Saturday, January 19, 2013

In abs-sense-ee-yah






Investigative journalism at it's best.


Getting to the bottom of Mr. Nichols.


  1. Well now.....

    Wouldn't I just love to be part of getting to the bottom of Mr. Nichols!

    Would likely end up in a rasslin match with Tom for front of the line, or the first tag.

    Somehow, I don't think Mr. Nichols would feel so tender or violated as he seems to like showing it off at times. Hell, I'd be proud!

    That's enuf now.

  2. It was so nice to see the guys together again last year. And to reaffirm that they are indeed together. Austin's posture in the sushi pictures reminds me of his posture in the birthday cake photo during The DAy After filming- clearly behind Jake as his partner.

    I'm on the road again for the next week so limited comments but ill try to keep up. The frequent flier miles are already adding up.

  3. This has been a whirlwind weekend, family left town early this afternoon. We had a wonderful day yesterday hitting their favorite spots, i.e. Trader Joe's, Crate & Barrel, Dean & Duluca. Barbeque was dinner fare and it was a feast. Played Christmas music via my Christmas station on Pandora through my phone and it was just an incredible night. Brunch this morning at a place called Granite City and let me tell you, their French Toast was THE best I've ever had. The best. It was, as my nephew said, for lack of a better term - amazing.

  4. Whirlwind weekend but still time to see a few things, notice a few things, contemplate, share & discuss a few things.

    Probably the most startling item that has happened this weekend in the land of Jake and/or Austin is a thread from DataLounge where Jake just really doesn't garner much attention. The couple of threads on him that I've seen have minimal responses and he really seems to have lost a lot of popularity, the critical opinion is eye opening.

    But I cannot recommend this read enough. And I strongly suggest that the thread be read from the very beginning and carried out until allll 204 comments that reside there to this point have been ingested. All of them need to be read to get the feel for what happened in the demise of that thread.

    It's about a sighting that a DL regular had on Thursday the 17th. He sat across from Jake on his flight from Atlanta to NYC.

    Datalounge fav Jake Gyllenhaal is sitting across the aisle from me on a flight right now

  5. The thread takes off in a very cute and amusing fashion as these DL posters try to get this OP to prove that what he's saying is true. Made me chuckle and was pretty entertaining.

    And then somewhere along the way, the thread took a nosedive turn and went straight to hellsville. If anyone has witnessed the deplorable atmosphere at another Jake site, they should see an exact same MO used on this DL thread.

    Whether it's someone directly from Jake's Team or it's someone directed by his Team, the aim is the same - it's to disrupt, to monopolize, to destroy.

    In that order. Absolutely no doubt in my mind, none.

    I won't say a whole lot more about it until some people have had a chance to read it. That is, unless there is cause made for me to expound on it at an earlier time.

    Thoughts are encouraged from everyone. Really. This is the kind of thing that is extremely relevant. It's disturbing and it involves several things, not just the reason for such a disruption and who are these people that are patrolling the blogs.

    It also involves what this guy witnessed and how indicative it is of the dramatic changes we have seen in Jake up to this point.

  6. Of course, I realize it's an open skating rink right now since everyone is watching the play off games. You can tell I am not. I'll be like little Maxwell the Geico Pig and skate all over the blog. Wheeeeeeee wheeeeeeee! lol. Aw, I miss my Maxwell ringtone.

  7. That gif cracks me up. For the most part, I can't stand them because they drive me nuts. But once in awhile, there's a good one. It's weird the way the speed is slowed down and their mouths move. I do like that one of Jake.
