Friday, August 31, 2012

Water Logged

Let's see, Austin has swam, water skied, snorkeled, jet skied, fished, sailed, rowed, kayaked, surfed, skinny dipped, boogie boarded, paddle boarded, back flipped, bonded with dolphins, and held his breath under water.


Well what's left for the fella to do:

 Well for that  a Top Ten List.

So for this Austin Friday there is the

Top Ten Things Austin hasn't been photographed doing in the water yet.

10. Pearl Diving

9. Noodling aka Hillbilly Handfishing - (do you think you can put your hand into a deep dark hole and go for a grab there bud)

8. SeaLab 2021 Fan Club

7. Underwater Watch Testing

 6. Seahorse wrangler
5. Remake Splash  with a male Madison merman

4. Forget sharks - two words "Gator 'Rasslin' "

3. It's Sponge Harvest Time

2. Star in the live action version of the Snorks

number one:  Tandem Water "Aerobics"

Happy Austin Friday!


  1. Love your Austin pics. Slippery phone screen sent me to MTV, where some fans don't like the dancing animals in TS's video..We are never getting back together. Donnie Darko mentioned by some as idea behind the dancing animals. I didn't realize they had really been together together much less broken up more than once.This poor girl really is looking for love everyplace.

  2. I don't know what went haywire. Please remove all but the first post. arrrr..

  3. OMG blogger gone wild... please just leave one post...have no clue what is going on...

  4. I think I have it all fixed now Sass. :D

  5. Poor Sass!, lol. Great to see you, Sass! I hope you are doing well?

  6. Seems to have been a lot of overkill twitter activity last night, making sure to place Austin firmly in Texas and Jake in NY. Even generously supplying high quality photos. That's often an indication (smoke screen), the guys are on the move. In other words, padded "protection" just in case they are accidentally noticed somewhere they don't won't be seen, like maybe....

    Tyler Dean Tyler Dean ‏@blazeoflight

    Which reminds me that Jake Gyllenhaal is in Michigan right now or at least was and I didn't stalk him and I hate myself forever for it.

    9:35 PM - 31 Aug 12 · Embed this Tweet

  7. That's often an indication (smoke screen), the guys are on the move. In other words, padded "protection" just in case they are accidentally noticed somewhere they don't won't be seen, like maybe....

    How's that possible with Jake on stage every night?

  8. Jake is pretty much not in the last third of the play.

  9. I saw that tweet about Michigan too. But, I read somewhere that Jake is not on stage very much at the end. Could be he slipped off, knowing the play would be the best cover of all. Isn't Austin's family from Michigan?

  10. Big game tonight. Alabama vs. Michigan but the game is in the South. I believe.

  11. Huh? He has two shows today and another tomorrow. I don't think he'd nip off in the middle of the night and not show up for his weekend performances.

    Also, he's not in the third act but he's in the last act. So no, not Jake in Michigan.

  12. Another point about that Michigan tweeter is that he is gay, if you read through his posts. It seems although Jake has shed fans right and left, the "followers of Dorothy" that Jake has attracted since the beginning of his career are still there for him, after all these years. And, believe me, these men definitely recognize Jake when they see him. I even heard that a large part of the theater audience that comes to see Jake now is gay.

    How ironic since Jake practically turned his back on this demographic to pander to the heterosexual mainstream after Brokeback Mountain.


  13. The tweet was from last night and he easily could have flown out and back for weekend shows. If he needed to go to Michigan it was for a quick trip for some reason.

  14. Isn't Austin's family from Michigan?

    And, yes. Austin has lots of family who live in Michigan.

  15. Houston we have a problemSeptember 1, 2012 at 12:36 PM

    Okay now you're being silly pants. How did Jake get to Kalamazoo at 9:30 on a Friday night when his show IN NEW YORK CITY gets out at 9:30?

  16. Jake Gyllenhaal is in Michigan right now or at least was

    Also, Jake could have been in Michigan during the day and flew back for the night's performance.

  17. I was just going to post that very observation, Day Tripper. Jake could have been there during the day given the wording of the tweet.

    I phrased my initial post like I did because I wanted to see how long it would take OMGs resident monitor to cover for Jake and say he couldn't have been there because of his play. This time s/he waited twenty minutes to respond so they wouldn't look like they are here 24/7, hanging on our every word...which we know they are.

  18. Gurrrrl, get your story straight.

    Seems to have been a lot of overkill twitter activity last night, making sure to place Austin firmly in Texas and Jake in NY. Even generously supplying high quality photos

    You were talking about last night there. Not yesterday during the day, lol.

    Oh such a desperate lot you are. Tsk tsk.

  19. Funny how the troll always seems so well-informed with ready made answers for everything regarding Jake's movie making for An Enemy. Now, they seem to know everything about this stupid Off Broadway play. Yeah, this is PR or some delusional JiS fan poster who just can't believe her precious Jake would lie to them.

  20. Oh such a desperate lot you are. Tsk tsk.

    Nope, I drew you out with my first post and you took the bait. Hook, line and sinker. Desperate would be someone who sits on this blog constantly to shoot down everything that points to Jake being with Austin or having kids. Which, by the way, was probably the reason Jake flew into Michigan.

  21. NY to Detroit is like a 90 minute flight. You can make a quick rt trip.

    I am reminded of Jennifer Hudson who was in Chicago for Oprah, she did the rehearsal the night before, took off to Dallas for a party and flew back to Chicago tape the next morning. It is not unheard of or uncommon.

  22. For an important one-time task, I wouldn't be surprised were Jake to use a private charter.

  23. Maybe Jake went to Michigan to look for the perfect woman for his children:-)

  24. Talyor will never go back with Jake. Talyor and Jake right up there with Romeo and Juliet. Maybe even Anthony and Cleopatra.

  25. And my all-time favs. Popeye and Olive Oil:-)

  26. Can u imagine what that Kennedy boy's Mom is going through...oy...better him than Jake!
    What WILL She do when he goes off to college?
    Pathetic would be putting it mildly. She bought a home in LA...made me a bit fearful for Jake's sanity...but then he moved here ! YAY for him. :-) :-)

  27. Or, Rocky and Bullwinkle. Oh, that's right. That's more Austin and Jake. LOL!

  28. OH man.

    So, the Swifty video is kinda hilarious on so many levels.

    We (the public) know about / saw every single "date" these two went on including silly little details on apple picking and coffee shops thanks to the likes of US Weekly, planted tweets, and planted stories via Lainey. And I swear, so many of them are played out in this video. The references are precise. (One reference I can't figure out are the cable-knit sweater walls - any ideas?) This video is simply the last deliverable of the contract they signed. (Jake didn't pull out of the deal prematurely IMO - they were never supposed to last.)

    What's in it for Jake? This song and video reinforce the image Jake has been projecting for the past almost 2 years now. Moody. Fickle. A recluse. Serious. Indie. And of course, heterosexual.

    "But why can't he make a relationship last?" It is the one piece to the Jake is Straight puzzle that people just can't figure out. And this new Swifty song answers it for them. He is too fickle and moody to make a relationship work. In other words, Straight but a Bachelor and just a little bit of a Jerk.

  29. Tay Tay always gets a convenient boyfriend right before an album drops. That's all the Kennedy sap is about. She is predictably cliche.

  30. Was my comment deleted? Any idea why?

  31. Owl Girl it wasn't delete it just got caught in Bloggers filters. I just released it, so it is now published. Check it out.

  32. Tom who has forgotten his blogger passworSeptember 1, 2012 at 9:24 PM

    The Michigan vs Alabama game happens to be in Texas.
