Thursday, August 2, 2012


Jake was seen last night backstage at the Mumford & Son's show, along with Carey Mulligan and Emma Watson.

Of course Carey is supporting her newlywed husband.  Emma hanging out with people who speak proper English.  And Jake?  Well that seems to need a top ten list.

The Top Ten Reasons Jake was backstage at the Mumford & Son Show

10. Jay-Z and Kayne out of town and Jake was tired to Watching the Throne with no one on it.

9. Riding the subway earlier made him jonesing for a Railroad Revival.

8. Too much hip hop lately needed some banjos. 

7. Heard Emma was going and wanted to see if there really was an alternative ending to the Harry Potter movie, like he saw on some tumblr.

6. Out back to school shopping, heard their song on the radio, and just found himself ending up there.

5. The black and camo too much, he wanted to remember a lighter time when it was light and tan.

4.Needed some quiet time, and the Mumford Show was quieter than at home most nights.

3. Knew they would have great organic snacks and no one would make fun of his kale chip creation.

2.Needed to keep his ear for his English accent for the play,  so he hung out with a bunch of Brits to make his more confusing to pinpoint.

And the number 1 reason

1. Wanted to blow something 

OMG Olympics

It is the sport of kings.. okay maybe geese.  Rubber Boot Racewalking.  The object is to walk not run as quickly as possible from a variety of unexpected obstacles that pop up and not make it look obvious.  Hurricanes,  "Ex-girlfriends",  television cameras,  paparazzi, Steeler Fans with Terrible Towels.


  1. 8. Too much hip hop lately needed some banjos. 

    Right. Because Rufus and Frank Ocean are sooooooo hip hop. But, you know, not.

  2. Lighten up! It's called comedic license.

  3. Not so fast.

    What do you think Knaan is if not hip hop? That's where that sentence came from, not so comedic. JaZ ring a bell? Oh and let us not forget Kim Kardashion' s walking companion, otherwise known as One Who Feels In Need Of A Beard, Kanye West.

    These are all people Jake has been associating himself with because they're in the hip hop music industry and why would that be? Because his upcoming, soon to be released movie, End of Watch is affiliated with that genre of music.

    I also return to my previously stated opinion that this is why he's worn his pant leg rolled up, not because of any sudden urge to bike but because he wants to look like a cool hip hop dude.

    As someone else cleverly and recently remarked to me, Jake can be like a chameleon when he telegraphs what his next movie is going to personify. I thought that was an excellent analogy.

  4. And I certainly hope he's not going to parade around with a bike again just to try and show that's why his pant leg was rolled up. He got caught on the subway and not only that, it was the other pant leg, the non-chain side.

    And thank heavens it is Friiiiiiday. What a looooong week. Has the whistle blown yet?

  5. Funny post today Special.

    Am I the only one who can't get the music to play?

  6. Dail KOS posted this ..hope it is not true but it probably is. They support the kill the Gays bill in Uganda!

    OMG if this is true...speechless.

    Chick fil a supports FRC which supports Ugandan kill the Gays bill
    Remove please if I am wrong.

  7. Hey Destiny

    We are having a technical problem with the music. Hopefully I can get it all fixed this weekend.

  8. No problem Special, just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I had to fix on my end, I know sometimes I have problems like that because of the browser I use.

    And yes, that is true about Chick, it's not just about gay marriage.
