Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Look at Loki

 So this is Jake's new look for his role of Detective Loki  in Prisoners.

Loki looks like he grew up rough in Southie/Dorchester/Charlestown and got chance to turn it around when some good-hearted cop gave him a chance because he was "wicked smaht" and was streetwise and had the drive to succeed that made him quickly move up the ranks from patrolmen to detective. But he never forgot his Southie/Dorchester/Charleston roots or his neighborhood.

His look

Looks a bit of young Jake

With some October Sky

And the slick of Rendition

Why does it look like if his slickback fell it would be 90's Stephen Baldwin from Threesome all over again.

And he's sporting some bling.

  Careful Austin might want that pinky ring.  It's no larimar or lapis, but  he'll still go for it.

So if Jake is playing a cop either in Boston, or Brockton or maybe some mythical suburb in Boston, he's going to have to show off his Boston/New England accent.  Will he reach back to all the years  and friends he has in Mass and do them proud,  or will it sound a little more like this?

So I pahked the cah in Havahd Yahd and we took the T to the Noth End for suppah. I had some chowdah and a beeah. After that we got these wicked big ice cream cones with jimmies, then we went to Sawx game. It was a pissah! When I finally get back to cah I find out some cop gave me a freekin' pahkin ticket. I was bullshit.


  1. I like the dialog / captions you posted for Jake SK.

    The Boston accent is one all of it's own. Some New Yorkers accent are just as hard and interesting. I Love listening to them.

  2. I wanna say again something I said last night. My comments on how Jake looked and his acting were solely comments about Jake. There was no intent to criticize any posters.

  3. I was going to say you can see a bit of 'young Jake' also. :)

  4. Special, you've really got an ear for that accent. ;)

    What a great idear for a post. I'm looking forward to seeing Prisonahs.

  5. And he's sporting some bling.
    Careful Austin might want that pinky ring. It's no larimar or lapis, but he'll still go for it.

    Ha ha. I bet he likes that bling. That's a big honkin' ring, that is.

    You know, I like that coat he's wearing on set. That is a nice looking coat. I need that right now. It is absolutely freezing out there. Let's see, it's 25 degrees, feels like 15. And when you have to stand out there and pump gas, that is the pits. It's brutal.

  6. Sorry about that last night, Tom. It just hit me wrong but Ha! I should've bitten my tongue, like I should do at times. No words necessary on your part, only mine.

    Now if only the good Lord will allow me to see tomorrow and FF past it without having to say goodbye to my big buddy. I am so certain I'm going to cry at work tomorrow. I hate that.

    And then once our temp leaves after next week, I'm going to be all alone back there for awhile in our Cube World, except for my Super, but she's in another cube and I can't even see her.

    This is going to be absolutely awful, the pits. Sure, there's all kinds of other co-workers but that's different. These are bunker-mates, the ones you spend all day with and talk to, laugh with, gripe with, everything.

    Saddest day ever and it's not even gotten here yet. You know what, don't even think about it. How do people work by themselves, I don't know how they do it.

  7. So instead of focusing inward, lol...this would be interesting to bring up.

    Rollin' rollin' rollin'

    Jake Gyllenhaal Hangs With ‘Very Good Girls’ at Sundance

    By Matt Donnelly | omg! – Wed, Jan 23, 2013 2:13 PM PST

    Jake Gyllenhaal was spotted out at the Sundance Film Festival this week, shaking hands and literally kissing babies.

    But instead of promoting his own filmmaking, Gyllenhaal came to support his mom, Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal and her directorial debut, "Very Good Girls."

    Starring Dakota Fanning, Lizzie Olsen, and Boyd Holbrook, the gang premiered the flick Tuesday in Park City, Utah, and headed to Main Street's NK lounge, a pop-up space from New York nightlife architect Nur Khan.

    Gyllenhaal, who commuted from the Georgia set of his new film "Prisoners," donned dark threads and denim for the fete and raved about his mom's work, according to one partygoer.

    The 32-year-old mulled over the flick with the likes of Francesca Eastwood -- this year's Miss Golden Globe and still main squeeze of photographer Tyler Shields as far as we know -- along with Fanning.

    But back to the family affair: Not only was Gyllenhaal's godmother, Jamie Lee Curtis, in attendance, the actor also spent a "large portion" of the evening cradling and playing with a baby that was rolling with the group.

    Yet more cuddling: Lizzie Olsen (Mary-Kate and Ashley's talented younger sibling) never strayed far from her beau and co-star Holbrook, who navigated the soiree with an ever-present hand on the small of her back.

    The film pits high school best friends played by Olsen and Fanning against one another in attempts to win the affection of Holbrook's character. Naomi is best known as a screenwriter, for films like Halle Berry's "Losing Isaiah."

  8. the actor also spent a "large portion" of the evening cradling and playing with a baby that was rolling with the group.

    Why is 'large portion' italicized like that? And exactly whose baby was it? Isn't a movie festival after-event party an odd place to bring a baby? And notice how the writer indicated that the baby was "rolling with the group", indicating that the baby wasn't a casual 'drop-in', 'hi, bye' kind of thing. The baby was hanging with the group.

    Baby couldn't be Lizzie Olsen's. Baby couldn't be Dakota Fanning's. Baby certainly wasn't Naomi Foner's. Nor could the baby have belonged to Jamie Lee Curtis. Wonder whose baby that was? Did someone bring the baby in specifically for Jake to be able to see and spend time with?

    Reminds me of the time Jake was seen at breakfast with another couple and was said to have spent a lot of time playing with a little tot who was also at the table.

    Very, very odd article. Very interesting mention by the writer. These are the kinds of things that you pay attention to and you tuck away into that file.

  9. Don't forget FrancescaJanuary 24, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    The baby most likely wasn't 19 year old Francesca Eastwood's either, who is not said to have any children.

  10. So I'm not the only oneJanuary 24, 2013 at 7:57 PM

    You know, I read that article and immediately thought two things. First the focus was on Jake being with the baby. Secondly, the baby was with their group because it was "rolling" with them. Huh. I have to say, that is the strangest write up I've ever seen. Almost like someone was concerned that a tweet or pic might surface so let's put out something that makes it seem like Jake has nothing to hide.

  11. And Maggie's nine month old kid is in Ireland with her and Ramona.

  12. It does seem odd that an article about a handsome bachelor actor at an industry event like Sundance is focused on him spending time with a baby, instead of him spending time with babes.

    So I'm not the only one --- You make a good point that it could be they were worried that there could be a picture or a tweet of Jake with a baby.

    You have to wonder if that is what Jake was so twitchy about when he was traveling. He might have been up front on the plane but he might have not been the one in the family on the plane.

  13. Who takes a baby to an event like that. And using the term rolling is odd too. Lets hope some more pictures do surface. Cradling sounds pretty serious. If he showed up at an event like that with one of baby tiles in tow, then he is ready to step out of the closet immediately. I doubt that is the case but some day he will be in one day and out the next day, so it could happen.

  14. What a strangely worded and very interesting story. Very odd too that a baby would be at such an event.

    Agree that Jake didn't look so hot in the photos from the set.

  15. A family affair. That sounds like the writer pretty much states that the baby seemed like a part of the Gyllenhaal family. If it wasn't one of Maggie's who the heck could it have been. Interesting.
