticed, these two are not a typical married couple.

    Yeah, I've noticed.
    Noticed that they Are NOT Married!!


  23. Now you believe the Jake in Austin tweets but question tweets where Jake is supposedly seen in other cities not near Austin N?
    Of course of course.
    How convenient. Of course

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  26. Nah, I ain't even bothering. Let'em worry their fingernails down to the bone. It's entertaining.

  27. @ Prairiegirl,

    Regarding: Thanks to the neighbors over the hedge, credit goes to them for the tweet about the Paris hotel sighting…

    Hi! I don’t normally post here but now I feel somewhat “responsible” for the France Sighting so would just like to clarify it a bit.

    It was not a “Paris hotel sighting” – it came from a sports journalist who follows the Tour de France (who spoke about his colleague thinking he’d seen Jake). They are on-route with the cyclist who were riding from Tomblaine to La Planche des Belles Filles on the 7th (Stage 7) – located near the Swiss border and around 300-350 miles from Paris.

    The translation indicates that the sighting happened before the 7th.
    Actually the tweeter is clearly writing in present tense (saying it’s the hotel they’re currently staying at – i.e. on the 7th). The journalists move along the tour-route and so are unlikely to be spending many days in the same hotel (although I guess a few days are possible).

    I know this probably wont make any difference in your analysis of the situation but I would just like to get the facts (and locations) correct.

    Hope it’s okay I chimed in… now I shall jump back across the hedge!

  28. Okay, Hi Again!!

    In the interest of actually getting the facts right I’d like to interrupt once more. I think I got the distance wrong! For some reason the travel site quoted the driving distance from Basel (?) so I’d like to revise my above statement. Seems the distance is more around 200 miles from Paris (but I’m not entirely sure + it’s not clear where on the route they stayed).

    Anyway, glad I cleared that up! Have a nice day :)

  29. Beware of trolls bearing gifts

  30. Thank you, everyone, appreciate the extra input. Don't worry, we didn't take the tweet at simple face value. 3 of us have gotten pretty experienced at checking things out as thoroughly as we can.

    Actually, we're still looking at it a little further.

    Nothing is cast in marble or stone yet. We're always open to further disclosure and information to help solidify a firm answer.

  31. typing out two posts abd then deleting = "bothering"

    Jack, you need to get a life and stop obsessing about me.

    Sometimes the author deletes their comment because of a bad type-o. Sometimes they change their mind for whatever reason and take it down.

    This is a privilege you get when you register. You get the authority to delete your own comment.

    It's not always about you or someone blowing a fuse.

    Believe it or not.

  32. Too close for comfortJuly 10, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    I think the plain fact is that what is really worrying the trolls has to do with Jake being seen in Austin, TX three times and now France. Too much of an Austin Nichols connection to be merely a coincidence. His people haven't allowed Jake to be seen in Austin, TX on his own, since forever. Highly unlikely that there would be three mistaken sightings within a 24 hour period. The Toronto and NY tweets have been proven, too many times to count, to be often PR planted.

    Basically, no way would Jake's people make up a tweet of him in Austin, TX. Or, France, for that matter. For Jake to be seen in France at the same time that Austin is known to be there is BIG. That's why all the huffing and puffing.

  33. Actually the tweeter is clearly writing in present tense (saying it’s the hotel they’re currently staying at – i.e. on the 7th).

    Actually, that is not necessarily correct. The tweeter indicated that his friend thought he had seen "believes he has seen Jake Gyllenhaal at the hotel we are staying in." In other words, he very well could have seen Jake the day before. Stage 5-6 of the Tour de France was in Rouen Saint Quentin, and Épernay. In other words we are looking at Northern France, which is definitely within the vicinity of Paris. By car, the distance from Paris to Rouen, is about about a ninety minute drive, for instance. Épernay the same. Jake would have been taking a risk even being with Austin so it would make since that they would get a hotel off the beaten path, within a 1-3 hour drive from Paris.

  34. Actually, that is not necessarily correct. The tweeter indicated that his friend thought he had seen "believes he has seen Jake Gyllenhaal at the hotel we are staying in." In other words, he very well could have seen Jake the day before. Stage 5-6 of the Tour de France was in Rouen Saint Quentin, and Épernay. In other words we are looking at Northern France,

    That's a very good point. I know, for a fact, that Jake and Lance Armstrong used a helicopter to fly into certain venues in July 2006 when they were at the Tour de France. That would cut the travel distance between cities considerably, as well.

  35. Wow the three amigos. That seems like such a long time ago. Jake brought instant rumors into that friendship and the trio had to go their seperate ways. Def could see Jake running over to France to join Austin for some Tour de France.

  36. @ Methodical Muser,

    I guess everything is possible and maybe he was referring to previous stages – though I still think it referred to their current hotel location on the 7th. Still, I don’t doubt the driving distance is possible from Paris – I just wanted to clarify that it was not a “Paris Hotel” and Jake was not actually “seen in Paris” (as was stated by posters above).

    Jake would have been taking a risk even being with Austin so it would make since that they would get a hotel off the beaten path, within a 1-3 hour drive from Paris.

    Yes, he would have been taking a risk so I personally find it unlikely that they would stay in any hotel that also hosted the tour-entourage – which is full of reporters. Actually, I don’t think there is any event in the world with more press coverage than the Tour at the moment. It is hardly off the beaten path, so to me it sounds a bit odd that two closeted men (who are trying to disguise their whereabouts) would hide in the midst of that press circus.

    Anyway, I didn't mean to discuss our different interpretations/ conclusions reached from the (limited) tweet information – I doubt we’ll ever fully agree on that :P

  37. I dont know M and M I might disagree with that. I think it might me easier to blend in with such a huge crowd. Especially at an event like the Tour de France. Jake and Austin do take an occasional risk.

  38. Yes, he would have been taking a risk so I personally find it unlikely that they would stay in any hotel that also hosted the tour-entourage – which is full of reporters.

    No one said Jake was staying at the hotel. The reporter just said that his friend/colleague thought he saw him in the same hotel that they (the reporters) were staying at. Jake could have snuck in to use the bathroom for all we know. And, Jake is a risk-taker. He made a point of being seen with Austin in January of this year, even leaving in the same car together, and Austin let everyone know he was at the Berlinale with Jake. As Tom says, the guys do take risks. This could very well be another example of that kind of adventurous behavior.

  39. It figures that a big old closet case like Simon Cowell would crack down on the 1D boys.

  40. Oh yeah, Dest, it's pretty bad. Poor Louis didn't even get to go home after the tour. He got sent to France with the beard.

    Just ridiculous.

  41. HA HA HA HA

    Sometimes this feels like we're playing games like on Cheers. Remember when Sam Malone & the gang of Cheers would battle it out with the other bar upstairs, trying to one-up them? lol

    I believe mr. Austy is most definitely still in beautiful, romantic Pareeee.

    I must put down the flag waver for awhile. And bring out......Pepe!!!!


  42. Well, tonight is the All Star game. I'm going to have to check it out since it is in my hometown, sort of.

    Kauffman Stadium is a great ballpark. It's not Wrigley, but it's still pretty nice.

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  44. Pepé Le Pew!!! That's genius, PG. Truly inspired. Including the Looney Tunes tie-in. HA! Fits Austin and Jake to a T.

    Yeah, Simon Cowell is one of the biggest closeted cases around. I remember how he kept trying to downplay/discourage Adam Lambert on American Idol. Making comments laced with innuendo about him being too theatrical, too flamboyant, too too. In other words, Cowell was implying that "You're too gay, Adam. Might as well pack it in." Funny, how hardly a anyone remembers Kris Allen, but second place Adam Lambert is doing quite well in terms of critical reviews and album sales and is even being rumored to be a judge on AI next season. Likewise, One Direction came in third on X-Factor and yet they are about the hottest band around these days. Essentially, the wider public keeps saying they don't care whether an artist is gay or not, but the power structures refuse to crumble.

    All in all, SC is a bitter old man, who can't stand how these young men are openly affectionate and tender with one another. It will be an interesting story to follow. Sending Louis to France with the beard , when he was so looking forward to being with his mother and sisters was true vindictiveness. Talk about a bottom feeder.

  45. Time to tell the powers that be to stick it up their you know what. Until the talent that actually makes the money says enough it will continue.

  46. You could have got me tickets PG.

    Go National league.

  47. Starting pitcher for the National league will be Matt Cain.

  48. Perfect game...Matt Cain.

    And Buster Posey will be the catcher. The Eastern teams are a bit miffed that the West Coast is finally being recognized this year.
