Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Second City - Second Series to Direct?

First Austin tweets this:

Back to work. Hello Chicago!! - AUS10

Then he tweets this:

I have been working with one of my heroes. What an actor! William Forsythe. - AUS10

And with a little bit of sleuthing (tip of the hat to Prairie Girl) it looks that Austin is working on the Fox TV series,  Mob Doctor.

Mob Doctor follows Grace Devlin (Jordana Spiro), a surgical resident, who juggles her hospital duties with protecting her brother from the Mob. Grace works off her debt by helping anyone they demand.  Will Forsythe plays Constantine Alexander, returned old school leader of the mob, and the uncle of Grace from her mom's side.

Mob Doctor has beaten the odds and the critics for now and hung on for the season, after being predicted as one of the first new series to be cancelled.

But the question is,  is Austin directing an episode or acting in it? A show like Mob Doctor can give young directors a chance to get some more experience under their belt.

 Austy also tweeted a sweet beauty shot.  ( Of Chicago or him ? Because both look great)

Makes you wonder if he was scouting locations for shots.


  1. Austin is just filming an episode as an actor.

    Nicole Sullenger ‏@nicolesophia
    Austin Nichols was filming outside my office today. Marry me maybe?
    3:52 PM - 21 Nov

    Collis Hancock ‏@CollisInChicago
    @AUS10NICHOLS saw you filming at chicago and franklin! our office has to work today too! can you come up and visit us?
    1:06 PM - 21 Nov 12

  2. Sadly, because of the ratings, Austin's episode may never see the light of day. It'll probably be pulled from the schedule very soon.

  3. Good for Austin. I've not seen that show either, but work is work. And one job leads to another.

    That jakes mom was his date was reported on more than one site, not just People.

  4. Pumpkin Pie in the oven! Next up Rice Krispie treats, per requests of my niece and nephew.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, OMG! :)

  6. I still can't get over how yummy Jake looks in the previous post!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    I cooked like crazy yesterday, now it's down to just the turkey, stuffing and salad, so I can actually relax a bit.

  8. There was a short story about the charity event in the Wall Street Journal, and it also said that Jake's date for the night was his mom, so it's not just People saying that.

    Yeah, I've heard bad things about Mob Doctor, but I guess I would watch if the episode with Austin ever airs. Presumably if they're still filming they're not going to yank it anytime soon.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving gang !!!

    Hope you all enjoy a great day with family/friends/neighbours.

    I'm just going to enjoy the fact that there still is no snow on the ground and that I can keep my front door open and let the sunshine in on the porch.

    Can almost smell the Pumpkin pie and a big bird in the oven.


  10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are headed to neighbors for dinner so I get off easy today. Hostess gift but no work except helping to clean up. It will be interesting though. They are Hindu/Indian, but are making a turkey with all the standard fixins. Hope you all have a great and filling day.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope everyone is having a great time. We sure did. Ate till we our eyes bugged out. LOL. Spent time at SIL.

    As for Mob Dr. It is an ok show. I think Fox should have keept Alcatraz. It was a much better show. Time will tell.
