Thursday, August 9, 2012

Super Ball

Challenge accepted Mr. Nichols.

And for that we give you a top ten.

10.After their red version of Black Swan at Natalie's wedding the Cardinals headed  over to London to get some love.

 9. The mornin' sun is shinin' like a red rubber ball

 8. If one more person makes another "Seal the Deal" comment, I am out of here.

7. Who knew Jake's "I just grabbing one for balance" thing was true.

6.  Where water polo crossed rhythmic gymnastics and came out synchronized swimming without the water.

5. This pose is Warrior Ball Lifter

4. "You've got the way to move me cherry"

3. Two words:  Ball stretcher

2. Austin getting ready for his next role - Dance Moms.

and  1.
It's true Jake gave up cycle and running, he's moved on to advanced ball handling.

Our challenge for you Mr. N - Get seen going to Jakey's play.  Accept it?

OMG Olympics

Water Polo -No!  How about Marco Polo.

Blindfolded you must find your teammate in the crowded Olympic size pool of loud mouth people in a race against the clock.  Points deducted if you get pants'd before you find your teammate.


  1. Ellis must be losing his mind. Isn't he gay himself? Personally I dont see Matt in the part. Not because he is gay, of course. But because I was one of the many idiots who actually read the books - I found them quite tame for this avid slash reader - and I immediately pictured Damian Lewis in the part. And now I cant see anyone else. He's older than the role calls for but I don't care. I would not bother to see the movie anyway and that's the man in my fantasy image.

  2. I am so deeply saddened to keep reading about Randy Travis. I was talking to a co worker yesterday about it and she told me that she had watched an interview with Randy at one time where he admitted to a past drinking problem ad that he had been a very mean person when he got drunk. But that he was sober. And also that his father had been an alcoholic.

    It is just so incredibly sad. I hope this second arrest leads to him seeking professional help in getting back on the wagon. I hope Nashville friends reach out to him because he so desperately needs help. Does he not have any family?

    It's so shocking to see this latest incident. Just unbelievable.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bob Marley on the stereo. Joint lit. #UsainBolt I love Jamaica!

    11:11 PM - 9 Aug 12 via WhoSay · Details

    I wish I was partying in Jamaica right now.

    11:13 PM - 9 Aug 12 via WhoSay · Details

  5. Tom did you or someone else post something last night? I'm sorry if you did and it got deleted. I was try to get rid of some other tweets and got caught in the mix.

  6. WoW

    Austin smoking "Weed" and probably Blasted often, and Jake smoking ciggarettes. Can't you just smell that house? Oh I forgot, they don't live togther. What are the 5 kids smoking? Let's not talk about the 2 not being seen with them or raising them.
    Makes one wonder huh?
    Just Saying!


  8. Ellis' meltdown continues. I can't believe it, but he recently tweeted that his going after Matt had nothing to do with homophobia, but the fact that Matt is a "trophy husband". OMG!

    He's also now attacking Modern Family, NPH, and The Big Bang Theory.

    I haven't read the book M, although I've certainly been curious about it. But even without reading it I would never want Matt to do a movie like that because I'm sure it'll be pure crap.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Evening everyone,
    Posted what little I know about BEE to another poster who asked about him...brain ded here.
    Jeremy vvv good in Bourne movie today. Theater 3/4 full 11:00 AMshow. Did not expect to like it at all...critics don't like it...58%...on RT...but it was OK. Hope I can still see and enjoy more Bourne movies. EOW trailer shown again!

  11. I dont think I posted anything last night SK.

    I guess it won't be long and Jake will be hitting the EOW promotion tour. I am sure he will stay local in NYC.

  12. Wanted to let everyone know that Tom Davey will be diving tonight.

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  14. Also diving will be defending Olympic Champ Matthew Mitcham. Out and proud

  15. Yay! I'll be sure to watch - diving is so beautiful.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
