Friday, September 14, 2012

Sas in the City

Fall is coming.  The crisp air, the changing leaves, ...... and Sasquatches in the city?

Why does the imagine of Austin traversing Central Park in Rubber Boots come to mind. 

Squatchi  is the perfect name Austin.

Not because the height... because that is almost too obvious.

Or the boat size big rubba boots he wears

But because Squatchi the sights are  random and cause discussion.

Here's to fall Squatchi hunting  ....just look for the Steelers Terrible Towel hanging out of his pocket and rubba boots....

 Happy Austin Friday.  May the Squatch be with you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. End Of Watch 'Behind The Scenes' Featurette:

    ENTV video

    If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet - About the Show:

    RoundaboutTheatreCompany video

    audio interview

  3. Are the CHILDREN alright?September 15, 2012 at 10:05 AM

    Is there a pic of Jake and Austin together lately, like in the last month, weeks? Are these guys really married?
    Who's watching the children?
    What are their ages?
    If Austin's in Texas or on the West Coast, Jake living in NYC now, where does the children go to school?
