Monday, April 29, 2013

Midnight Special Animal Style

 Nooooooo.... are you're not lying are you because if you are....

 That's it's I'm giving up coffeecake, bring on the Double Double Animal Style

Wait till I tell Jake!  
 I'll wear a hat, Jake can wear his hoodie and green pants.  
No one will ever recognized us!


  1. When the Jake & Emily story broke months ago I said it was a PR trifecta and I believe the Spin Cycle story today proves it. It's not just Jake's PR behind this it is also Emily's and it is also Soul Cycle, who has built their entire marketing plan around paid celebrity partnerships.

  2. Glad to see one more person out and free - it will get easier each time it happens. ONTD also mentioned a soap opera star who came out with no fanfare last week and it was hardly noticed. Sorry, I dont recall the guys name now.

    As for the soul cycle stories, they are even more ludicrous conisdering that Jake has been in Atlanta much of the last couple months. His PR staff has not improved any since the Taylor Swift debacle.

    Anderson Cooper has been talking about the recent coming out of Collins today and interviewed other athletes. He mentioned the need to "edit oneself constantly". Outstanding point - and this is why we want Jake to come out. So he can be free. Not so that we can feel victorious, but so the man can be free, happy and enjoy the rest of his life. And that is what we see every time Jake is interviewed - a man who is editing every word, phrase, gesture, emotional response. It must be exhausting.

  3. As if SoulCyle weren't enough of a cult already, the New York City cycling class has a handsome new poster child in actor Jake Gyllenhaal. His regular appearance has reportedly caused total gridlock at the Union Square studio's 10:30 a.m. classes, as well as the ones immediately before them. According to the Daily News, Gyllenhaal spins with his hair in a man bun, knows the songs, and is invited to take over the instructor's bike — the seal of SoulCycle indoctrination. He goes with his girlfriend, Sports Illustrated model Emily DiDonato, whom he reportedly met in a SoulCycle class. His followers declined to tell the Daily News their names for fear of retribution from cycling powers.

  4. Jake has got to be receiving payment for all the Spin crap. Just like the audiobook recordings, this guy is trying to make money hand over fist. Got to be a reason besides just bathing himself in kale though. The cost of raising a boatload of kids the size of his is prohibitive. And not just due to the cost of a gallon of milk, nannies and dental insurance but to be able to do it at the comfort level he needs plus pay for the means needed to move stealthily at times.

    But he doesn't have to blatantly lie to support his family.

    I think he needs to stop hiding behind all the words and go ahead and start stepping out with the GF. Otherwise it's all just a political brochure fit for the recycle bin. Time to put up or shut up.

  5. Looks like from a simple twitter search that Adam Levine is replacing Marcus Mumford as Jake's musician of choice. I think the Mumford stuff revealed this past weekend, forced PR's hand.

  6. Hey, did you guys notice the new POP SUGAR post. Proof positive that the observations made this past weekend about Marcus Mumford were completely on target. Check it out!

  7. Eliminated from the headline Knicks photo and write up, Marcus Mumford manages to make the slideshow inside:

    It's been a busy — and star-studded — few days in NYC for Jake Gyllenhaal! He kicked things off last week at the NY Knicks game with Ben Stiller, Christine Taylor, and Spike Lee, and continued the famous fun with a weekend meeting alongside Jude Law. The celebrity encounters kept coming on Sunday when Jake mingled with A-listers including Isla Fisher and Sarah Jessica Parker at Jerry Seinfeld's 59th birthday bash. In the middle of it all, Jake managed to make his regular spin class at Soul Cycle in Union Square, where he's been known to pack the house with female fans despite his new relationship with Emily DiDonato. Clearly Jake's had a fun few days as NYC's most popular — click through to see all the stars that made his hang list!

    Dropped from the Knicks lineup

  8. Could it be any more obvious that Austin is now in NYC?

    Enough said.


    What a curious post. Jake's social life just took a leap. Did he get his Ritalin refilled?

    Still isn't spending any time with that girlfriend of his. Makes one wonder.

    BTW blind on CDAN says Mumford is a beater.
