Saturday, August 4, 2012

Knit one, Pearl Too?

 Welcome to the show Austin

Hey Jake , welcome to the show

 I'm admiring your tie is that a knit?

I think it is.

You know you have to appreciate a tie that you can make yourself.  I can fold a napkin into a tie, but that really doesn't count.  It's just in case I dribble while drinking.

You know Jake that tie looks really familiar.

 Are you saying I've wearing somebody's tie?

Well I remember liking Austin's that's all I'm saying.

Did he knit yours too?  Or were you taking up  knitting  ties? 

This is your first late night interview  isn't it Austin.  You know it customary to bring the host a gift when you come on.

Ahhhh wellll....

You know Jake brought me a gift. My very own Lego.

Well let's see I could send you Season 8 of OTH,  or give you the only season of JFC... but Jimmy you look like you're more of a Holiday in the Sun type of guy.

You mean Jake didn't get a Lego of you?  Wow, I feel special then.

You could give me your tie.

Well I can't give it to you per se,  but could get you one I guess.

Are you going to make Jake knit me one?

Austin said he could give me his tie.  It is because it's yours ? Or did he just borrow yours when he came here?

Well Jimmy it's like this.... Ties have been around one form or another for thousands of years.  I was just reading a book about them.

Nice try Jake.

So Lego's.   Hey I like Lego's - Let' Play Jimmy

 OMG Olympics

Full Moon Run.

Not running under a full moon,  But a run where the challenge is to moon.  Degree of difficulties for moving vehicles, in front of party buses, on set, and back flips into the Pacific Ocean. 


  1. Hellloooooo, helllloooo, hellloooo!!!! helloooo....hello. Is anybody out there??????? Mouseketeer roll call, Now!!!!!

    Wow. Some sprinkles tonight, a double rainbow, a cool breeze and 83 degrees. Everyone was outside, staring at the rainbow, enjoying the breeze and driving with the car windows down.

    It was Paradise!!!! lol

    83 is Heaven!!! Nearly felt like dancing in the street. 83 Rocks!!!!!

    Look at Picture #15.

    Just look at that.

    Just look.

    He was an incredible young man of absolute beauty. That era of Jake continues to be the standard that, for me, remains unsurpassed. When I see that picture, I'm just...I'm just blown away.

    Not Harry Styles. Not Tom Daley. Not anybody can surpass the incredible beauty and sexual aura that Jake had from head to toe.

    A beautiful ship that has so long faded away into the sunset......

    **sigh**. Aw Special, I wasn't so much into the ties but wow, I really enjoyed those pictures. What a David moment back in time.

  2. Correction - it was a double rainbow tonight. And it was a huge one.

    I mean, you could see a ton of color bands. Usually, you see just your basic 3 or so colors. This one you could see violets in there. It was a really big rainbow, all the way from one side to the other. People were staring at it like we were seeing one for the first time or something. lol. A real Kodak moment.

  3. brown is the new brownAugust 5, 2012 at 12:22 AM

    Wasn't Austin's tie black? Jake's was brown, to match the brown suit he was wearing. I just watched that appearance the other night off my DVR on my HDTV.

  4. Wasn't Austin's tie black?

    Can't put anything over on you. However, Jake and Austin did start wearing knitted ties around the same time and Jake has been seen and photographed with a black knitted tie on many occasions. Never mind all the other wardrobe "exchanges" over the years.

  5. Just like with the splashy Mumford and Sons stories that flooded the Internet midweek, I noticed that once those two tweets appeared that placed Jake in California (Bay Area),one as early as Monday, and one last night, now we have tons of publicity assuring us, once again, that Jake is really in NY today.

    Yet, we know that on special occasions Jake has been known to slip back into California to celebrate like the In N' Out Burger sighting in May, during Jake and Austin's ten anniversary together. And, now I do believe there is a little Gyllenichols birthday celebration about this time of year.

  6. Holy moley, M&M just told me that the hot Jake pics on Jimmy Kimmel were from 2009. Just 2009, early Dec 2009. That was only 3 years ago!!

    The PoP doll pics took place in May 2010. That is only 6 months and look how different he looks.

    Wow. I was thinking the Hot pics were probably from 2005 or so.

  7. One example: The GQ cover from May 2010 (Probably shot in March/April)had the black knitted tie in evidence.

  8. Less than three years actually. I think Jake looked so good in December 2009 because the Reeke contract was, for all intents and purposes, ovah!

  9. Ol' M&M, she is virtually a time machine Rolodex file.

    Darn autocorrect! It messed up my original comment!

  10. Ol' M&M, she is virtually a time machine Rolodex file.

    Thanks...I think?

  11. And, now I do believe there is a little Gyllenichols birthday celebration about this time of year.

    Hmmmmm. Maybe that is what this tweet is about?

    Jake Gyllenhaal‏@JakeGyllenhaal1

    @AUS10NICHOLS AUS10 , guess my invite was lost in the mail, but better late than never 2 a party!

    4:49 PM - 4 Aug 12via web · Embed this Tweet

  12. Ah oh a Kennedy boy might be Gay. He is supposingly dating Talyor Swift. He is a cutie.

    Jake and Talyor was an legendary romance. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet or Anthony and Cleopatra.

    I have never seen two people more in love than Jake and Reese. It is so funny that Reese had a real boyfrind all along.

  13. Well, they first tried to float ol' Tay with Patrick Schwarzenegger. They had her on the Kennedy yacht, strolling with him (that seems to be the new catch phrase for possible future canoodling, this "stroll" business).

    They tried to make a big deal out of that 4th of July weekend, it was all about her and Patrick.

    All of a sudden now, it's about her and Conner. Something bombed about the Tay and Patrick business and now it's another member of the Kennedy clan.

    Ol' Tay's reputation for bearding, though, brings that kind of reaction. She brings speculation now upon whoever it is that she is linked to. The Renee Zellweger's, Minka Kelly's and now Sophia Bush give me a cause to pause.

  14. Lovin your pictures and your take on things as always Special!

    Two handsome boys in knit ties, funny how that has the possibility of stirring up the natives under the bridge.


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  16. Well, this is kind of interesting. Another celebration this weekend in California.

    Natalie Portman was married this weekend to Benjamin Millepied, reportedly near Big Sur CA according to US Weekly.

  17. Natalie was quite a catch. I wonder why Jake wasn't interested?

  18. Hmmm that is very interesting PG.

  19. Of course Jake and Austin were at the wedding.
