Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This is why

Because after a decade and all that has come with it comes down to this:

There is no one who makes Jake look like this:

Smile like this:

Beam like this:

Not her:

or her:

or even her:

No one

but him

and has since they met

Even behind all that hair and beard it still shines through:

So why?   Why OMG?

Something so extraordinary should be cherished and celebrated.

That's why.


  1. Another Blind Gossip article about Taylor Swift that indirectly outs Jake Gyllenhaal...a-gain!

    From a list of advice to Swift:

    #5. Act your age. Date your age. Oh, and try to date straight boys. They might actually like you.

  2. Love that set of photos. They put a real smile on my face after a horrible day at work. And not only is Jake beaming around Austin, but Austin beams around him just as brightly. A real love match. Come on out guys and celebrate.

  3. Blogger prairiegirl said...

    I think after Jake abstains from the bread, eats the lean bison meat, works out in Bruckheimerhead at Asleep At the Wheel, and shops at Whole Foods.....

    he needs to have another cig.

    I will still take those pancakes:-)

    To me looking at those pics with Levine I see a connection with Jake and Austin even when they aren't even standing close. Seems loke you can just tell when two people are tuned into each other.

  4. Those pancakes look good, don't they?

    I love Jake and Austin together. I wish after they come out, they would do another Laker court side set of pictures. Ha, I just hope there's not a set of walkers riding on tennis balls sitting next to them. LOL!!

  5. Those are good pic. They look real nice together. Hope everyone enjoyed pancakes, if you had some.

    On a sad note I lost a good friend in a car accident. :( I pray she is in a good place now. She had been so sad for awhile. RIP.

  6. ((Jessica)) so sad to hear about your friend.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Jess. That's tough.

    Anytime we sit behind the wheel or cross a street, there's so much to think about and watch out for.

  8. Sorry Jess. That is sad:-(

    On my way to Clearwater Beach. Made it to Wilson, NC. It is raining like heck. You guys are gonna get blasted back east. This is on the way.

  9. Take care, Tom! Make it safely to the Sunshine.

    We had rain overnight and this morning but that's it. Now it's kind of cold. East coasters hunker down! Hope you've gotten your provisions and hope your Wi Fi doesn't go out. lol. At least keep the Wi Fi, right?

    I also hope all the little animals on the streets find a safe place to go.

  10. "If you're out to get the honey, then you don't go killin' all the bees." -Joe Strummer

    9:24 AM - 7 Feb 13 · Details

  11. Another great film from my bro @matthewkfrost FASHION FILM- starring the great Lizzie Caplan RT &help me blow this up.

  12. I'm so sorry about your friend Jessica.

    I was supposed to head back to NY tomorrow but had to put it off until early next week because of the blizzard. Glad you're getting out of it Tom. Hope you'll weather it okay Special, supposed to hit Boston the worst.

    That lyric quoted by Austin is from the title song used for JFC.

  13. Yup we are going get clobbered. They are predicting over 2 feet of snow and some are saying we could get 3 feet in spots. Blizzard warning, with 65 MPH winds with drifts up to 5 feet. Logan is closes tomorrow afternoon and is staying closed thru Sat, the subway and the commuter rail are closing tomorrow afternoon too. Supermarkets are sold out of stuff, gas stations are running out of gas.

    It is definitely time to hunker down and hold on.
