Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Snappy Comeback

Austin get that booty out of the water and grab those suspenders (for you Brits -braces)  it's time to snap back.

It's a new fall season and it's time to see you pop up again.

Excited about what you will be doing with Ray Donovan.  But man can't live by a pilot alone.  Is there more to it?

What's in store Mr. Nichols?   Acting? Directing?

Or are you just going to hang at JuiceLand a while longer? 

You know maybe mix it up for a fall bike ride? Maybe on a Tuesday or something.

No one will ever forget what happened on this day, 11 years ago, but we can do more than remember it.  Don't let what happen on that day divide us and but let us seek to find unity and not division.


  1. No one will ever forget what happened on this day, 11 years ago, but we can do more than remember it.  Don't let what happen on that day divide us and but let us seek to find unity and not division.

    Divide whom? And try telling that to the Islamic fundamentalists who hate everything this country stands for. There is no unity there. Not unless it comes with a suicide mission and seven virgins.

  2. Mon Sep 17 LA premiere of End of Watch.

    Fri Sep 21 Jake is a guest on ‘Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’.

  3. Ray Donovan starts filming January 2013.

  4. I bet Jake wont be working in January 2013.

  5. Long day and long flight. OMG is on the road.

    Thanks for the information about more of Jake's TV appearance and the Ray Donovan shooting schedule. Very Much Appreciated.
