Thursday, April 25, 2013

Compounding things

Austin did Fencewalker now Jake's doing Nightcrawler.

It was announced today that Jake will not only star in the indie film Nightcrawler but will be one of the producers as well. Tony Gilroy, Jennifer Fox join Jake as producers along with Bold Films’ Michel Litvak and David Lancaster.

Nightcrawler centers on a driven young man in Los Angeles who tries his hand at freelance crime reporting and discovers the nocturnal world of the LA crime scene  Rene Russo is also set to star. 

Jake is not the only one doing double duty on this film screenwriter Dan Gilroy is making his directorial from the script he wrote.   Production is set for late October.

 It looks like Jake is bouncing back to his indie roots again.  And Variety noted something else about Jake, "Since leaving CAA and joining WME, ....has tackled more story-driven adult dramas including indie “An Enemy” and Alcon Entertainment’s “Prisoners” with Hugh Jackman."  And from  personal observation, Jake is also choosing small to medium budget movies that guarantee a solid box office and good return in investment.

One more thing about Nightcrawler, it's a family affair.  Dan Gilroy is the writer/director with brother writer/director/producer Tony,  (who wrote the Bourne Identity with his brother Dan) one of the producers.  And another longtime collaborator twin brother John Gilroy, is editing the film.  And Rene Russo?  Well she's family too.  She's married to Dan.


  1. ^^^^


    It's virus filled.

  2. Paid Troll needs to go back to his own neighborhood and get the heck out of Dodge.

    He has been doing this all morning in the hopes of getting the blog to be put on moderation. Well, too bad!! He picked the wrong day to do it. That comment will be removed soon.

    There are some new pictures on IHJ but please go to IHJ yourself and look at them there. No friendly ally is putting up a link for them here on OMG due to this malicious & criminal attack. We don't want anyone getting their computer infected.

    Now, the paid troll has just revealed something very obviously.

    Notice the timing of this hostile blog attack. When does it come? After the discussion of Marcus Mumford and his marriage to Carey Mulligan.

    I think a nail was hit right smack dab on the head, that's what this tells me. PR wants that discussion shut down.

    Too bad.

  3. Jake and Austin's people hire some real low life, that's all I can say. Their money is paying for malicious, hostile activity. I hope they're pleased with that. At whatever cost to be able to continue hiding the secrets, right fellas? To be able to keep walking the walk?

    Let's infect the computers of OMG'ers so that they can what? Shut up? Have to pay for a new computer?

    #Malicious #Cowardly.

    And it just makes someone like myself dig my heels in deeper, that's all it does.

  4. One year, I bought a Mister Rogers desk calendar, you know, the kind that you tear a page off every day. And that was the only year, I remember seeing one, so I kept a good handful of the pages because that guy really knew what he was talking about.

    After the tragedy in Boston, I guess this quote from Mister Rogers was used and retweeted by people who remembered this story of his and I think it was so wonderful. If you just think about it, it is so uplifting and true.

    When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of "disaster", I remember my mother's words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world.

  5. Mister Rogers also saidApril 26, 2013 at 10:38 AM

    Shyness isn't something that just children feel. Anybody can feel shy. And one reason we feel that way is that we're not sure people will like us just the way we are.

  6. There is some kind of music thing going on in Austin. Wonder if that is where Jake and Austin really are. Sure that wouldnt be something they would want anyone to know. I actually know someone who is there

  7. Dosa restaurant in soho!April 26, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    Jake is in ny as usual Tom, restaurants soul C etc

  8. Jake is in ny as usual Tom, restaurants soul C etc

    I don't know where they're at, but one place I can tell you they aren't at and that's New York City.

    This whole Mumford bromance thing was just another big send-off that Jake has used time after time again so that he, Austin and the kids can go escape somewhere. And it was for Austin's birthday. That's what this was all about.

    What I love is how Jake thinks we can't see this by now. Look at how many times he has used an NBA game to blow up a big smoke bomb. There was the Lakers kiss cam with Reese, the big ass leer Lakers game, the Nets game with Peter and Ramona making a brief cameo appearance for extra oomph, and now the Mumford/Jake lapdance game (so someone wanted to tell us that they were in each other's laps, lol, so hey that's what I'll call it).

    Isn't that funny? I wonder what it is about these NBA games that Jake thinks is such a brilliant idea. Is it the big Jumbotron? The courtside/first level-end of the aisle seats? All the cameras at these high profile playoff games?

    Interesting. See, baseball you just don't get that kind of exposure. Yeah, he's been at some baseball games, but they've not been this kind of obnoxiously covered with a kazillion pictures and internet soaking. Nor does he use the NFL because you're too bundled up, generally. Can't see who's under all those clothes, so that's no good.

    No, he uses the NBA because he can sit courtside, can't miss it.

  9. One lousy picture of him in walking in front of the Spin building and they think that's enough to make me buy that he's going there. Bwah. Yeah, right. It's called a business deal, scratch my back, you scratch mine.

    Okay roll 'em, Jake, Walk, walk, walk....slow down, look 'casual', that's it, that's it...looking good...Suck in the gut and tighten your cheeks so it looks like these classes are really paying off, Jake, alright?....Okay, that's a wrap! Nice workin' with ya, Mr. Gyllenhaal.

    That's how that works, lol.

  10. Jake was in ny all the week yesterdayApril 25 was at a restaurant in Soho, and in one of his soul cycle sections, the day before 24 April he was walking through NY

  11. Yeah, yeah, **wink** **wink** Whatever you say.


    **whistles a tune**

  12. I have the habit of checking what I say, I'm not like you, I doubt that water is wet because not fit with my desires.

  13. I dont know where Jake is but i do know that no tweet and even now a pic can prove he is anywhere.

  14. Tell us how you check big apple Would be interested in hearing.

  15. if we start to play the game of "I have evidence" you're going to lose big time

  16. This whole Mumford bromance thing was just another big send-off that Jake has used time after time again so that he, Austin and the kids can go escape somewhere. And it was for Austin's birthday. That's what this was all about.

    It’s interesting that you brought up Austin’s birthday in relation to Mumford. Over the past three years, Mumford has provided the much sought after “distraction” for Jake when it comes to distancing himself from that special date of April 24.

    2011 Mumford & Mulligan in the Railroad Revival Tour: April 22 (San Pedro) – April 27 (New Orleans)

    2012 : Mumford and Mulligan “Wedding” April 19 (UK) – April 24 (New York)

    2013: Mumford and Mulligan Tribeca Film Festival April 20 (NY) - April 23 Knicks and Celtics game (NY)

    Now, given the complicated schedules of people like Mulligan, Mumford and Jake what are the odds that for three consecutive years in a row, Mumford and Mulligan’s schedules just happen to neatly coincide with Jake’s.

  17. More than a friendApril 26, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    if we start to play the game of "I have evidence" you're going to lose big time

    Your confidence is either based on hubris, or you actually have inside info about Jake G. and Austin N. I would say that if your statement is based on the latter explanation, then I might wonder rather your interest is not so much the truth as the desperate continuation of the myth. In other words, the unqualified selling of the official story that Jake's publicist wants to sell the public.

    If you were someone so close to Jake's real life you certainly wouldn't be here at all. Unless, that is, you have been given an assignment to disrupt OMG discussion that is considered uncomfortable.

    There is no doubt that this blog has unearthed lots of evidence that Jake and Austin are together and have children. Even this Mumford discussion over the last two days has revealed so much that it truly boggles the mind. There was something that always bothered me about Marcus Mumford and Jake's relationship. More than just Jake liking Mumford and Sons' music.

  18. No, it's not interesting. Nor is it pithy, insightful or particularly enlightening. What it IS is a delusion that everyone of Jake's friends and acquaintances is somehow tied to a big coverup and/or a sex partner for Jake. Every. Single. Person. he comes in contact with (who isn't named Austin Nichols) is ripped apart by this blog. Why is that? Such sad sad people.

  19. There is no doubt that this blog has unearthed lots of evidence that Jake and Austin are together and have children.

    LOL! evidence???

    Show the world your evidence of Jake and Austin being a couple and the imaginary children. Evidence = proof of a photographic, video, audio or scripted nature. Ted said/Prairie said = no evidence. All you have is speculations or theories. And a pathological need to follow all their moves, disect their pics to minutiae putting your spin to everything, whilst actually disliking Jake. I mean, stalking somebody, even just online, isn't healthy but stalking somebody you despise is one step from the cuckoo's nest. Have a nice trip!

  20. Pathological. LOL.

    Some people are not happy today.

    Too bad! Not our problem.

  21. More than a friendApril 26, 2013 at 5:14 PM

    And a pathological need to follow all their moves,

    Surely, you do not want to be the one casting stones given your obsession with posters on this blog who believe Jake and Austin are together. Just like I thought. You have no evidence about Jake's whereabouts, except your own paranoia and low brow ridicule. Funny how you stalk this blog day and night. Yet, pretend not to care. Oh, you care. You care a lot.

  22. Jake was with Mumford around Austin's birthday 3 years in a row? Holy shit! That's got to be more than an accident.

  23. Hey lets hear it I will risk the heartbreak. You got nutting.

  24. I have one thing Tom, one thing that seems to be missing in many of you here...common sense

  25. Or Jake don't give a damn shit about Austin birthday.

    I think Jake cares so much about Austin's birthday that he carefully plans a high profile photo op with trusted friend and confidante Marcus Mumford 3 years in a row. Someone who will keep secrets. If Jake weren't with Austin he wouldn't need to do this kind of very careful coordination. I agree completely with 5:30. Something is definitely up for Jake to this. Another clue he and Austin are still together.

  26. Another time another gameApril 26, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    . There was something that always bothered me about Marcus Mumford and Jake's relationship. More than just Jake liking Mumford and Sons' music.

    PG you're just upset because Jake prefers to spend Austin's birthday, with its posh musician friend of the band of the moment, and where does this? horror horror in a basket game, it's like blasphemy forJake and Austin believers who worship the sacred image Lakers Game.
    and you know what? someone who does not know anything about Austin or Jake looking at those photos of Marcus and Jake to the game, might think: oh my God look hey are sitting close,oh too close, and how they are in confidence, and how they look at each other, and look how that Marcus guy whispers in Jake's ear! There must be something between them! Remind you of something?

  27. maybe a bit too muchApril 26, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    Of course,Marcus Mamford the lead of one of the most appreciated and famous bands in the world, winner of several Grammys, planned his wedding,(where was a guest none other than Oscar winner Colin Firth) with the famous and promising actress Carey Mulligan based on the date of Austin Nichols birthday, soap opera c listed actor.
    No offense Austin, I wish you a great career bud.

  28. From previous postApril 26, 2013 at 6:57 PM

    And looks like Jake and Austin are continuing their non-stop production line of working, of accumulating money to support that huge, shared brood they put together. They both can't seem to stop working. Well, it is extremely costly to raise a family the size they have.

    PG woman you really needt to Stop. Really you should. You're constantly pushing this Jake and Austin is married with lots of children even though they live on separate coast, get to see each other occassionally, maybe for a quick romp, then hanging out with others on his supposed hubbys birthday. You're no better than the Publicity campaigns you rail against. The Publicist/PR people motive is a paycheck.
    Just what's your motive?

    Only you know what your motive is, and there is one.

    Check yourself. Either you're defending to the hills or creating a J/A storyline to fit what you want or think they're lives should be.

    Sorry, you can't write that script!

  29. PG you're just upset because Jake prefers to spend Austin's birthday, with its posh musician friend of the band of the moment, and where does this? horror horror in a basket game, it's like blasphemy forJake and Austin believers who worship the sacred image Lakers Game.
    and you know what? someone who does not know anything about Austin or Jake looking at those photos of Marcus and Jake to the game, might think: oh my God look hey are sitting close,oh too close, and how they are in confidence, and how they look at each other, and look how that Marcus guy whispers in Jake's ear! There must be something between them! Remind you of something?

    Hello, Jake's Team. 1st of all, you don't call me PG, understand? I am not PG to you.

    2nd of all, you just revealed to the class the reason why Jake keeps doing these splashy photo ops at NBA games. See, you blabbed too much.

    The reason why your client keeps using NBA games is to undo the original Jake/Austin Laker game in February 2006.

    It's to bury that photo op, those pictures. It's to trivialize the looks and the actions between Jake and Austin by having Jake share the same with Reese and Marcus.

    You've already eliminated Austin's association in a Google "Jake Gyllenhaal" search. Now you've buried him in Google Images. That was the whole intent - to bury Austin.

    But I take great satisfaction in instances where Blind Gossip did the Katie Holmes blind item and there were numerous people who guessed Austin was the significant other. So - you think you're burying Austin in people's minds, but you're not.

    And OMG is sharing with the masses as well. Masses that have only grown.

  30. Just what's your motive?

    The Truth.

  31. Wow, wow, wow.

    Heads are exploding today, aren't they?

    I mean, people are p***ed.

    You know why? Because right now, PR has had to send out meeting invites in Outlook to other members of Jake's Team for a meeting next week.

    The agenda? To find another high profile gig for their client for next April 24.

    BWAHH!! Aw, I kill myself sometimes.

  32. prairie girl you're really talking to me as if I did Jake's people?? Oh boy this is too fun and psychotic! LOL. and LOOOOOOOL

  33. You've already eliminated Austin's association in a Google "Jake Gyllenhaal" search.

    Time and commone sense eliminated Austin's association in a Google "Jake Gyllenhaal" search.

  34. It's to bury that photo op, those pictures. It's to trivialize the looks and the actions between Jake and Austin by having Jake share the same with Reese and Marcus.

    And, don't forget the orchestrated NBA Lakers courtside photo op with Soapy and Austin on May 4, 2011. Jake took his beard to a Lakers game in January 2009 so before Austin's contract with Soapy expired PR made sure to get some photos of him too. Nothing but predictable.

  35. Oh it was really predictable go see the Lakers play with friends and girlfriends I imagine the thousands of people who attend the game every time are therejust to hide sordid secrets.

  36. You're no better than the Publicity campaigns you rail against. The Publicist/PR people motive is a paycheck.

    Well said, She can't see this and never will.

    ust what's your motive?
    The Truth

    What? What's it to you?
    Nobody asked you to follow Jake and Austin's life and their every move. Besides, you say things and add to thier lives things PG think is "The Truth", which very well may be all in your head, then you run with it waiting for the amen choir to agree.

    Nobody's Pissed. But you still run to put out the fires if they don't fit Your script.

    The bottom line is, Jake and Austin did not spend Austin's birthday together. Accept this and get over it.
    The world won't end!!!!

  37. It's to bury that photo op, those pictures. It's to trivialize the looks and the actions between Jake and Austin by having Jake share the same with Reese and Marcus.

    or there was nothing special about the Lakers game photo with Austin as there is nothing special in this Celtic game photo with Macus.

  38. Jake and Austin's gayness is hardly a secretApril 26, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Jake and Austin's girlfriends? Okaaaay. Can't put anything over on you. LOL!

  39. Jake and Austin did not spend Austin's birthday together. Accept this and get over it.
    The world won't end!!!!

    Indeed the world was ending when they were together, remember the day after tomorrow?

  40. you're really talking to me as if I did Jake's people

    Yes, and this is why. You are the same as "Jack". You're his alter ego. It's not hard to pretend to write broken English. For one thing, you're not even consistent in the use of the broken English.

    This alter ego always appear around the same time as "Jack", created to give him someone to talk to over next door, someone to make it look like he wasn't the only one. That there were "others". Same person.

    Without a doubt, PR is on here today.

    Notice, the last comment on WFT2 was at 7:39 ET this morning. And nothing since, why? Because the Paid Troll is over here, has been over here all day.

    And get this. There are no deleted comments either since 07:39. Isn't that interesting.

    wow, wow, wow. That is very interesting.

  41. Time for the Paid Troll to go back home, everything's been neglected over there.

    You're not turning this into WFT2. I'm done. It's Friday night and I'm gone now.

  42. Jake and Austin did not spend Austin's birthday together

    PR wants you to think that anyway.

  43. Jack is the new blackApril 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM

    PG I feel genuinely in trouble facing a serious argument with you, I tell you amicably, that your obsession has exceeded the warning level and makes you write things that in other times of your life you would definitely ashamed to read. English is not my first language Spanish is my first language, if Jake's people was so stupid as to hire someone to come to this blog or any other blog would still be smart enough to choose someone who speaks English, properly

  44. Then why is no one over at Waiting for Toothy. It's pretty obvious no one is there.

  45. Kinda of funny that trolls love to taunt people at this blog about there only being six regulars. Seems like WFT2 only has one commenter and they are over here! Hehehehehe.

  46. Wating for nothingApril 26, 2013 at 8:24 PM

    because it is a shitty place, where the 'blog administrator is a person dictatorial rude and uninformed, which has managed to make all run away

  47. If it's such a "shitty place" then why are there so many comments over there, except for today?

  48. "English is not my first language Spanish is my first language"

    I thought the story was a 28 yr old Italian boy ? Now it's Spanish?

  49. first language SpanishApril 26, 2013 at 8:36 PM

    I thought the story was a 28 yr old Italian boy ? Now it's Spanish?

    ????? What are you talking about?

  50. except for today?

    check it out with more attention

  51. Hey I'm waiting what are you talking about?

  52. "check it out with more attention"

    Sorry. There's still no comments @WFT2 since this morning at 7:39 a.m. The troll got caught with his/her pants down. Just admit it.

  53. there are no comments because there are not people anymore. Not just trolls, normal poster who got tired of arrogance and deleted comments.

  54. ^^ means they Don't Exist....

  55. But, when there is no Jake and Austin together on bDays, holidays

    ^^^ Should be, No Picture of them together



    Paid Troll is not happy over being deleted and he has tried to put up a virus filled link.


  57. Time zone I think what is common sense is that reese. swift and sophia romances were so obvioisly ridiculous that Jake and Ausrin have proved behind a doubt that they have much to hide.

  58. I can always tell when the troll is here because the comment count goes through the roof. I checked over at babble and that site has fallen off to nothing, hardly any participation anymore. An wft died a long time ago, so they can spend all their time here now I guess. We are the only site getting any action. They just make us stronger, so have at it.

    As for Mumford, I did not get a chance to comment much yesterday but I think they are friends, but not lovers. One key element missing that always comes accross when Austin and Jake are photographed. Thats why PR cant handle it.It radiates like a neon sign. I;ve mentioned it in emails, but will not say it here so as to tip off others.

    On another subject, Perez posted a very revealing photo of those young guys on 1 direction. I barely know one from the other, but I guess its Harry and Liam. One has his hand on the others crotch. No surprised reaction from either. Its been there many times before.

  59. Boy appreciation threadApril 27, 2013 at 12:13 AM

    I swear that Niall Horan is the only one who is straight in One Direction. Whereas all the other boys are known for their flamboyant embracing of the gay, including crotch grabbing, acting out blow jobs on stage, butt pitching, etc., it's Harry and Louis who are the long time boyfriends probably dating back to the X-Factor days. And, actually, I was really surprised that Perez did that post because he shows several very intimate "Larry" moments. Many think Liam is with Zayn now.
