Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's all about the Details

Looks like Jake is going to be on the cover of September Details magazine.
It's been a while since we have seen him in Details.

A Brokeback while - like December 2005

Speaking of back the cover says Jake's back.  Back from where?  Back to where? 

And why Details now?  


  1. "Back from where? Back to where?"

    That isn't first time that question has been asked about the cover. I actually get. It's been way over a year since Jake was seen in movie and during that period of time he seemed to have disappeared off the Hollywood map. His fans may have been following him, but in terms of the bigger picture, he did appear to have vanish from the limelight. After making EOW, which was a year ago, he took Jake months to find a new film project before actually making it. Yes he did that music video and was a judge for the Berlin Film Festival. But in terms of movies it's been a long time for Jake. So yeah I can understand the question of the cover.

    Speaking of covers: I like 2005's better then 2012's. In the earlier one Jake looks playful, devilish and appears to be having a good time. In the new issue, Jake looks bored, tired, and completely uninterested. Maybe that was his intention. That he was trying to be brooding and serious. It didn't work for me. In fact he looks a great deal older then he actually is. He's only 31 but he looks as if he's in his mid-30's in that photo.

    As for him appearing on the cover at this time, I think it has everything to do with EOW opening in September. I'm sure this is apart of the publicity machine at promoting the film. With apologies to Michael Penz, Jake will be the true face of EOW and he will be the selling point towards the film's success at the box office.


  2. If I may say so, I do not believe for a minute that this is the Just Passing By who has posted here about a handful of times. The grammar/spelling mistakes are a giveaway.

  3. But whatever.

    I agree. He looks disinterested. Sort of disgruntled. Punching the clock, so to speak.

    You know, at work we have this employee who works out on the floor. He's one of the unhappiest, crabbiest, just unpleasant guys. He always sits in the back of our big group meetings and at the end of the meeting, he's always had a gripe or snarky question/comment. You pass him out in the plant or on the sidewalk, in the parking lot and he never smiles, never says hi. I gave up long time ago even smiling at him. He's very, very unpleasant and just brings down a room.

    For me, Jake has reached this point with countless, endless photos of non-smiling, "brooding" stares. It would be just as well for him to take his toys and go home. Go home, Jake, where you're happiest. Stay away from the paps and stop posing for pictures.

    And don't come back until you're ready to bring something to the table.

  4. he's not miserable all the timeJuly 26, 2012 at 11:42 PM

    I dunno, he seems <a href="> pretty smiley, non-broody</a> in that pic.

  5. Found this at a tumblr account discussing Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson:

    A “Beard” is a term used by many gay people which is basically having a female in their life to cover up a gay person or a gay-leaning bisexual male. Gays along with gay-leaning bisexuals have been known to have a beard as young as 13 years of age, from some studies involving suicide notes of teens who committed suicide due to concerns over their (homo/bi) sexuality.

    The use of beards has long been a favorite strategy of celebrity agents and publicists, often recommended to, or imposed upon, a male celebrity.

    Sometimes the beard is even paid a single payment or a salary to play the role.

    The “beard” strategy has often been combined with leaked stories/pictures to selected reporters regarding liaisons between gay celebrities and females (beards or otherwise), which often then showed up in various rags. Today, these strategies are sometimes combined with paying Internet surfers for their opinions to combat fans or fanbases who say their favorite celebrity is gay/bisexual.

    Taking this a bit further, upon the recommendation of agents/publicists, some gay or gay-leaning bisexual celebrities hire call girls, and pay them primarily to spread stories about their (heterosexual) prowess throughout the community.

    However, there are always people in a celebrity’s life who know the truth, and that truth often bubbles to the surface, either from the celebrity’s own community, or the community of friends which the celebrity frequents.

    If that fails, and when a young gay actor refuses to remain closeted, then there is a “nude pictures” trick which can be used. The nude pictures trick is where someone gets the young actor into a position where unflattering nude pictures can be taken of him, and then those pictures are used as blackmail for the whole career of the young actor, forcing the young actor to remain closeted, whether he likes it or not.

    The agents, publicists, celebrities, etc., who do these things are not necessarily bad people, often they simply don’t understand that their efforts are contributing to the disproportionate numbers of gay/bi teen suicides, and many of them simply do what they are doing for money, or for recognition.

  6. not miserable all the timeJuly 26, 2012 at 11:44 PM

    Let me try that again.

    pretty smiley, non-broody in that pic.

  7. I don't know if anyone has been following the whole Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart PR mess, but it is just one more flagrant example in a long line of them of how to fool the public into thinking that a couple is real.

    Apparently, now that the Twilight series is about to conclude, PR has to figure out a way to break these two franchise performers up without having fans catch on that they were being used and manipulated to get them to buy movie tickets all along by selling them as an "in love" couple in real life. Soooo, instead of just breaking them up like Soapy and Austin, which the timing would have looked more than suspicious, PR has appeared to manufacture a splashy and disgusting story of Stewart having an affair with a married man with two young children. It is disturbing to, once again, see how the image machine works. PR would rather depict their gay/bisexual clients as home-wreckers and sexually promiscuous (i.e. slutty) than have them simply be true to who they are.

  8. LOL. Whatever, 23:44. You just hold onto that one.


    Well, looks like our wolf in sheep's clothing has no one to talk to elsewhere yet persists in coming here to OMG, desperate for conversation.

    We have nothing further to say to one another. One more day in the workweek. Maybe. It may not be one of those 5 o'clock whistle Fridays for the ol' PG. But we'll see. It could be. Big Buddy is back tomorrow after being gone all week so it'll be fun to have him back.

  9. prairiegirl said...
    If I may say so, I do not believe for a minute that this is the Just Passing By who has posted here about a handful of times. The grammar/spelling mistakes are a giveaway.

    Actually prairiegirl it is me. I wrote that comment so fast I didn't proofread it like I normally do before actually posting it. Only then did I see my errors. My mistake. It won't happen again. LOL!!

  10. Ohhhh wow, huh, well I was going to say, it didn't read like you at all.

    I noticed today, M&M, that they've already got Pattinson "moving out" and their relationship will never recover, blah blah.

    They extricated themselves from that whole multi-year "relaysh" with the speed of a tweet. Pffftt!!! Done-o! On to the next! Boy, they could hardly wait, could they?

    I can see right through that nonsense.

  11. Couldn't agree moreJuly 27, 2012 at 4:57 AM

    I agree M & M. That whole story about Robert Pattinson "leaves" Kristen Stewart after her "affair" with a married man is ridiculous. Blah blah, blah. Sickening really. I was wondering how they were going to break these two up. Better that someone gay or bisexual be a slut and an insensitive boob than in a loving same sex relationship. Of course the talent who continue to allow themselves to be portrayed that way are not blameless either. They, in fact, help to continue the idea that one needs to be ashamed of being gay. It's alright, however, to be a douchebag evidently. Funny, how Stewart and Pattinson's "relationship" was always cloaked in mystery for years and years, yet now we know every single detail about why they are breaking up:

    So it was Stewart's gut-wrenching apology to Pattinson, punctuated by her double "I love him, I love him," that shocked in its bare expression of emotion nearly as much as her admission of a fling with Rupert Sanders, the married director of Snow White and the Huntsman.

    So how did Stewart, 22, get from private love to public pain? And were there any signs along the way? Here's a timeline of the key events leading up to the cheating scandal....

    PR anyone? LOL!

  12. What I really don't is that the Pattinson Stewart thing is news, as in legitimate news at the top of the hour and for three days?

  13. Jackie thought she could treat the posters here like shit. She didn't care because there were enough posters to make WFT look popular (LOL). Karma's a bitch. Now poor Jackie has no-one to treat like shit, as everyone has bailed. All she can do is post tweets. Not even Jack the troll bothers coming here anymore. Oh such delicious irony!

  14. ^^ the issue is: people are tired of WFT or Waiting for ToothyTile, this includes OMG also.

    There are no pictures of:

    1 babies
    2 Jake and Austin together as a couple
    3 J/A seen as happy
    4 J/A living on separate coast
    5 the ridiculous/crazy fantasy of
    J/A having 5 or more children
    6 Waiting for What? Jake nor Austin are coming out as Gay

    People are bored to death of this and they have better things to do with thier lives than follow 2 guys who could care less

    Have you noticed the comments on OMG have been low also, and without PG running her mouth, no one talks except the 3 or 4 regulars occasionally. Other fans have left also, not just at WFT2.

  15. Good morning trolly

  16. Good God !

    Another troll flapping their lips like the clapper on a goose's ass.

    It's summer... and most of the news on Jake and Austin is scarce at best, so not as much to comment on for the most part.

    If something major happened that would be of import then I'm sure you'd be see the multitudes that lurk and stay informed here would drop by to comment and say hello as always.

    Go back under your bridge and continue talking to yourself, brushing your long stringy orange hair and scaring all the kiddies now trolly.

    Cheers to the OMG gang, past, present and future.

  17. The funny thing about trolls is that they don't realize how much they reveal about themselves when writing nasty, negative comments.

    After all if one is truly comfortable in believing in something there's no need to attack those who feel differently, unless you feel slightly uncomfortable with the possibility that those who are speaking opposite to your own opinion, may actually be speaking the truth. There's no need to attack negatively, unless you feel threatened in some fashion, with a possible truth you don't wish to deal with. And that's exactly the type of impression trolls give off when writing those negative comments.

    I'll be completely honest. I don't think Jake is gay. I don't think he's in a long-term relationship with Austin. And no, I don't think they kids together. But you know what? If others feel differently and truly believe Jake is gay and that he and Austin have children together, why the hell should I have a problem with that?

    Why should that upset me? Why should that be an issue with me? What harm is that doing to me in regards to being a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal? Nothing. It's not doing a thing to me. Mainly because I'm not one of those type of fans that feel the need to place Jake on a pedestal and worship him like he's a saint and run around protecting him as if the idea of others believing he's gay is the ultimate crime against Jake Gyllenhaal.

    I think overall Jake is probably a very nice person but I'm certain he has his own flaws and imperfections and at times can be a royal pain in the ass, both professionally and personally.

    After all NONE OF US know the real Jake Gyllenhaal. He could be straight, he could be gay, he could be bisexual. Hell he could be into S&M and bondage for all we know. We don't have windows to his bedroom nor to his personal life. And until we do, everyone has a right to their opinions, but they shouldn't have to be attack by trolls, who sole purpose is to cause trouble.

    If you wish to add seriously to the discussion, fine, write an intelligent comment explaining why you feel strongly in your opinion. If not then keep quiet because ultimately the trolls are the ones who will come off looking foolish. And I don't think anyone likes to come off looking foolish even in the faceless world of the internet. At least I would hope not.

