Monday, August 13, 2012

Dangerous Life

A little danger for the night:

First there's Austin's tweet last night.

 A shark swam underneath me last week. Turned around, came back at me. Came within 5 feet. It spooked and swam away. That was my #sharkweek  

Now Austin are you using Twitter like a GPS, because the only shark sightings lately have been up on Cape Cod.

Unless you're talking about the grown up pool somewhere HW.

One more thing Austy:

As Tracey Jordan says:

What did you think it was going to be:

 "I love cornbread so much I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant."

Baby - you love coffee cake and honestly it's just too late for that.

 Uh oh...that's getting into some dangerous territory. .....

Speaking of dangerous territory....

Here's  Red Band trailer for EoW.

It is raw, intense and it's Red Band for a reason. EoW is bringing the reality of what it's like on the beat in LA.


  1. Well, it's shark night out in Twitterland right now and that's Jake's little half ass being chewed up by ol' Tay Swifty's fans.

    Her cd album art and title were released today along with a sneak peek at her first single and of course the conclusion is it's about Jake for this and that reason, which I'm not even going into.

    What I can't get is why WME would let a client of theirs be dragged through town behind a horse like they're allowing Jake to be. Granted, the whole debacle started under CAA but this Army-led Justice For Her mob is under WME influence.

    What a huge mistake it was to ever get mixed up with her and he's still paying for it.

    Jake is really taking it hard on Twitter tonight. It is brutal with a capital B.

  2. Talk about rough, choppy waters.

    I didn't realize Shark Week was an actual TV show on Discovery Channel. I would freak out if I saw a shark up close.

    Goodnight all.

  3. We've had a lot of shark sightings up here in MA. Including the guy who got his legs chomped on by a Great White off the coast of Turo. The first time in over 70 years. The reason for all the sharks up here this year. All the seals that are hanging out on Cape vacations.

  4. "I am fate with a badge and a gun. Protecting the prey from the predators. The good from the bad."

    Jake's voice over that opens up the trailer.

  5. Dope, Money and GunsAugust 14, 2012 at 9:50 AM

    Wow! Impressive, Jake and Michael!

    And Happy 5th Birthday to OMG!

  6. So sad about Ron Palillo -Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter.

    Oooo Oooo Mr. Kotter!!!


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. NG

    I have not deleted you at all. What may have happened is that it got caught in Blogger span filter.

    I would not delete you NG.

    Let me go back and see where the comment is.

  9. I don't see the comment NG. But I invite you to repost it. I don't know what blogger did with it.

    I know you and I know what you post is not offensive or trollish.

    I am going to close the comments on this post and you can post on the new post of the day.

    My apologies if your feelings were hurt, it was not intentional at all.
