Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lincoln Logs

So excited for the new Lincoln movie, Jakey G. got a jump on the other Lincolnites  and grew his beard early.

 Camping out for weeks.  He's distinguish himself with a stovepipe hat and a team Abe t-shirt.

 Take that twihards. 


  1. The top picture doesn't remind me of Lincoln, but totally reminds me of Ulysses S. Grant.

    I definitely want to see Lincoln. Daniel Day Lewis performance looks incredible.

    Does anyone else remember when Jake called Conan the Lincoln of Late Night hosts?

    See the Lincoln fan has been there all along. LOL

  2. Curious and curioserNovember 15, 2012 at 8:53 PM

    Has anyone seen the interview Jake did with the LA Times? He refers to his family being born in a "new way" and then indicates that his family will probably be a "messy" one. Sure he doesn't come right out and say it, and acts like he has no family of his own right now, but that quote is highly suggestive and was probably meant to be. I don't do links but here is the web address for the article:,0,3507904.story

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Interesting. What the heck was he talking about. The last paragraph is a killer though. I am a very confused man.

  5. I took the reference to his family being born in a new way meaning after the divorce of his parents the family took a new form. After all, he does talk about his nieces and his parents divorce right after that statement.

    The messy comment is a puzzler though.

  6. Yes, that sentence stands out like crazy.

    I have just been very touched by the story of one of LJ BBM's regulars, who lives on Long Island and her home has been under 2' of water since the storm. She is one of my long-time, faithful readers and I am just really saddened to learn of this.

    Life has gone on for so many others but for those who lost their homes or a loved one, they still have to struggle on and face each day with strength.

    I was reading a story about BP and their penalty that they're going to have to pay and one of the victim's mothers (her son was killed in the explosion) said something about well, she was glad that they were held accountable for what had happened, but the thing is, she still grieves everyday for the loss of her son and nothing is going to bring him back. Reading that story was terrible, some of the hiding of facts and deleting of damaging text messages. Boy.

  7. Well, today was a super long day but now am finally free for the weekend. I hope to really decompress and enjoy my upcoming trip to.......The Lake!!!! Osage Beach MO!!! And you know what that means......on the way home.........a stop at.......

    Osceola Cheese!!!!! The land of cheese!!!
