Saturday, February 23, 2013

Well Tux'd

What is more appropriate for this weekend than some Jake's best looks - black tie - of course

And a little Austin of course


  1. To kick off the Academy Awards today, something a friend sent me.

    The 85th Academy Awards:Gay to Z

  2. Great, superb, beautiful pictures.

    They make me very sad though, you know? Jake avoids the award shows now it seems, look how he got out of LA this weekend. Not only that, but when will we ever see a joyous looking Jake like Berlinale or the TDAT or PoP premieres? It's like that circa Jake is gone from the public forever. Everything else is now carefully shielded and only brought out within the guarded safety of his home and close knit circles.

    I am just very sad when it comes to Jake and now Austin too, just in general. Look how much things have changed since 2008-2009, that's back when I first discovered these guys anyway, back when Reeke first started. Even during Reeke, there still seemed to be some playfulness, some orneriness, some of that vulnerability.

    Now it's all this manipulation, strategic file photos, extravagant productions used to cover up events in his life. Austin's twitter account, while even if he didn't start it willingly but as a tool to sell his own faux romance Sophin, Austin still had fun with it. He was quirky, funny, he was real with it. Now it's used to mislead. It's an over exaggerated attempt at frat house horndog behavior, filled with false DMs, false accounts, and it's caused young girls to try to become what they think he really wants. And it's become a big blow up of absurdity all because he has to pretend to be someone that he isn't and hide those little people in his life.

    It has broken my heart, you guys, I'm not kidding. To see what has become of that account, what has become of Jake's public presentation that he now gives. What the Hollywood closet has done to them, what they themselves have decided is the path they want to take.

    How exciting of a time it was just one year ago when we had those sushi pictures and Berlinale, what seemed at the time to be perhaps a glimpse of what could be coming. But during Berlinale, it changed. And these two guys went back so deep again into that closet.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Aw now I feel bad with my Debbie Downer comment, Special. LOL

    I couldn't help it, those pictures make me melancholic and nostalgic.

    I am looking forward to the Oscars tho. The gowns and what live moment is going to happen. I hope Ryan Seacrest is going to do without that 50's Dippity Do though.

    Hey, maybe that's the new thing, huh? Look at the Biebs. Look at Louis Tomlinson. Is that hairstyle coming back maybe?

  5. I wish those guys knew that all some of us ever wanted to do was just love on 'em.

  6. Covering for 7:20 amFebruary 24, 2013 at 7:24 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This C+ list actress was giving an interview about her almost A list mostly movie actor co-star and talked about meeting his boyfriend and what a wonderful couple they were. The reporter just sat there with her mouth open and could not believe what she was hearing because the actor in question has boards nailed over his closet. It was only after a publicist happened to stop by when the reporter was confirming the details that the whole thing got quashed and the reporter got an exclusive with the actor to talk about the movie and the next movie, but nothing else. Jessica Biel/Jake Gyllenhaal "Nailed"; Jeremy Renner/Gemma Arterton "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters"

    February 24, 2013 at 7:20 AM

  7. Well Jake and Jerrmy are both very good guesses:-) Dont know who Jeremys partner is though.

  8. Probably Jeremy. Nailed was so long ago and was never released snd we all know Jeremy is gay or Ted would not have been fired.

  9. It is totally bizarre too that Ted gave that big send-off, closure piece on Toothy/Goose for his last Toothy Tile past before he was forced out of E.

    I'll tell you guys, Ted has become pablum on Twitter. Very safe. Very boring. Very mundane. Very uninformative. And very, very, very infrequent.

    He hardly tweets at all. If he does, it's about personal vacations, he had an accident, his dogs, what do you think about this movie, blah blah blah, not at all what he used to do online.

    That guy was shut up. He shows all the signs of what happened to Jonathan Jaxson. These people who try to buck the system are hog-tied by the Old HW and they have to toe the line or they're out of there.

    I'm firmly convinced and will never be deterred otherwise.

    Ted shows all the signs of having been railroaded out. And that's why he gave Toothy/Goose such a terrible last post, acting like they were toast, Tooth was cheating, etc. When just posts before, he was talking about how in love they still were.

    It was total bullshit. I think Jake and Austin wanted Toothy Tile/Grey Goose put to rest. The poster on the Broadway thread who said that Jake would just cut down anyone who even mentioned Toothy shows me that they want that whole blind gone. That they have totally eliminated Austin from Jake's top Google Searches also shows me they want it all wiped out.

    Very, very strategically done.

  10. Could be Jake. Ent lawyer has a tendancy to post items that happened a few years ago rather than current. And we know what a wonderful couple Jake and Austin are so the comment fits. Could have been Gemma from the time of POP. Being British she might not have been aware of the closet and the taboo about revealing that Jake is gay.

  11. lol, not that Jake would ever want to laugh and eye twinkle should someone mention Toothy in public. LOLLL!! I know that's stupid, too. I guess he outgrew Toothy, though. Just like Prince of Persia, seems like he's ashamed.

    Major melting going on today. Just in time for another round over the next couple of days. Cannot wait!!! I went in to work for several hours this morning and left early, but could easily have stayed for a few more. Plus I'm missing out on pizza being called in!!! Dangit.

  12. I know what you mean PG. We just never see them doing anything like awards season. I can understand not being at the shows, but to skip all the big industry parties, etc. Austin probably doesn't get invited to things, and I suspect Jake is very bitter about HW after POP and the bearding. As for Austin's twitter, well I don't look at twitter, and as far as the things I've seen here it doesn't sound that bad. And you can't control what fans are going to say and do. Many actors are narcissist, and Austin probably craves the attention. I'm on the fence again about what Jake and Austin's relationship is, but if they are together, to be denied that recognition, and to have to hide, it's going to mess you up. Some get angry, depressed, turn to alcohol or drugs. Wouldn't surprised if the DM behavior isn't tied up with that.

  13. I can't see Jessica Biel doing that, she had rumors of her own for awhile, and she's been in the business a long time now. So I'd go with Jeremy too.

    Can't wait for the Oscars, love watching the red carpet, and have a long-standing Oscar party to go to.


  14. It is obvious how HW works. In every aspect of the business if you dont play the game you are out. I am sure Ted is trying to pay his pennace and somehow save his career. The studios have to be where the power lies. Still wondering what poor Ben Affleck. did to be scorned this year.

  15. I was reading about how much thevstudios pushed Crash to win Best Picture. They sure did not want win. It is hard to respect or take the Academy serious. Ang Lee recently was asked how much homophobia contributed to Brokeback not winning and he skirted the issue a bit but said it certainly did.

  16. I suspect Ted will never get back in, short of starting his own blog and doing something like Michael K. I wonder if he's working on a book?

    I think things are changing though, I bet if BBM was up this year it would be different, and Crash would not win. So many people have come out this year, and Obama speaking out on gay marriage, etc..

    I think within five years, maybe less, we'll have a major movie star, in the prime of their career, who is out.

  17. Austin has gone to several parties during award season.

    Look at the last picture I posted that was the VF after party in 2006.

    And two years ago, it looks like Austin again at a Pre-Oscar party the same one that Jake was attending.

    This is the first awards in a while that we haven't seen Jake. He has presented that last several years despite not being nominated except for the Golden Globes for LaOD.

  18. I agree Destiny, it could be very different had Brokeback come out now. But what an honor, what a privilege to put that movie out when they did. How brave Jake, Ang, Heath, all of them were.

    And how disturbing to see repetitive tweets every day, I kid you not, from accounts which say how they can't look at Jake the same ever since he did Brokeback, very homophobic, immature silly stuff. Every day. Worded the same. Enough to make me think they're planted on purpose.

    I'm not kidding, I'm serious. And constant tweets continue praising Jake and Michael "Mike" Pena for being such badasses in EOW. Tweets and FB posts with names or avatar/icon pictures to lead you to believe these are male biker types making these glowing remarks. I know of what I see and this pattern has continued since that cop movie came out.

    It's really, really disturbing because it happens too often on a daily basis to be for real.

  19. @hreins: Spotted: Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, with Peter Sarsgaard and various small children. Jake with a script tucked into the back of his pants.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Ang Lee recently was asked how much homophobia contributed to Brokeback not winning and he skirted the issue a bit but said it certainly did.

    I missed that part of your comment, Tom. That's so sad, isn't it? But I've seen Ang Lee's movie Life of Pi win a couple of Oscars so far tonight. I'm so happy for Ang Lee. I'll be rooting for him as much as possible tonight.

    Seth McFarlane's got some good ones in tonight.

  22. Jennifer Hudson's doing "And I am Telling You" from Dreamgirls. All I can think about it Jake belting it out.

    Don't tell me he had just had a week of singing that song. He had been singing that song for years, sister.

  23. The performance from the cast of Les Mis gave me chills.

  24. Jake could do that, couldn't he? Don't they say he really does have a great singing voice?

    Anne sings pretty well. I thought Hugh's voice was the weakest of all of them, though. I wasn't too overwhelmed by his singing. That Eddie Redmayne guy sings pretty well.

  25. Jake better get shopping or ordering flowers for friend and former co-star Anne on winning an Academy Award. Text her Jake, you never text her. :D

  26. Did she really need to be swaying in the breeze though? #ComeOnAnne #HaveSomeClass

  27. So funny to see people tweeting about Jake singing "And I Tell You" better than Jennifer H. or they could never hear that song the same again. lol
