Saturday, September 29, 2012

Never Back to Chat

This has been brought this up before but what's TV without repeats.

Why hasn't Jake been on Jay Leno since BBM?

It was a good interview, Jake seemed relaxed and enjoying it. What went wrong? He's never been back and at this point it is blatantly obvious after promoting 7 more movies in almost 7 years that somehow he's missed Jay every time.  

Is it out of loyalty to Conan?  Because at this point that's bit much.

Or is there something more to it?

What do you think?

Jake doesn't think all of NBC is bad - here he is posing with former NBC host Katie Couric  at the Global Citizen Festival in New York.


  1. Early Days of Stage DoorSeptember 30, 2012 at 12:12 PM

    From September 06 '12 after early Previews.

    jake gyllenhaal stage door
    Posted: 9/6/12 at 02:01pm
    just a heads up for those seeing Jake. He will not sign before a show at all. He will only sign 1 thing if he is in the mood. The guy who works the door is a real DBag and will actually look to see what pics you are asking to sign. Jake apparently will not sign anything from Prince of Persia.

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 02:06pm
    Is he still signing after?

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 02:12pm
    if you get him at the right time yes Depends on mood it seems He is honestly not very engaging

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 02:15pm
    He can't be any worse than Matthew Broderick.

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 02:55pm
    I'd put him in the same category as Broderick with a pit bull door guard helping him out

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 03:39pm
    I saw the play last night and stage doored. Was really pretty easy. Maybe 30 people there tops, and Jake came out relatively quick. I got a picture with him. I asked him for a picture and he said "of course" and did take one which is awesome! He did sign for everyone who was there and while I wouldn't describe him as friendly I would say he was polite. He didn't look too happy to me which I think is a reflection of the stinker of a play he is currently in.
    He moved quickly, but you can get a picture but must be quick. However, my friend did not get a picture and she was just a bit later than me and he had already moved down the line. She tried to call him back but he was ushered back into the theater. He had the body guard play bad cop though so it wasn't as if it came from him.
    I really hope he comes back to theater, perhaps in a Broadway venture worthy of his talents.

    Posted: 9/6/12 at 03:53pm
    "I saw the play last night and stage doored. Was really pretty easy. Maybe 30 people there tops, and Jake came out relatively quick."

    Was Jake one of the tops? I just need to plan accordingly.

    Posted: 9/7/12 at 04:28am "Was Jake one of the tops? I just need to plan accordingly.

    Jordan, you are filthy but I love it.

    Posted: 9/7/12 at 11:57am
    If you're at the stage door, whatever you do or say....never...never...never...mention the words "Toothy Tile." He will cut you. RC in Austin, Texas

    Posted: 9/7/12 at 05:13pm
    RC - I never knew what that was but now I do. Just google Toothy Tile.

    Posted: 9/8/12 at 01:59am
    I think it's pretty sweet that he has been coming out of the stage door and posing for pictures! Does he do that for matinees too? Most celebrities don't come out for matinee shows, and I believe some weren't even allowed because of traffic regulations or something!

    Full thread:
    Broadway World

  2. Jake's attitude after the play has changed dramatically. Friend of a friend said he was very nice and polite to those who waited around after the show. If Jake wants to have any type of Broadway career he needs to step out of his usual miserable self. His advisers sure are paying attention to what is posted on line.

  3. Toothy live on even if the any signs of TT have been completely taken off of E.September 30, 2012 at 12:44 PM

    I bet he would cut your throat if he heard the words Toothy Tile. He has spent tons of money, time and energy to make those words dissappear. Too bad they never will Jake.

  4. The guy who works the door is a real DBag and will actually look to see what pics you are asking to sign. Jake apparently will not sign anything from Prince of Persia.

    I don't know why someone would make this stuff up. Sure, could be someone who has a personal vendetta. But if you look at this poster who reported, he has been a member of that Broadway World community since 2009. It's not like he just joined once Jake appeared in the play in order that he could badmouth. After the bad comments from more than one person after opening night Previews and after this thread appeared, it seems to me that Jake & his people did some cosmetic touch up. Several videos suddenly showed up on Twitter showing a different change in attitude.

    What I want to say to Jake is how about giving me my money back for my purchase of Prince of Persia?

    Apparently, my opinion and taste are crap according to him if he no longer wants to associate himself with that movie and is ashamed of it.

    What an insult to those people who paid their OT money or regular salary fun allowance to purchase the movie ticket, the Legos, the action figure, the DVD. I spent $30 I think on that DVD & digital copy.

    And he wants to insult his fans who liked it and thought enough of it to bring a picture to the stage door?

    Hanging around his mother and sister in NYC is rubbing off on Jake in a terrible way. Would he have done something like this 5 years ago? I bet not.

    To celebrities who want to pick and choose, telling their fans what part of their filmography they want them to like? Well, how about you no longer get any of my money. That's the way that one goes.

    The same goes for Austin and his use of Two Wheel Tuesday as a false cause during his OTH twitter/fauxmance days. As soon as OTH was over, he dumped Two Wheel Tuesday. I see it now for what it was.

  5. Posted: 9/7/12 at 11:57am
    If you're at the stage door, whatever you do or say....never...never...never...mention the words "Toothy Tile." He will cut you. RC in Austin, Texas

    Jake is intentionally burying Toothy Tile. He and Austin want to distance themselves from the whole Toothy Tile and Grey Goose saga. This is why Ted gave that last post of his, suddenly doing a 180 and advising GG to leave Toothy after just reaffirming how happy they were and still in love.

    Now Ted is gone from E! and his entire Awful Truth archives gone except for some message board threads.

    Convenient isn't it all of a sudden that Ted is gone and can no longer dish on TT and GG?

    Jake is on a mission to bury his gay rumors and restart a new image. And all Austin has to do is stay hidden in the background like an ostrich with its head in the ground. Ted had told us that they were going to go deep underground in one of his last answers to a reader and boy, was he ever right.

    Ted and his BV disappeared real neat and tidy, complete with a bow of a last post.

  6. Guess what Jake and his most powerful and idiotic advisers don't cntrol the internet. Those BVs are there for all to see. Google them baby.

  7. I think Jake's behavior has nothing to do with moving to NY. Seems like he's been pretty disgruntled about fans since the Reeke years. Sometimes I wonder if it's because he thinks his fans turned on him with the bearding, and thinks they didn't support his movies. Or maybe he thinks he doesn't need fans.

  8. I'm not blaming all behaviors on side effects from "moving to NYC". But his family's influence certainly hasn't helped.

    I think part of Jake's sour attitude has to do with him partially blaming everyone else for his predicament. He's blaming the paparazzi. He is blaming the fans. He is blaming Hollywood. We're all to blame for his tight inner circle and fenced in way of living.

    I think he's blaming everyone else when in fact, he needs to turn the mirror towards himself and Austin. He's the one who has made the decisions that he has.

  9. Jake's behavior in the past year and statements to the press in the past couple of weeks are totally befuddling, if not greatly disturbing. Yes, there are glimpses of the Jake we all thought we saw inside and on official opening night at the theater, he looked truly excited as he should have.

    But I also saw other contrasting behaviors, including what bothered me the most and that was the fact that he did not wear any kind of jewelry while at TIFF, an important time when he was away from his real family. He abstained from wearing anything which indicated he had heartfelt ties towards those left behind at home. And he wore his shirts unbuttoned plenty to show that he was free as a bird.

    I recall vividly that time when he arrived in London to start his promo work for Prince of Persia. Remember when he wore his band on his left ring finger and held his hand towards the camera in such a way that there was no denying he was showing the world that he was committed to someone(s), despite being overseas away from them.

    Well, at TIFF, there was none of that. He was ring free, necklace free and he wore his shirt collars open wide enough and low enough so that it could be seen.

    Some may think that is a nutty theory but I don't think it is. It was just the beginning of the two weeks of The Big Denial Tour which was the EOW press junket.

  10. I think Jake became angry during reeke because he saw so many people/fans knew it was BS and actually made fun of it. It made him more determined and he never pulled it off. It had to kill him that the apple picking date with talyor was the laugh of the nation. A lot of people read Dlisted. A lot of people and MK was right on it. Yeah I am sure he got angry. Hopefully he wont make an ass of himself again.

  11. I loved when MK said Jake was moving into reeses house with his Strawberry shortcake luggage. I am pretty sure Jake didnt like it.

  12. Hey, Michael K's take on Anne Hathaway's wedding is hilarious.

    Interesting to note that she got married in Big Sur this past weekend, just like Natalie.

    All the guests were whisked away in the dark so they wouldn't see the location of the private estate where the wedding was held.

    Isn't that interesting... Is there something in the water with people that Jake has been friends with? They're all getting married and/or pregnant.

  13. This connection to Big Sur is indeed rather intriguing........

    ; )

  14. This connection to Big Sur is indeed rather intriguing........

    As is the connection with Post Ranch Inn that's in Big Sur too.

  15. Ahhh yes, the ol' Post Ranch Inn....

    Not all tree houses grow in Brooklyn, you know.

    LOLLLL, I made a funny. I better leave on that note.

    Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza (Can't Stand Ya) was bound and determined to leave a room with a great line? That was hilarious. lol
