Thursday, April 18, 2013

Twins and Triplets

Looks like Jake is going back in time to have another triple play

No no time travel in his movies, but it will be back in time like 2005 when Jake had Proof, Jarhead and BBM out the same year.

This time it will be with twins, and two films with the same director, Denis Villeneuve and another with a director coming off his best year ever.

 Even thought David O. Russell walked away from the production horrors that plagued the movie Nailed,  the studio that own the movie will use his Academy Award winning success to recoup some of the money it lost.  The word was Jessica B had one more scene to shoot before production was force to shut down.  A pivotal scene that set up her quest for healthcare reform,  still under the contract for that scene, the now the word is that she recently went back and filmed it.  The movie is slated to come out later this year.

But kicking off Jake's triple play is actually the movie that Jake's character meets his double.  An Enemy, his first film with Villeneuve is now retitled "Enemy Within"  and it's new release date is August 28.

What else is happening on August 28th?   That would be 70th Venice International Film Festival.  Will Enemy Within, open up Venice?  And will it be a contender for the  Leone d'Oro (Golden Lion)?

Less than a month later (September 20th) Jake's second movie with Villeneuve,  along with  an all-star cast, Prisoners opens and tonight the first sneak peek popped up on Entertainment Tonight.

Prisoners has already had mentioned as an Oscar contender.  Will we see Jake relive his first triple with a second Oscar nomination? Time will tell.

Bonus Round:  Which of the films will win the Jake Hair-do Hall of Fame?


  1. Cannes is still possible for An enmy Thierry Fremauxal, the director of the Cannes Film Festival saw the movie 2 times but it was not finished, but it is expected to be added at the last minute with two other films as happened for example for The Artist,An Eenmy has already started the festivas circuit the movie also have a shot at the Directors’ Fortnight and International Critics’ Week programs.

  2. Thanks for the info "I love movies"

  3. For all you watching the news, 1 one of the bombing suspects is dead and the other is on the run in the Boston area.

    Right now they are asking many communities to stay in their homes, MBTA services (subway/train) has been suspended.

    An MIT police officer has been shot and killed and MBTA police officer was critically wounded.

    It started over at MIT about 10:20 last night. The officer was killed in his car. There was also a carjacking in Cambridge fortunately the driver let go after 30 minutes.

    I was up around 2 am watching breaking news when there was a shoot out in the Boston suburb of Watertown. There were explosions. (Grenades) and a shoot out.

    They are heavily armed. The police have found another pressure cooker.

    The suspects are originally from Chechnya

  4. One suspect is dead and the other is on the run. Hopefully Bostonians stay safe until is other suspect is in custody.

  5. The suspects are brothers. The one is a 2011 graduate of Cambridge Rindge & Latin HS.

    They say the suspect at large has guns and bombs with him.

  6. A totally tragic situation. I know the acts were cold and heartless but at the same time, my heart goes out to the parents of the suspects. They have lost a son and it is very possible they'll lose another one before it's all over.

    No parent gives birth to a baby hoping for this kind of chosen path. And no parent raises their child to become a heartless killer. It is the parents that I feel so awful for when these things happen.

    And at the same time, this horrific crime was just inhuman. A tragic situation all around.

  7. Yes, very much so PG.

  8. Hard to give a hoot about Jake with this massive manhunt on. I have had cnn on in the background, though its mostly the same old updates until something happens. I think there is a good chance they will find the 2nd guy dead from suicide - he must realize he has no hope of escape. Keep safe Special.

  9. its all so tragic, what happened in boston. i feel so for you special. i have read so many Magazines and its hard to believe Young People are dead, and i shared a tear when i read about Jeff, if i remember right. he was rescued and later he had to amputated both his legs. and then the Texas tragedy. im Reading as much as i can, but though its probably not a "terror attac" i feared so in the beginning. just wish you and Your city wll special <3 it will take some time, but you will get there again. you will prove them!

  10. probably not a terror attac, i meant by the Texas tragedy, not the boston tragedy

  11. sorry if i get too emoujounal. i just tend to do, in such cases. one and a healf year ago, they berried the sister of my sons teacher. she was 17. the police was late. she was one of the last murdered. we drove by Our local Church one day. one of the victims of 22.july was going to be berried. so... i feel for every tragedy and every life, for every Family for every city and for every nation, they took from us something we can never get back. we just have to prove them stronger. in norway we gathered in the streets With flowers. maybe a naive thing. but what we wanted to prove was that we didnt want to be commanded to stay inside, and also not to be afraid. but that was us, every nation have to tend to their sorrow in their own way, and i truly respect that.

  12. Hopefully this is all over now and things get back to some sense of normalcy.

  13. yes, tom, lets hope so :) we need something positve now :)

  14. though, tom sometimes its hard to reflect on something good in the middle of the terrible. so i Guess, the good will come in time. no use in trying to Usher it forward, or so i have learned, it wont come then. it will come when you need it the most.

  15. They got'em.

    The second suspect was taken into custody. He's in critical condition and at Mass General Hospital.

    It was done through a tremendous effort of federal, state and local authorities. There were close to 10,000 officers involved in some way in the last 24 hours.

    And have to commend all the communities including Boston, Newton, Cambridge, Allston, and especially Watertown were the majority of the efforts where focused and where the suspect was apprehended.

    The public complied with the requests of the public officials and that cooperation allowed the authorities to do their job and resolve this as quickly and safely as they could.

    The Boston area can sleep well tonight.
