Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Little Independent Spirit

There was speculation that End of Watch would be well represented across the board at Independent Spirit Awards,  but it came out with just two nominations and Jake isn't one of them.

The two noms came for best supporting male for Michael Pena,

 and for best cinematography nom for Roman Vasyanov.

Will End of Watch be a part of the Golden Globe Derby?  It will be a wait and see.

And where was Jake when the Independent Award noms where announced?  England

And it looks like Austin was a traveling man too.  (More about that on Austin Friday Travelogue)

 But there is work to do this week Jake is off the play.  He's sitting down and getting chatty.

One correction about Jake on Graham Norton.

Jake  will be on Graham Norton THIS Friday night  on BBC One Channel ( 10:35pm).

His visit with Graham along with other guest Joan Rivers, Ke$ha, and the 2/3rd of Top Gear will be on BBC America December 8th.


  1. Jake Gyllenhaal will join us at MSN Movies hq at 10am on Friday 30 November to talk about his acclaimed new crop thriller End Of Watch.

    And YOU (yes, YOU!) get to join in the chat!

    Just head over to our webchat page and hit 'comment now' to submit a question. All questions will go into moderation and Jake will be answering the best of them live!

    You can also hit us on Twitter on @msnents with the hashtag #msnjake.

    Jake and the rest of us will see you at 10am on Friday!

  2. That's too bad EOW didn't get more nominations.

  3. I had expected EoW to get a few more too. I thought what Ayer was trying to do with the found media angle and the indie nature of the film would have been gotten them a couple more noms.

  4. Disappointing for Jake but I am happy for Michael Pena. At the last few Hollywood events Jake attended, it seemed like he was out of favor and uncomfortable. Politics exists in all professions so maybe he got on someone's bad side. I hope he gets some nods as the rest of the nominations come out. Of course, in some years the competition is fierce and a good performance simply gets lost in the crowd.

  5. The competition is definitely fierce on the men's side this year. Daniel Day Lewis is favored to get his third Oscar for his portrayal of Abe.
