Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Play of the day

With two projects to promote at the same time,  Jake is doing a little back and forth to talk about each.

Today it's "If there is";s turn  as Jake and his cast mates sat down to chat about the play with NY Daily News.

And while Jake does double duty as does OMG.  So today the play of the day is well... the play.

While Jake did a dramatic change for EoW

For "If there is..." well not so much.

Curious to see how much of a difference it




Baggy Jeans


Wait Wait ....ohh there is a difference... the play's in color.


  1. I saw EOW advertised on ESPN though. I don't think that is aimed at a female audience. I think EOW is aiming at a male audience. The publicity pictures focus on guns, guns in hands, SWAT rifles in arms. Out of one side of their mouth, they say it's about a relationship but the pictures they're using to push the film are all about the guns, drugs and street gangs.

    Boy when they said they were spending $20 million to promote EOW, they weren't kidding. There's all kinds of contests promoted on Twitter for free tickets, trips to see premieres. I have never seen such heavy promotion on Twitter for a movie. They even have a Twitter account that tweets all the time.

    Somebody is risking a lot of money and counting on a good return on their money. No one throws up $20 million just to "break even" or put on a valiant effort at a festival.

    Jake and Austin are showing signs to me that they are strictly abiding by the rules and they're not fooling around on this one.

    I think there's alot riding on this "little indie" film.

  2. I think EOW is aiming at a male audience.

    Gee, ya think?

    Out of one side of their mouth, they say it's about a relationship but the pictures they're using to push the film are all about the guns, drugs and street gangs.

    They're not saying anything out of the side of their mouth. It IS about a relationship - that of two partners, brothers in blue, who'll go to the mat for each other.

    Boy when they said they were spending $20 million to promote EOW, they weren't kidding. There's all kinds of contests promoted on Twitter for free tickets, trips to see premieres. I have never seen such heavy promotion on Twitter for a movie. They even have a Twitter account that tweets all the time.

    I know! Isn't it great?!! A Jake movie with actual promotion that, dare I say, might be effective!

  3. Ha ha cute post, Special. It's in Technicolor!!!!! lol

  4. No one asked you, Troll.

    The regular posters of OMG are capable of having a civil discussion. Notice who needs to be the first to be unnecessarily rude.

    A Troll. Kind of says it all right there.

  5. And yes, I call you a Troll not because you have a couple of different views but because of the first smart aleck remark out of your mouth. Totally unnecessary.

  6. I guess I am not watching the right channels as I've seen next to nothing re EOW advertising. I wonder if they are varying it by region.

  7. M, I was at a bar and grill around the dinner hour and NFL football was on, major league baseball was on all these big flat screens and all of a sudden, here came the EOW trailer commercial. LOL.

  8. from the new US Weekly (Sep 17 2012)

    "Taylor Swift, Hit Song Is About Jake":

    US Weekly

  9. Taylor Swift's New Song Is About The Break Down Of Her Contract Renegotiations With Jake Gyllenhaal

    ...The Jakey guess makes the most sense. I can totally picture Jake and Taylor sitting at opposite sides of a long conference table with their team of lawyers in a fancy law office in Century City, CA, going back and forth about the details of their relationship contract. "I'll give you 2 staged kissing photo-ops a month, but NO TONGUE and you can't write a song about me" is probably what Jake shouted at Taylor before she stood up and screamed the words that would go on to become the title of her #1 single! That's totally how it went....


  10. Thank you, new pics and Tabloid. Appreciate it. I know I appreciate this posItIve identification and confirmation being trumpeted, blow horned, and carrier pigeoned to all corners of our great world. Maybe the oil companies and overseas suppliers of oil will now relax on the price of a barrel of crude, maybe?

    When the Huffington Post considers this absolute identification is imperative to all of mankind being able to move forward with daily living, hey - who's going to protest, right?

    You can't buy this kind of viral publicity. And wIth each passing day, it becomes more and more obvious that not only is ol' Tay getting her name out there, but so is the much ballyhooed subject of the song. Who just happens to have a movie coming up in a couple of weeks.

    This is a 2 for 1, marketed by a shared agency. And Jake just has to put up the recliner footrest and let the publicity machine do its thing. A ride along of the tick variety, I would identify it as.

    If this whole thing was a song shrouded in "Is it?"s and "Do you think"s, I would say it's Tay's doing. But Jake's name is headlining right alongside hers. They want the world to know without a doubt who treated her so badly.

    I'm beginning to see the Windex shine all the way over here.

  11. Hmm, is Michael K hIntng that he smells a 2 for 1 as well?

  12. Thanks New Pics for more pics from the play!!!

    Gotta love Michael K!

  13. prairiegirl, try not to explode.

  14. I want to give a Birthday Shout Out to Roma today.

    Happy Birthday Roma! Hope you have a great year ahead.

  15. Happy Birthday to Roma! Many blessings for the coming 12 months!

    Excitement tonight for the VMA's because the 1D boys are nominated for some awards. I'm not sure if they're supposed to perform tonight tho. I'm sure there's someone out there who knows and could confirm.....

  16. One Direction is performing on the VMAs.

  17. As always, love Michael K.

    Jake is going to be an old man before he comes out, if ever. His bearding with Reese and Swifty sealed it.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I agree, Destiny. With this latest thing, my once high hope for him as well as Austin taking some steps out has taken a final plunge. My outlook is now bleak to say the least. It's hard to let go of the optimism I had just months ago but it's time to face a reality which is staring us right in the face. It is time.

    Well, at least One Direction is being fun on the VMA's tonight. It's fun watching them clean up. They do deserve it - they worked their butts off this past year and their fan base is global.
