Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Five for Five

Between a digital dance and Italian premiere something small happened that was very big five years ago. 

A Very Special Top Five

"Baby It's You"

"Baby I Love You"

"Baby Love"

"Be My Baby"

 "Too Busy Thinking About My Baby"


  1. Yea for Five..

    Five - a significant number in more ways than one.

    It's a number that is kickin' Jake and now Austin's asses.

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  4. lol can't believe this is a third try. It's too early.

    Someone commented yesterday about ol' Tay's new CD being released on Monday. Her army has been flooding Twitter with repeated subliminal nonsense - the mantra that this entire CD is about Jake.

    Don't tell me he didn't know. Don't tell me he couldn't have had something stipulated in the bearding contract. He is getting tons of publicity out of her marketing machine. And that's what she is - a machine. May as well slap Tonka or John Deere on everything she does.

    It isn't all Tay. This has Jake on it too. His hands are forever dirtied. Pretty cheap and distasteful, and that's putting it nicely.

  5. He is getting tons of publicity out of her marketing machine.

    Luckily and thankfully he doesn't need to rely on her marketing machine; he's getting plenty of sweet publicity on his own acting merits thank you very much.

  6. PG I agree but at this point in all this I see it as all funny. You got to admit kiddo Swift was even funnier than Reese. MK loved it. It makes Jake look like such a loser. Hopefully he never does it again. ??????????

    Well I do belive there is a BT1 but like I said no more excuses it is wrong to do to a child that is school age what they are doing. The child would now have to actively participate in the lies.

  7. Back home safe and sound, but still functioning on east coast time. What a thrill it was to see Jake perform and to spend time with Destiny, Tom, and Roma.

    5 years? I can't believe how quickly the time has gone . The degree of difficulty for keeping things hidden goes up astronomically each year. It will break sooner rather than later.

  8. Luckily and thankfully he doesn't need to rely on her marketing machine; he's getting plenty of sweet publicity on his own acting merits thank you very much

    Thanks for what? lol, don't thank me, I wasn't handing out anything. No, what his people want from the Swift Machine is Hetero Publicity. The man is in a cemented closet. I.E. he denies who he is. He hides who he is. He acts like someone he is not.

    no more excuses it is wrong to do to a child that is school age what they are doing. The child would now have to actively participate in the lies.

    I would agree with this. 5 years old, they are talking. They are listening to everything people say around them. They observe, watch and absorb. They have feelings.

    And small ones are some of the smartest people out there. One of these days, those kids will be old enough to understand what their dads did. They're going to see Jake's quotes and they're going to look at the dates on some of these quotes from EOW promo interviews.

    And they're going to do the math. And they're going to wonder why Papa talked as if they didn't exist. And that is going to do some big time emotional damage.

  9. Hey, I loved that cake you found, Special. That is really cool. Boy, there are some really talented cakemakers out there, aren't there?

    And I love "Baby, I Love You". That's one of my all-time favorites. "Baby, It's You" is a great one, too. I don't think I know that last one, "Thinking About My Baby". That title doesn't ring a bell, but I might know it if I listened to it.

  10. I guess Justin T and Jessica B are in Italy, ready to get married this weekend. I have to say that I never thought they were going to do it. That is just a real stunner.

    It's just a real head shaker. I don't buy those 2 at all for being a real couple.

  11. My question is what is the kid told to say when someone asks him who his daddy is?

    The kid will either have the last name of Nichols or Gyllenhall I presume. Maybe not. Maybe they will call him John Doe.

    Plus who goes to parent teachers conference? Maybe Mr.Doe.

    No way in hell can they do this openly and not be exposed. The only way to hide it would to include the child in a plan of deception. How sad.

  12. Well, the hostess at the Berlinale did ask Jake why he was so obsessed with the No. 5. How convenient to learn, only this year, that he had such a quirky infatuation.
