Friday, August 17, 2012

Grocery Man

With Jake back to work, do you think Austin is doing the grocery shopping?

I'm doing the shopping... I'm doing the shopping
Frozen burritos, pizza rolls, ice cream....ohhh no none of that....

Hey - I am buying vegetables!

Heh heh heh... parsnips.... 
 Jake will totally let me go shopping again.

 Damn ..... I forgot the kale.

 Maybe if I eat this apple for him, he'll forget about the kale.

Who am I kidding... I have to go back for kale.

Excuse me, Excuse me ...  kale emergency here.
Move mother, the man needs kale.

Happy Austin Friday.


  1. Walmart or Whole FoodsAugust 18, 2012 at 1:40 AM

    With Jake back to work, do you think Austin is doing the grocery shopping?

    No. How can he, why should he?

    They don't live together and they live on separate coast. If they visit each other it would be fair to say any of the two could buy the groceries while the other relax. But, they don't live together Special.

  2. Ha ha.

    You chain puller, Special!

    Hmm, some people seem a little edgy lately.

    Oh well.

  3. You know, funny thing that my brother used to do when the kids were much smaller. Whenever his wife was ill for a few days or her work was going to cause several late nights, what did my brother do?

    He called Mom & Dad. Oh, emergency, emergency!! Could they come down and help. LOL. And that's all you had to tell my mom. Boy, they were packing their bags and the Cavalry was headed down the road!! Gone.

    Of course, it got better as they got older, but when they were pretty little, my brother sought out help immediately until the primary caretaker was back at the helm.

    Sometimes the one in need goes to the Cavalry for awhile instead of the other way around. May work out better that way for all parties involved.

    **♫♪ whistles ♪♪**

  4. Houston, we have a Red Alert. Red Alert!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Now why would Jake be heading to Texas. Must be that Austin forgot the kale. LOL

    Great find PG.

    Sounds like a very happy family weekend.

  7. He could be leaving and headed back to NYC

  8. That could be true too PG. I didn't think it that way.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. LOL, sorry about that, false alarm!

    Let's see, how different shades can a face turn?

    Sorry about that, Special!! Got a little too excited.

    As you were! Nothing to see here! Shades of Leslie Nielsen.

  11. Well you win some and you lose some.

  12. Yup, I did not do my proper homework. Lost out on the "Jake" tweet, but there is still some Texas action going on.

    Well, that was exciting for a moment. Then the big crash. LOLLL!!

  13. Same pattern. Jake is working and Austin is not.

  14. If your "pattern" holds true it looks like Austin won't be working for the forseeable future.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Yes I did Jack or whoever you are. I did not realize you were in love with Jake. Sorry.

  17. It really doesnt bother me that anyone knows my name. I am an open book loser.

  18. Thanks for thinking of me SK. But it was ok. Nothing to hide.

    Great to be free of secrets. I have never felt more comfortable in my skin:-)

    Yeah I do silly things sometime. Probably will again.

  19. I wonder why Jake has never taken a female date to a movie premiere. Seems kind of funny.

  20. Troll, you WILL NOT intimidate us.

    You need to excuse yourself and go back to that blog that you helped ruin.

    You're not stopping us.

    You're not silencing us.

    It's not our fault that you aren't getting or seeing what you want from Jake right now. We are not the source of your unhappiness or anger.

    Troll has nothing else right now so he goes for the low blow, the cheap low shot. The intimidation factor.

    Troll WILL NOT win. We are stronger and we will keep on ticking.

  21. Troll doesn't even deserve to be called by name. He's just "Troll". That's it.

  22. What do you consider a cheap shot low blow?

  23. Talyor and Jake are never never ever getting back together. What a stupid song:-)

  24. Ur right PG. Like they say in boxing. U gotta be able to take a hit. Plus troll has no punch.

  25. I'm really happy that you're at peace with who you are Tom. But it's also very selfish of you to go around posting on websites that require a FB login to comment where anyone can click on your name and be taken to your own FB page. What they'll find is your FB friends list open to the public. I have a feeling not all your FB friends would appreciate strangers scrolling through that list. Am I right?

  26. I have nothing to hide from my facebook friends. My facebook friends whose profile is open to the public have nothing to hide. Those to have their pages closed to the public you can not get to.

  27. If you do check out my friends and family notice that several are in the law enforcement agency. One is actually now in the FBI. Check it out might interest you.

  28. Facebook is actually a very public blog. Those who are members know that. Anyone can just type in a name and if u have a page it can be viewed. of course anyone who chooses to keep their profile private are able to do that. Thought you might know that actually.

  29. Nice to know you have a facebook account. Anyone can be tracked once they do. Just made a call on that one.

  30. It can be done. Any crime that is committed as far as harrassment can be tracked.

    The best advice I got is never friend anyone you dont know.

  31. Is someone harassing you on your Facebook page?

  32. Changing your privacy settings helps too.

  33. My nephew told me that the best way to avoid harrassment is to never friend someone unless you are 100% sure who they are.

  34. It is easy to change who can view your profile. Go to ur homepage and right where you would post a comment you will see a little arrow on the right bottom that points down. Click that and it will give you a list who can view ur profile. Again never friend anyone you dont know.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. lol said...
    Is someone harassing you on your Facebook page?

    Someone is trying to scare me by saying he can view my friends profiles. He can only view them if my friends choose tohave their profiles viewed by the public. He cant harrass them unless they frend him.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
