Monday, January 7, 2013

Wanna Bet?

While all the talk has been about Jake getting ready to start filming Prisoners, it is easy to forget he has another movie in the works, and it was announced a while before Prisoners.

Bet you're thinking... wait what movie was that?

Answer: Mississippi Grind

The story written and directed by the Half Nelson duo Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, is about a young gambling addict who teams with a washed up gambler fraught with debt as the two travel through the South to hopefully change their luck.

And while lately Jake's beard makes him look like the old washed up gamber, if you took that bet you would be busted.

Jake plays the younger gambler, so who then is the older in this pair?
Up and coming Australian actor Ben Mendelsohn.  Ben is 11 years Jake' senior and when Jake gets a clean close shave he will look even younger.

Jake isn't just acting in Mississippi Grind is also producing the film. This will be Jake's second producing credit.  His first came with End of Watch,  and bestowed upon him after he became so involved in the making of the film. 


  1. My buddy @Justingchatwin is climbing Mt. Killimanjaro right now! CLICK THIS---------------------------->

    12:05 PM - 7 Jan 13 · Details

  2. I really love the apparent strong connection Austin makes with his fellow castmates from earlier gigs, to me it speaks to how he really enjoys and gets totally into his projects and actually maintains many of the old connections.

    Loved yesterday's Spotlight, even at 30, Scott puts me in mind of Tom Daley. Nice to see such openness!

    Best descriptor for TSwift yet... FAMEWHORE! I don't really care if she is gay or not... she is so false, and a user.
    Her music is really just hyped trash.

    And on the topic of the 1D boys, I agree that the fan-girls are cheering on Harry & Louis and yet their management just can't wrap theirbigoted heads around this reality, hence, the enforced beards and other B.S.

    Cheers all...

  3. I thought this article was interesting given what people have been discussing here about Swift and Styles:

    Representatives for Styles and Swift aren't commenting on the status of the Haylor relationship.

    There has been ongoing speculation that the Styles/Swift romance was fabricated as a publicity stunt. Some One Direction fans insist that Styles is secretly gay or bisexual and that Swift has been "bearding" for him, i.e., pretending to date him so people won't think there's anything gay about Styles' sexuality. Swift previously dated actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner, who both have also had persistent rumors about them that they are closeted gay men.

    Styles has refused to confirm or deny that he's dated any of the women he's been romantically linked with after he broke up with "The Xtra Factor" co-host Caroline Flack in January 2012. When Styles is asked about his love life in interviews, he says he dates women and he admits to being a big flirt. But he won't specifically name any women he's been dating. When he's asked about specific women he's been seen on dates with, he dodges the question by not answering it or by making a vague comment and then switching the subject.

    Swift, who has talked to the media about her boyfriends in the past, has not made any public statements about her relationship with Styles.

  4. You know what enough is enough. People need to stop making fools of themselves. Harry is s kid. shame he is being expointef. PR teams should be ashamed of themselvrd.

  5. You know what enough is enough. People need to stop making fools of themselves. Harry is s kid. shame he is being expointef. PR teams should be ashamed of themselvrd.

  6. I really love the apparent strong connection Austin makes with his fellow castmates from earlier gigs...

    I don't follow Austin's twitter closely but does he ever shout out Jake? I've never seen it. But if they are best friends (only best friends) of course he would. He'd do it to support Jake and he'd do it to name-drop his A-list BF. I mean, everyone does it. But not Austin with Jake.

    In fact the only time I can think of Austin acknowledging their friendship is that interview where he talks soooo awkwardly about Jake teaching him about girls.

  7. RIP Jeanne Manford, the founder of PFLAG who passed away today at age 92.

    Manford was one of the LGBTQ community's biggest allies, fighting for acceptance and equality for 40 years. Her fight began in April of 1972 when her and her husband learned that their son Morty, a gay activist, had been beaten and ended up in the hospital. After her son's attack, Manford penned a letter to The New York Post, stating "I have a homosexual son and I love him."

    Read more atBuzzfeed

  8. Yes, poor Austin can't acknowledge his realtionship with Jake, nor can Jake with Austin. One of the drawbacks of being closeted. If they were straight and they were just friends, it would be no big deal.
