Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mass Mailing

Austin got a whiff of the white smoke  this afternoon from the looks of his twitter.


 Poll -- How many Catholic fans do I have? - AUS10

 First South American Pope!! Pope Francis. I wish I was partying in Buenos Aires tonight. Or Brazil. I love Brazilians. #NEWPOPE - AUS10

So is it the Pope or the Brazilians that he's more excited about?

His former co-star Willie Garson had a comment about his tweets:

@AUS10NICHOLS Wanting to "make love to Brazilians" is not the same as "loving brazilians" you silly little man - Willie

So is it Sister Bertrille?  (Your whimple looks wimped)  Or Maria from the Abby?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The Hollywood closet is a sad and pathetic existence.

    Contrary to the popular opinion of gossip followers, most of the closeted gays are not "open secrets" at all. Many who haven't yet made it big (big meaning solid B-list and above) are not even out to their own agents for fear they'll secure them fewer auditions.

    It's not based in homophobia exactly, but the reality of the business and the risks associated with being gay.

    These days, getting a coveted role has as much to do with an actor's ability to promote their project (and themselves) as it has to do with their talent (hence, why Jennifer Aniston is still starring in movies). That won't be changing anytime soon.

    Are you still waiting for Toothy? Because Toothy isn't waiting for anything he knows isn't coming. Those idealistic dimples are long faded away now.

    Then there's Grey Goose, the sometimes lover. Grey has more looks than talent, and he's well aware of that fact. He would lose the little he has if he were outed, and his own agent does not totally know his true preference for men. His BFF fruit fly knows of course. Her protection has been vital, and still is. In fact, there may be a public reviving of a relationship just in time for a certain new show's debut.

  3. ^^^ That reads like an Awful Truth. I don't know that that is actually sass either. Sass doesn't normally post in the middle of the night. Look at the time on that thing.

    "Sometimes lover"? LOL. Goose's own agent does not "totally" know of his preference? Give me a break.

    Now the cryptic mention of Sophia is a bit interesting.

    If you're going to post something like this, you need to italicize it, put it in quotation marks and/or name the source, people.

    Can't believe it's Thursday already. Where has this week gone, anyway?

  4. These days, getting a coveted role has as much to do with an actor's ability to promote their project

    So does that mean you have to be a murderer to play one? Or a prostitute? Or a druggie? Arguments like these are tiresome and homophobic. It's called acting for a reason. Notice too how the adjective used is "coveted". When's the last time Jake was up for a role like that? He's no longer in the fast lane of Hollywood because he knows that ship has sailed. Those kids (however many) ensured that. And, once again, someone like Austin never needed a beard for himself. He's just a blip on the fame radar. It's because of his "association" with Jake that required he add a high profile "girlfriend" to his relationship resume. With Jake only twitter dating it's possible that Austin might roll out a reconciliation with his former fake girlfriend. Hard to tell. If he does though, it won't be because he needs cover. It will be because of Jake.

  5. Oh, Jake has kids. I have no doubt about that.

  6. These days, getting a coveted role has as much to do with an actor's ability to promote their project

    My read of this (and I agree with it) is that actors are expected to market the hell out of themselves in order to get people into theater seats or turn on the TV for their projects. I don't think it has anything at all to do with a murderer playing a murderer or a prostitute playing a prostitute (I'm not even connecting your dots there - can you explain?).

    The point is that you can't just be an actor anymore, you have to be a self-promotion machine, whether it's the lame young Twilight "couple" or Brangelina trotting out their kids for teh paps or Reese Witherspoon trotting out her newborn for the paps.

    Hollywood is so nauseating.

  7. Notice too how the adjective used is "coveted". When's the last time Jake was up for a role like that? He's no longer in the fast lane of Hollywood because he knows that ship has sailed. Those kids (however many) ensured that.

    Pretty sure Jake's roles in Love and Other Drugs, Source Code, The Enemy and Prisoners are all 'coveted' roles - I'd use a different word myself. Competitive. The Enemy in particular is Oscar bait. His ship has not sailed! He's a hot man in his early 30s. He's got decades left.

    And, once again, someone like Austin never needed a beard for himself. He's just a blip on the fame radar. It's because of his "association" with Jake that required he add a high profile "girlfriend" to his relationship resume. With Jake only twitter dating it's possible that Austin might roll out a reconciliation with his former fake girlfriend. Hard to tell. If he does though, it won't be because he needs cover. It will be because of Jake.

    While I don't condone bearding, I get the reality for actors in Hollywood when it comes to their careers and what it takes to remain closeted while climbing the ladder. I don't know the status of Austin and Jake's relationship obviously (and whether Austin required a beard for that at some point) but the Austin / Sophia hookup was on the same level as the Blake Lively and Penn Badgley hookup that helped promote Gossip Girl. I've heard that Penn B isn't gay (may be bi), but even if that relationship was real - real by Hollywood standards almost always has a PR component to it. Austin and Sophia together helped keep One Tree Hill popular and on the air. The fandom over celeb couples, as evidenced by this very blog, has a strong pull.

    I'd put Austin's fame higher than you do, too. He's a very hot guy with a few movies coming out and a supporting role on a TV show that is probably going to be pretty big.

  8. I'd put Austin's fame higher than you do, too. He's a very hot guy with a few movies coming out and a supporting role on a TV show that is probably going to be pretty big.

    Austin, is that you? I know, it's your agent, isn't it?

    BWAHHH. It feels like the world has turned on its axis or something.

    Just kidding, just kidding!

    It's interesting to have new added voices although I know that wasn't Sass up there at 3 something in the morning. Wasn't Sass. She would've said hello to everyone or something. That person just crop dusted and left.

    Another thing I'm wondering about like someone else was pointing out to me last night and it's making me look twice, which the hash tagging already had caught my eye.

    But I am wondering too if that was even Austin tweeting yesterday. That's just not like him to simply put up a hash tag for a tweet.

    When has he ever done that? Like never.

  9. A rather interesting twitter parallel occurrence happened yesterday. Let's play some charades:

    Poll -- How many Catholic fans do I have?
    1:20 PM - 13 Mar 13 · Details

    Sounds like....

    its conversation time! Ask me ANYTHING!

    Eskimos & Elves ‏@Jake_Gyllenhaal
    Oooo Heres a random question, What internet browser do you guys use?

    Eskimos & Elves ‏@Jake_Gyllenhaal
    Ok Im here! Chat time!

    This is only one of the reasons why I firmly believe Jake's people are in charges of @Jake_Gyllenhaal. He/She does this whenever Jake is lying low and isn't seen out and about. This account revs it up and purposely puts out tweets which encourage engagement, a la Replies. As in lots and lots of replies. The acct did it big time this past weekend. It's clockwork.

    Notice that's what Austin did with his curious need to know how many of his fans/followers were Catholic. Engagement.

    Something else kind of interesting was that around the time Austin was tweeting about the Pope, the fake Jake account was tweeting just about an hour or so earlier regarding the pope as well with a few hash tags of its own.

    lol, I'm jus' sayin'.

  10. I really wonder if they're even still filming Prisoners.

  11. Okay, I just bought a medium DQ twist cone after filling up with gas. I had a $5 and a $1 in my billfold and a small assortment of silver change in my car cupholder.

    Should be enough for a medium cone, right?

    Not!!!! That sucker cost $2.50+ and I came up short so I had to use my 5. Hacked me off. $2.50+ for a medium ice cream cone. What a crock.

    Not that anyone cares but is that not ridiculous for an ice cream cone? Plain twist at that, not even a dipped cone? Come on!

  12. lol, M&M just called me a cheapskate!!!

  13. This is only one of the reasons why I firmly believe Jake's people are in charges of @Jake_Gyllenhaal.

    Do you really think his "people" would put something like the below out there?


    @TiffyLau I think you have ADHD. I have manic depression but thats a whole other story.
    9:37 PM 10 Mar 13 via twitter for iPhone
