Monday, October 22, 2012

Seeing Red

This red is so much better.


  1. End of Watch is going global so we are starting to get some more interviews.

    Here's an interesting one from Australia.

    Tough Ground for Research

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so worried that if Mitt Romney wins the election the progress that the Gay community has made in the last 4 years could come to an end. The Matthew Sheppard Hate Crimes Bill was passed. Dont Ask Dont Tell has become a thing of the past. The President of the USA for the first time came out and said it supported Gay marriage and would no longer defend DOMA. This is huge progress. Obama got off to a slow start but in 4 years he did deliver. Please friends cast your vote to reelect President Obama and ask your family and friends to do the same. Thank you.

  4. Me too Tom. If Romney gets to appoint some Supreme Court justices, we'll never see more change in our lifetime, and things could go backwards. :-(

  5. Did anyone else notice Jake's ring in the last picture?
