Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Southie Rules

Austin retweeted some news about the newest cast member joining Ray Donovan

Oscar nominee & Emmy winner James Woods has joined the all-star cast of the new SHOWTIME drama series #RayDonovan:

 Nikki Finke@NikkiFinke 
James Woods Joins Showtime Series ‘Ray Donovan’ via @Deadline

James Woods is going to be the recurrent character Patrick “Sully” Sullivan from South Boston, who has a very complicated history with the Donovan family. 
The series weaves the two storylines of Ray's life, his professional life of  the go-to guy who makes the problems of LA’s celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls disappear and his personal life, when Ray’s South Boston dad, played by Jon Voight, gets released from prison and who's arrival in LA sets off a chain of events that shakes the entire Donovan family to its core. Austin is one of Ray's A-list clients who has a little problem with the ladies who are less lady and more laddy.

 Wonder if Austin is already setting up the poker chips


  1. I didnt realize Austins character was bi or gay on this show.

  2. Austin is one of Ray's A-list clients who has a little problem with the ladies who are less lady and more laddy.

    This is the official Ray Donovan blurb that is normally posted on most websites:

    As a Hollywood fixer that helps people make their problems disappear...Donovan helps a A-list actor [Austin] get far away from the gossip that he picked up a transvestite prostitute.

  3. Old timer said...

    Do you know how many boys or girls he has?

    The first birth - Gender: Boy

    Second birth - Gender: Girl (maybe twins)

    Third birth - Gender: Boy

    Fourth birth - Gender: Girl

    Lmao WoW
    Ridiculous really.
    and you know this "how" Old Timer?
    Show me a picture please, or give real evidence.
    Or stop living in OZ.

    Gessh, just throw out anything, number of children and gender, then the foo foo fantasy laden gushy fantasy believers chime in, "Yeah, that's right - I can see that".
    What a Joke

  4. There are many clues, buddy. Or missy, or better yet let me just call you trolly. Don't need a picture for that. If you're interested read the vast archive of information compiled here. If not, then you can continue to show your utter obsession with this blog. Of course, then, I think that says something much more about you, than it ever would about us.

    Those who have been watching and listening for years, know what's true. Whether you like it or not, the old timers don't have selective amnesia and we certainly don't go around manipulating the media, lying about fake girlfriends (Kirsten Dunst, Reese Witherspoon, Taylor Swift, Minka Kelly, Rashida Jones, Emily "what's her name", why dogs disappear, how long a film has been shooting, why I supposedly moved to New York, how many months I rode with the LAPD in 2011, etc.

    Believe me Jake and Austin are the ones who have proven time and time again that they are the liars. They are a treasure trove of deceit and machinations.

  5. Turning the car around now.

    A lot of you are going to get dumped out the wayback. And you know why.

    Wave bye bye.

  6. no no mommy Special K, don't turn the car around, I dun wanna go back home, pleeeaase.

    I'll be good


  7. Shows alot, doesn't it when a person can't come up with any kind of worthwhile argument or back up for their beliefs? Foul language and baby talk gibberish. Yup, that's about right for the scale of aptitude of those who can't tear themselves away.

  8. *putting on rubber boots* I for one need proof. I not talking about Jake n Austin photos together. That doesn't mean anything. Just that they were together. I want pics of them at the beach or shopping with kids in tow. This just how I feel. Give some pics and I am all over it. Speaking of kids, did Jake n Austin combine their sperm to make one child?!? I have never heard of that before.

    Well, kids sure do grow fast my lil one will be 5 soon. It was just yesterday that my girls were born. There will always be my babies. Lil tells me all the time that she is not a baby she is a cowboy. Lol.

  9. That's fine, Jess. I think we all know your view now.

    I would take care though how often you voice this on hrre knowing how some of us feel and knowing how long we have been researching this.

    For anyone to come here, don't be demanding. Don't be disrespectful of those who do believe these two guys are together and fathers. We don't have to answer your demands or questions if we don't want to. The answers are in the blog's history.

    Read it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Jessica That's cute about your little girl. I agree that it does go by fast.

    Not everyone here believes that there are kids or the number of children they have but looking at their pattern of behavior since 2007 it really looks like they have been come parents and are committed to raising their kids out of the glare of the public eye, which talked about before BT1 was born. Ted was all the one who shared that they did a bit of a swirl of their sperm for their first baby.

    Does anyone else remember that Ted mentioned that Toothy might be the dad (of BT1) but Goose would be listed, or did that come from a discussion on the original WFT all those years ago?

  12. January 11, 2007

    One Kids ‘R’ us Blind Vice

    Congrats are in order! Guess what? I hear our fave hubba-hubba, humpy homo in T-town, Toothy Tile, is seriously considering making things super-domesticated with his equally homosational b-f. And no, I don't mean the gorgeous closeted (albeit permanently, it seems) actor is getting a new puppy or Cuisinart.

    Hear ol' T2 is thinking about helping his man-friend adopt something, uh, more...complex. As in a human (aren't we all?). Meaning, a baby! Too sweet!

    March 16, 2007

    Stork Stirrings

    Since it's Blind Friday, thought I'd also give you the latest on Toothy Tile. Hear he's not really planning on adopting a kiddo, as I previously broke a few weeks ago. Nope. I was—gasp!—wrong.

    Turns out T2, so blab our mutual amigos, plans on swirling up his love juice, right alongside his boyfriend's procreating protein, ya know, putting it in some kinda beaker or toaster, or something, and mixing it around with a donor's eggs, then putting the results into yet another donor to carry the resulting embryo.

    The plan is, Boyfriend Tile will then, legally (and far, far away from pokin' press types like yours truly) be listed as papa—when, in fact, our beloved Tooth just may be the correct daddio.

    Oh, the lengths scaredy-cat cats will go to in order to cover up their preferred meowing ways. So damn silly. Why the hell can't the dudes be more like roarin' hons such as Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels, spouses and partners who are proud of whom they purr 'n' poke at?

  13. Does anyone else remember that Ted mentioned that Toothy might be the dad (of BT1) but Goose would be listed...

    Hey, Special. Ted wrote the Blind Item up using the subjunctive case
    when, in fact, our beloved Tooth just may be the correct daddio. because at that time he had learned that Toothy and Boyfriend were going to swirl both of their "love juices" together so neither would know, until the baby was born, whose sperm took. That actually is not an uncommon practice in the gay community, particularly when it's the first child.

  14. the show me cultureMarch 21, 2013 at 6:51 PM

    I have to smile at those who say they need photographic evidence. Really? You mean the only way you measure reality, or the truth, is if you think you have seen it with your own two eyes? Imagine going through life that way. I wonder if you believe in God? Or, that atoms exist? What about molecular structure. Or, someone who is alleged to have committed a crime, with massive amounts of extenuating evidence. No picture? Nope can't convict him. Imagine being limited by just one sense. And a very flawed sense at that. Jake loves you for your gullibility and intellecutal lassitude. And, publicists make millions off of the public's unwillingness to see many of their clients for who they really are. They think they do not have to play by the same rules as you and I. They are a member of the privileged class. The truth is for us peons. They've got money to make and suckers to swindle.

  15. Jake and Austin both may think they're pulling the wool over some, maybe a lot of people's eyes, but they're not with a few of us here.

    That's why Jake's Team has someone always staking out this place. That's why they have someone monitoring Twitter constantly as well, always looking for that truthful tweet that places their client in a place they don't want him to be seen in.

    I hate to be like this but I just don't have the patience or time any longer to explain or repeat to those who really aren't earnestly interested, who aren't open minded, who are waiting for the full-length video of Jake, Austin & the kids walking together in Disneyland. Hey, aren't we all waiting.

    Well, it's not going to happen until the day they come out so people can just wait away.

    That's a train station bench that I've long risen up from. I'm on that little pumping hand car that's chasing the train, that's where I'm at - on the tracks and moving.

    Figuratively, of course. lol. I love analogies.

  16. Well, well, well, well, well. Somebodyyyyy finally updated their avatar and are no longer showing Eagle Scout aged Louis & Harry. LOLLLLLLL!!!! They actually look grown up now.


    Dang, that Harry's a beautiful kid, ain't he? Great work, M and M. I bet you had no problem at all searching for that one or getting it to upload, huh? ; )

  17. I bet you had no problem at all searching for that one or getting it to upload, huh? ; )

    Hardy har-har.

  18. ...publicists make millions off of the public's unwillingness to see many of their clients for who they really are. They think they do not have to play by the same rules as you and I. They are a member of the privileged class. The truth is for us peons. They've got money to make and suckers to swindle.

    Excellent points, show me. Demanding photos is absurd. There is a whole system in place to protect these closet cases, and actively plant misleading and outright lies. Lots of money is involved. It's about greed, homophobia and bravery. Or, in the case of the latter element, lack thereof.

  19. **titter**

    You know, though, not to get too serious over this because we are supposed to have fun. Us regulars and semi-regular visitors are here because we still like us some boys.

    That's the bottom line. And look what I just saw on Twitter.

    Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire & Jeff Bridges Eyed To Replace Jude Law In 'Jane Got A Gun'

    We were beginning to wonder, as 24 hours had nearly passed, but yet another update has arrived in the ongoing saga of the western "Jane Got A Gun." The film, which this week saw director Lynne Ramsay and star Jude Law quit the project, while "Warrior" director Gavin O'Connor has been hired to try to get this thing moving, is still without a villain. The project, now looking to fall a week behind schedule, is in search for a replacement, and a few names have cropped up as possible substitutes.

    According to the LA Times, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire and Jeff Bridges are on the list of names being tossed around to step in. The role would be that of John Bishop, who shoots down Bill Hammond, a former member of the Bishop Boys, leaving his wife Jane Hammond (Natalie Portman) to team up with her first love (Joel Edgerton) to seek revenge. While the choices of Gyllenhaal and Maguire make sense, and would be nice off-the-beaten-path parts for them (the latter showed he could do bad and unhinged in the underrated "Brothers"), Bridges seems like a wild card. But hey, it wouldn't be the first time they'd age up a role, and undoubtedly the filmmakers would be thrilled if he agreed to do it. But the key is that, whoever they get, needed to be available yesterday. So in short: we'll see.

    Meanwhile, what's going on with Ramsay? According to the Times...anything, it seems. Their sources say that Ramsay had actually "terminated her involvement" with the film on Saturday, not on Monday as was widely reported, which would mean that the "shock" from producer Scott Steindorff was perhaps overstated. But yet another source says that Ramsay actually bailed on Monday by not showing up. Meanwhile, others (again, this is unsubstantiated) say that director "was often out of contact as the movie was being prepped" which might explain the rumors of Michael Fassbender leaving after "clashing" with her. Still another says she was dealing with personal issues. But bottom line? Nobody really knows until we hear something from Ramsay's camp.

    Lastly, FilmDrunk received a tip that Steindorff instructed his assistant to reach out to folks and encourage them to leave positive comments on the Deadline stories he gave them about this whole fiasco. Again, not verified, but if true, kinda gross.


  20. Oh boy, another tandem shoot 'em up. Well, if the plot involves gangs, abnormal or hyper sexual overtones, guns and/or bromance, Jake seems to be right there. Sounds like this one would fall under the gun/bromance category.

    There's quite a difference in age between Jake/Tobey and Jeff Bridges though, isn't there?

    Oh brother. Look at the first comment. Looks exactly like a planted one to me. lol, the name "Stetson". Let's get another push that he is indeed filming as we speak. *wink*

    STETSON | March 21, 2013 6:22 PMReply

    Gyllenhaal was fantastic as the killer in Time to Dance but as far as I know he's shooting the movie Prisoners as we speak, so.........

  21. And wait just one minute. He's going to be doing Mississippi Grind, so he can't be doing this movie.

    What a pointless rumor. I didn't realize this movie was in the midst of filming. Jake can't do this new movie, he's doing another movie.

    This thing is to set Jake up as the hatchet man in that awful video and it's also to mention that he is filming "right now".

    It's a 2 for 1.

    Nothing's coming of this. It's just to push Jake for a possible "badass" role.


  22. I guess the badass route is the way Jake figures he can make big bucks. The superhero route didnt work out too well. I think The Enemy is a movie in which Jake can work his acting skills. I am curious when it will be released.

  23. I miss Ted's stuff. It was fun to follow. Ted got close tp a lot of good stuff. Too bad he went too far with Renner. Especially at the time Renner was getting involved in the Bourne series. He must have pissed off that studio. That series had made tons of money.

  24. Ted got railroaded out, that's what I think.

    Look!!! He IS filming. LOL. #YankYankPullPull

    Lindsey Kendrick ‏@Lindseyrk22 1m
    Sneak peak at the movie prisoners that is being filmed in my brothers neighborhood! #JakeGyllenhaal
    Behold! Look!!
    8:36 PM - 21 Mar 13 · Details

  25. #YankYankPullPull indeed.

    Hey, I thought no one could be within 100' Radius of Mr. Gyllenhaal.

    That's quite a clear, non-fuzzy, non-grainy, non-Instagram photo of Jake. Notice when they really want/need to place Jake somewhere, boy, we get a real HQ photo.

    Could've been taken anytime, really. I'm just sayin'.

  26. Hey, PG, here’s a link that actually works

    No apologies necessary. It gave me another chance to post my beautiful new Harry and Louis avatar! ;-)

  27. Heehee!!! "Link Not Found". Aw, I messed up somewhere. Thought it was right, but apparently not.

    Thanks, M and M for the bailout!!! Maybe I should go back to my ol' Fisher Price links. Or maybe I just need to get out my notes/cheat sheet again for putting up hyperlinnks because I'm evidently not ready for Prime Time yet. **sniff**

