Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekending or beginning

To sum up Austin x AUS10

1 Man,  3 Days, 7 stages, over a hundred bands and getting recognized by fans - this is what you get

Austin shows you can go home again - and - have a good time.

Just have to wonder what he did Sunday - did he stay for Red Hot Chili Pepper and Iggy and the Stooges and just not tweet it or did his  weekend start too.

Who says the weekend can't start on Sunday?

Speaking of the weekender - think he's firm on where he stand  inside the voting booth,  and why.


  1. Jersey Tom said...
    Tweeter is out of control. A complete joke. It is getting worse and worse. I know people like it but you really cannot believe any of it.

    Tom, you can't generalize like that and say all of it is crap. You can't have it both ways. And I will remember this statement now next time you text me wanting to know about a tweet. .

    I'm not going to go into again what is taken into consideration when looking at these things. It's obviously a waste of time. So the best thing for me to do is to simply stop posting the ones that I find. And while I'm at it, will stop posting whatever else I have found of interest on the Internet as well. Pfft. Done.

  2. I really think there is a very good possibility that Jake did take off to Austin, Texas after the play Saturday. There are no tweets that verify he was in Austin or NYC. All we know is that Austin Nichols was there. Again I believe that there is a good possibility that Jake may have went but there will always be some tweet trying to prove me wrong. Those NYC tweets wont change my mind one way or another. People tweet things that are true. Just a fact.

  3. TY for fixing me tweets. :-) Was excited, tired and on my phone when Drudge info fell into my e-mail inbox. He and other Repubs
    ere glad to have Jake for a moment. Unreal...

  4. Meant to type people tweet. things that are not true.

  5. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I had a really nice day, including a walk on the Highline and a wonderful lunch thanks to M and her husband, and Roma joined us too. Having been out for lunch, I then stayed home last night and indulged in guacamole, chips, and cupcakes for dinner!

  6. Happy Birthday to everyone I missed...rarely go on my laptop anymore....on celly...xcuse all errors. TY for Austin that boy.

  7. NYC, LA, Austin, San Fran, Toronto, Kancas City, Boston, Philadelphia. Somebody even saw Jake in friggin Timbuctoo:-)

    The Real M and I decided that the OMG crowd will meet in Austin, Texas. Who knows. Maybe for the Austin City Limits or The Austin Film Festival. We will be there.

  8. LOL Tom.

    I have no idea half the time what tweets people are talking about, most of them are not posted here, and I just don't have the time or patience to look for them. Some are real, some are made up, and sometimes I think people see someone who looks like Jake, especially now that he is the beard and isn't so distinctive looking.

  9. OT: There was a 4.6 earthquake west of Portland Maine, and it was felt all the way down to Nantucket.

    It was really weird, I was on my couch and then it felt like the wall move a little and my couch was like a wave.

  10. It does take a lot of time to look at tweets. A lot of time. I choose specific times during our daily 24 hrs when it's convenient for me to look mostly on my IPad or my phone. I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter from my laptop.

    I have gotten to enjoy doing some tweeting myself though and making some acquaintances, kind of like through blogging.

    Whether tweets are false or true-sounding, it's amazing what can be learned. Timing and patterns. Followers & Following. Date when account was set up.

    I can learn as much from a false account's tweets as a tweet that looks and sounds perfectly legitimate. Yes, Hollywood agencies and political organizations, and probably big business as well, have sullied and manipulated Twitter for their own devices. It can be frustrating. But you know what?

    That's life.

    Life is full of bad apples, is it not? Do you let the bad apples stop you? Get to you? No. You don't.

    You learn to maneuver around them. You outsmart them. You ignore them.

    That's what you do. And in the process, you find that gem. You find that diamond or pearl that makes the taunts and the false plants totally worth it.

    Like the Austin TX tweets.

    Totally, totally worth it.

  11. We had a great safety meeting today, a guest speaker who was very knowledgeable about electrical safety.

    Of course everyone knows you don't touch a live wire. But did you know that you shouldn't even come within 10 ft of a live wire. The wire has the power to draw you in to itself. So don't even get near it.

    And I didn't know that we are greater conductors for electricity when we're wet than when we're dry.

    When someone is working on electrical jobs, we need to leave them alone. The slightest scare or startle can have very bad consequences. That was one tip that he gave us.

    He talked about what happens when you get electrocuted - physically. It's very gruesome.

    Sort of a "scared straight" about electrical safety. LOL!
