Saturday, December 15, 2012

Clean Close Shave....

"If There is...." is coming down to the homestretch with just a week of performances left and then what will happen to Jake?

Well here's hoping this:

the day after the play closes

And to prepare for a clean shaven Jake after all these months of the hirsute hipster, let's refresh your memories.

Happy Hanukkah!!!!


  1. We had numerous pictures and even a videotape of Jake with Austin and Adam Levine that day in January at the sushi restaurant but there were not any tweets of people seeing them there. You had Jake walking around with Austin and the Mere Mortal Mystery Gal in November and there weren't any tweets by people who saw these 3 walking down the street. What about that very visible, "supposed" filming being done at that Subway on the way to or from Vegas, involving Jake and Anna Kendrick. You had a whole group of people there and supposedly they were filming. But there were not any pictures, no cellphone cameras there? How come? There must have been people all around there.

    I have seen a good handful of tweets by people who asked Jake if they could take a picture and he said "no, not today." There was a guy who took a picture of Jake without asking permission and he was not allowed to keep the photo. He had to delete it from his camera right then and there. That happened in Toronto, I believe.

    So alot of times, yes they can be controlled. There are pictures taken without his knowledge, sure there are.

    But you're also not going to see Jake and Austin walking down the streets of NYC with a row of ducklings following directly behind them. Not going to see it.

    Another reason why I think they probably have a place on Long Island.

    Amazing, isn't it how Jake struck up this friendship with Jerry & Jessica Seinfeld? How did that one happen? Doesn't anyone wonder what Jake has in common with Jerry? With Busy Phillips? Did you know that Michael Pena has a very small boy himself? I look at that picture of Jake out to dinner with the Seinfelds and their little boy is there at the table, right beside Jake. What 30+ bachelor hangs with married couples with children? What is the connection there?

  2. Correction, correction please! That should be Michael "Mike" Pena.

    Another correction, I said Jake has two shows on Sundays but he doesn't. He only has the one.

  3. "Doesn't anyone wonder what Jake has in common With Busy Phillips?"


    Matilda Rose Ledger.

  4. "Doesn't anyone wonder what Jake has in common With Busy Phillips?"

    Matilda Rose Ledger."

    Yeah that one wasn't the best example to use. But I think their friendship goes beyond that.

    You think your made up name is cute, don't you. What are you in, grade school? You're like the tittering boy in the back of the classroom, Jack, who giggles at "naughty" words when in reality you're older than some of the words themselves.

  5. No beard is so much better in both ways.

  6. I wonder what look Jake will take on for his next movie.

    I saw a post which read that Jake and Taylor went out for 7 months. My bet is that Jake and Talyor only met each other a couple times. What a joke.

  7. If that's what Jake has in common with Busy Phillips, then why all the photos of Jake without Matilda in them? Seems like there's something else that kept bringing this married woman and the seemingly available bachelor together. And it's not because there was some secret romance going on. If that were the case he would not have been seen publicly with her. Jake even made a point to show up for her daughter's birthday party and be photographed doing it. He could have stopped those pics from being published, but he wanted them out there.

  8. Ever hear of a photo ban? Right now, there is a photo ban on private pictures of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles together.

    What In The World does a photo ban have to do with Me, my neighbor, my cousin, my co-worker taking a picture, with our cell phone or (private camera) of a HW actor/actress walking the streets of any big city, then posting it whenever, wherever we want too?

    Sorry, but PR can't ban those types of pics. PR may be Big, Important and all-knowing to some, but they have no Control over the pictures I take on my own and post anywhere.

    And if I see Jake or Austin walking down the streets of NYC with a gang of 2 to 6 yr olds, I'm taking the pictures and you can't tell me other fans/people won't either.

  9. I saw a post which read that Jake and Taylor went out for 7 months

    Interesting arithmetic, I would say. By the time, the Swyll fauxmance officially ended on January 4, 2011 they had not been paired together since that ridiculous helicopter PR stunt on December 9, 2010.

    Given that they were first "spotted" on October 23, 2010 at an SNL taping (her third album conveniently dropping on October 26) we can't even make this hook up last for two months, never mind seven. In fact, the whole ordeal probably lasted 48 days, if that. By the time the "break-up" was officially announced in early January, Jake's PR team still had not even come up with a credible story of how or when they met.

    This consistent inability to simply add whole numbers properly reminds me of Jake's recent lie of riding around in a cop car for 5 months, 3 days a week before he shot EoW. A simple recollection of what he was doing from February-July 2011 would dramatically prove otherwise. Of course, maybe we should ask his best friend, Michael "Mike" Pena to see where he was during this time period. Or was Jake the only one truly committed to the project?

  10. Hilarious that there are stories prolonging his relationship with Swift. But then they have to account for the long, long periods in Jakes life(and Austn's too) with nary a woman to be found. Not even a casual date or two. How many times can you string along the public with girls he knew in kindergarten.

    As for the beard(facial), I can't wait to see it gone. Having seen the play myself, I must say that there is no reason for the character to have such a massive and unruly beard. Jake could have it a bit messy and unkempt, but saying it is solely for the stage role is really pushing it. The excess is just a psychological reaction to his hiding his real life.

  11. ...I must say that there is no reason for the character to have such a massive and unruly beard. Jake could have it a bit messy and unkempt, but saying it is solely for the stage role is really pushing it. The excess is just a psychological reaction to his hiding his real life.

    Thanks, m. I've wondered about that very issue for some time. From what I know of the play, there was no reason for that kind of straggly beard to be sported by the character. Jake has even gone out of his way to convince people that the only reason he has the facial hair is because of the play. Reality proves otherwise, however. As you have just noted.

  12. I would agree about the beard too M.

  13. I definitely dont see the need for Jake to have a full beard for the play. The character is kind of a vagabond but with Jake,s facial hair a little 5 o'clock shadow would have done the trick.

  14. No star has the power to ban the average joe from posting photos around the internet. And yes Jake often says no to photos when asked, but that's because someone is trying to get a fan photo with him, or a posed photo, Jake can't stop people from taking pictures of him if he's out and about in public.

    Ditto with people talking about who they see Jake with. If he was out there with a large group of kids, you'd hear about it.

    Long Island is one of the most densely populated areas in the U.S. Yes there are fancy neighborhoods with giant houses far apart, but I seriously doubt Jake has the kind of money it would take to buy something like that, and I don't think he could go out and about on Long Island with kids and not be seen

  15. I work in public relations, the magic game if you will, and you would all be surprised about the hold CAA and WME and other agencies like Modest! have. It is enormous. Believe me they control the message and the image of their clients. They also can flood the Internet with any number of lies they want. So much so, the majority of duped readers believe it.

  16. I work in public relations, the magic game if you will, and you would all be surprised about the hold CAA and WME and other agencies like Modest! have.

    Agree. No one has tried to suggest that Jake is walking down the street with children by his side and photo bans are preventing the pics from being published. Photo bans are just one of many techniques to make sure certain mistakes are not published.

    There's little doubt that PR worked far too hard earlier this year trying to plant the idea in everyone's mind that Jake lives in an apartment. Why? Because if he lives in an apartment he surely can't have kids. He also has been seen too many times in Long Island for him just to be a casual vacationer.

  17. So Jake is coming all the way into NYC to take his cycling classes and to have coffee in Tribeca? It's roughly an hour by train or car from the communities closest to Manhattan. Not exactly a commute that makes it easy to run back and forth, so if he's really living in Long Island and coming into the city in the morning, then it's really not likely that he's running home before the play. So if he's really hiding out in Long Island with kids, then he's not spending much time with them while doing the play.

  18. Good debate. I got to admit I am more confused than ever which probably puts me in the boat with a lot of folks that follow Jake. Actually that is probably what PR and Jake want.

  19. Well if you're buying a lot of those planted tweets, sure that's how one would see it.

    This is exactly what Jake's people are counting on.

  20. I dont believe any tweets I see PG.
    I know you are more into twitter than I am. I am sure some are legit but I am also sure a lot are not. I am also sure that Jake can use twitter to be anywhere at any time. I am also sure Jake gets paid to be tweeted at certains places like soul cycling and some restaurants. I figure it this way some day the truth will come out and I am hanging around with my friends here till I find out:-)

  21. I also love it when OMG gets a good scoop. Leadville was awesome and catching the tweet that pretty much sealed the deal when J and A where in Berlin. We may never would have known if the tweet wasnt sent out.

  22. Actually there has been one coffee tweet since that play started and that occurred around the time of the London EOW premiere. Same with the Spin. Spin stopped when he started working in the play and now I'm supposed to believe that he's a casual drop in participant on Mondays, which happens to be his one day off. lol. That's got to be an awfully cardiovascularly demanding workout to only do once a week, I know that.

    Any kind of exercise regime is pretty hard to do well and reap benefits from just doing it once a week. Now it's very possible he is needing to get back into shape for the Prisoners shoot but boy if that is the case, I sure would expect to see tweets on a regular basis more than once a week and I've not seen that.

  23. I'd be happy to be exercising one day a week. Soul Cycling would probaly kill me :-)

  24. Normally we dont see much of J and A around Christmas time do we. Things get quiet. We will see this year.

  25. Niners looking good. Right now I am liking Peyton and the Broncos.
