Monday, May 27, 2013

Hello Summer

Today is the unofficial start to summer and with that comes Fun in the Sun.


We also want to remember the real reason for Memorial Day.  To remember those who service and sacrifice their life.

Boston Common filled with 33,000 flags. One for each serviceperson from Massachusetts who lost their life in service to their country.


  1. I hope you know that the operative phrase in that statement is: IMO

    LOL. That's rich - I'm the one who used the phrase IMO, but yet you feel the need to point this out - when you stated all of the below without a single use of IMO, instead stating all as fact:

    Jake is seen when he wants to be seen. The kids are being raised away from the paps and the spotlight. Just like the press knows who's gay in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. they also know not to print a single word about it. The tabloids are tools of Management, they play the game for access. US Weekly, Just Jared, E!, Access Hollywood, et al. all know how their bread is buttered. Jake and Austin aren't mentally unstable, they are just part of the system. You're looking at the subject as an outsider. They are insiders, going along to get along. They are part of a subculture/pop culture that is bound and determined to keep their clients in the closet. Hopefully, this will change in the future but Jake, like other closeted celebs, is part of the problem. He's not unstable, just a willing accomplice.

    Unless you, "conformist," are actually Jake or Austin, you are only stating your opinion also, but I guess you don't feel the operative "IMO" applies to you or your opinions, lol.

    And, sorry, even if Jake or Austin were to state that keeping children hidden wasn't unstable but rather just being part of the system, I would disagree strongly. Bearding and being closeted is one thing. Obviously, many many gays beard and are closeted and have children with their "wives" (Travolta, Cruise, etc.). But this whole notion that it is just as common to actually HIDE children, to actually publicly DENY THEIR EXISTENCE - wow, I don't know where that is coming from. You actually believe there are a bunch of celebrities doing this? If there are, then, IMO, they are also mentally unstable and emotionally abusive. You can rationalize forever if you like (and you probably will, lol), but choosing to live a lie is one thing, dragging innocent children into that unhealthy web of lies is another matter entirely - not to mention denying children even exist. I wonder what these supposed children would say about your assertion if they heard or read (which eventually they would) their parents say "I don't have any children."

  2. Awesome Spotlight. Read about Robbie in the Washington Post yesterday. It is really cool what he is doing.

    I kinda agree that if Jake and Austin chose to have 5 or 6 kids and to keep themselves and the kids in the closet then they are a little unstable. Not a great decision. Different for a HW bachelor to play the game but not a parent. Hope I don't offend anybody and maybe others feel different but it was not a good decision.

  3. I wonder what these supposed children would say about your assertion if they heard or read (which eventually they would) their parents say "I don't have any children."

    Well, when Jake and Austin ever come out, then you can be the first to ask little Austin Jr. or little Hugo what they think.

    Tom, please stop apologizing. You're not offending anyone and neither is Old Timer up there.

    People need to get a grip and realize it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, those 2 guys are doing it. It's a huge reality.

    The instability was not in their decision to marry and have a family. When is that ever a bad decision? It's not even a bad decision to have 5 or 6 kids. That's their decision. Heck, my mom was one of 10. Was that a bad decision by my grandma and grandpa? I don't think so. Those 10 kids all grew up and they did extremely well for themselves.

    Bad choices are being made now, yes, I would wholeheartedly agree. There will be consequences that J&A are going to have to deal with when they're older.

    Why in the heck do you think I've been saying what I've been saying in some of my comments for the past year or so? It seems to me that Jake and Austin feel that the only way they can provide for their family is by acting. Listen to what Jake said in that Hollywood Reporter interview. He is well off. The paychecks are giving him and Austin the $$$$ to live comfortably, raise all of these kids, and be able to afford the nannies, the constant flying and other activities it is taking to hide this brood.

    It can be daunting to think about going into another career, can it not? We all have a passion or we all have a comfort zone that can be difficult to leave. Would Jake be able to get his part in End of Watch, Prisoners or in Into the Woods if he and Austin were out and taking all those kids to the beach? It would be lovely to see him be the first, I agree.

    I'm not defending their decision whatsoever so don't go into the spin that I approve or I love. I can't stand their hiding their kids nor their denying each other.

    But just because we feel this way, doesn't mean it's not happening. It doesn't mean they're not doing it right now. Neither guy asked our permission how we feel. It's time to get off the high horse and take a reality check. That's called life. A lot of people do outrageous stuff without asking for strangers' opinions, lol.

  4. J&A's kids, I have no doubt, are well dressed. They eat well and healthily. They have contact with Maggie's kids and Austin's sister's kids, Busy's kids, Michelle's girl, maybe Natalie's little boy, etc. I would imagine J&A are responsible and have these kids see a doctor for their shots and annuals. I'm sure they have the finest in furniture to sleep in and eat in.

    I'm sure Jake and Austin lavish them with love and Jake teaches the kids about gardening and reads to them and Austin has already had them in the water.

    No, these kids are not being held in a cage in a basement somewhere. I'm positive they've seen more of this great world than I have. As someone else said once on WFT2 who sounded in the know, these kids do get out. It's just that the nannies are around them most of the time when they're in public, I have no doubt. But they've been out.

    There was the time in London when Jake was at that playground, remember? And he was playing with a child but wouldn't let that lady come any closer to take his picture. Who was that with him? Who was the child on his shoulders in NY on the beach when that person saw him there? Who was the little girl Jake was playing with at the breakfast table when he was with friends? Who was the baby Jake was cradling at the after party in LA this year? Who was that little toddler in the cast & crew picture of Prince of Persia? I believe that was BT1. Who was that little baby being carried by the very familiar blond woman in Paris walking in front of Jake and Reese and Ava ran up to touch that baby's arm? I believe that too was BT1. Who was that little tyke in the picture Austin posted a couple years ago on his twitter at the ship in NC and the fellow with his back to the camera looked just like Jake, and who was looking on at the child? Who was that child?

    Instability, cruelty and child abuse is what happened to those 3 girls who were kidnapped, raped and held for how many years?

    That is not what is happening in J&A's household.

    But as a few of these kids have reached school age, now is the time that J&A need to look at what they're doing. Because yeah, now it begins to reach the unhealthy stage.

  5. A conformist not a nutMay 27, 2013 at 5:22 PM

    I like your response prairiegirl. You've made my point better than I did, although I wanted to emphasize that lots of folks in Hollyweird hide all sorts of things. Jake and Austin probably think they are just one more variation of a freakish status quo mentality. When in Rome, you know? And, we know how decadent those ancient dwellers were.

    I'm certainly not defending what they are doing either. but, they've got children and they are keeping them in the closet and denying them publicly with what they think are clever statements like I do not have "children of my own". And they are also protected and pampered. That doesn't make them emotionally abusive, or mentally unstable. I do think, however, it makes them emotionally immature and selfish.

    Well, when Jake and Austin ever come out, then you can be the first to ask little Austin Jr. or little Hugo what they think.

    Ha, ha. Do you guys think one of the little tykes is named, Hugo? I just looked it up and the meaning is, "Mind, heart or spirit". It's a very popular name in Sweden and Spain. Another intriguing correlation with Jake's ancestry and I believe Austin speaks Spanish and loves the Iberian Peninsula. You don't have to answer, but I can definitely see where that is a real possibility.

  6. Hey there, 17:22. I agree totally about when in Rome. Exactly. As others have told me, these guys live in a whole different kind of world,surrounded by people who think of nothing anymore to hide things. Heck, look at JayZ and Beyonce, who I believe faked her pregnancy.

    I would love to talk to you, if you want. If you ever feel like it, please contact Special at the email OMG hyperlink. This would be super fun. Only if you feel like it though. Some people aren't comfortable with further contact and I would understand. Nice research on the name. : )

  7. A conformist not a nutMay 27, 2013 at 6:08 PM

    Thanks for the invite. One thing I do know is that many of you have studied this topic for years so I wouldn't be surprised that you know lots more than you're saying online. That discovery about Austin already being with Jake by June 2002 was a big one. I thought something was off between him and Kirsten the way she seemed to appear out of nowhere right before he started filming TDAT. Very convenient.

  8. Credit goes to Special and M&M on that 2002 discovery. They are an incredible source of information and they do their homework.

    Please think about it. They all have met me, can vouch for my solid citizenship, lol, and believe it or not, friendliness. When one is as open minded as you apparently are, there is a wealth of details and things that we have available online which begin to make sense and form the complete picture. It is difficult to do online like this at times and there are some who like to make it difficult which is why, yeah, some of us have had to take it behind the scenes, so to speak.

    I'm crossing my fingers and yes, Special can get us connected. It would be a blast.

    Okay well, hope all are enjoying their Memorial Day.

  9. Gotta love the constant spinning to accommodate your fantasy scenario. Some of you live in the fantasy you've created: these guys being married with an unspecified huge number of kids, big cover ups. Quite a spy movie you live in. An imaginary movie. Fanfiction.

    Other posters don't believe it completely, but would like it very much to be real, so they keep playing along knowing full well there's no basis for your claims, no proof, no truth, nothing but endless speculation and reinterpretation - see the above deconstruction of snapshots.

    Your conspiracy theory is a delusional fantasy. Based on and fueled by Ted Casablanca, a professional gay gossiper who was paid to lie and fabricate 'blinds', and then got fired because his lies got out of hand and he was facing inevitable lawsuits.

    People are not that dumb, they can spot fanfiction miles away. The weirdness of this blog is that some of you truly believe in their own fanfiction. Of course you'll never shut up: you're not sane.

  10. One last thing, there have been several others all in the past who were great sources of finding things in pictures and contributing - StubbornTB, Spooky and Spooky's helper who shall remain nameless because she always requested that. Then there was that person who sent in the picture of RDJ and Jake at the restaurant, I believe. There have been so many contributors, all have been part of the team at one time or another. Boy, we do miss them. : (

  11. Fanfiction, your worry is showing. You hate the thought of someone else showing interest and seeing the plausibility.

    What're you doing here, then? Go somewhere else.

    lol - oh, they're always online, aren't they? But then, they get paid for that.

  12. Other posters don't believe it completely, but would like it very much to be real, so they keep playing along knowing full well there's no basis for your claims,

    Okay, troll this is very simple to do. LEAVE. No one stays around a blog day in and day out, who repeatedly says they don't believe anything that is being discussed, without a purpose. You have no proof Jake isn't gay. Doesn't have kids. Is not in a committed relationship with a MAN. That's right...a MAN. Because Jake is gay. He likes peen. Always has. Always will. All his "girlfriends" were fake.

  13. Based on and fueled by Ted Casablanca, a professional gay gossiper who was paid to lie and fabricate 'blinds', and then got fired because his lies got out of hand and he was facing inevitable lawsuits.

    I've been waiting for that argument to be made. Now, I'm sure Ted was set up with that Jeremy Renner story. Ted was considered one of the best in Hollywood. If he was so wrong or bad at his job he would not have been doing it for over 16 years! That's right over 16 years. I wouldn't be surprised if WME was behind it since they represent so many closet cases. Don't try to discredit Ted Casablanca. He got it right about Toothy and Goose from the beginning. Now elements in Hollywood are trying to say because he was terminated from his employment at E!, he must have been fired because he was a liar. Two words, Ryan Seacrest. He is the biggest closet queen ever and very vindictive. He, along with others like Renner and Tom Cruise bought down Ted. How many people do you know who have lost their jobs because they stepped on the wrong's person's toes or they outlived their usefulness to the corporation. That's Ted C. in a nutshell.

  14. I agree with you, 7:43 PM about Ted and WME and possibly CAA too. An economy of scale approach where you get a big return for minimal investment. Excellent analysis of Ted's sudden demise. It's not a matter of just burying Tooth and Goose. By getting rid of Ted, several Blind Vices disappeared overnight. The Ryan Seacrest tie-in is interesting too. Another flaming closet case who works to preserve the power structure. Sort of like the Kapos in World War II.

  15. Def right about Ted. The Renner story most likely got him fired. I am sure a ton of folks were ready to pound when Ted went just a little too far. No question he was right about Jake and Austin.

  16. Don't try to discredit Ted Casablanca.

    The Awful Truth, are there people on this blog trying to discredit Ted Casablanca? I wonder who they could be? Let's look back at one of Ted's last and juiciest Toothy Tile stories and see if we can find out whop these people are...

    Blind Vice: Toothy Gets Slutty With Room Service!

    Do we have any Blind Vice couples with happy endings? Stealth Stud-Poof and his BF? Eh. Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream? Definitely not. So it was with naïve, battered hope we were all holding out for a Toothy Tile and Grey Goose's happy ending, right?

    Don't think we're getting it:

    Because even though put-upon Grey has looked the other way during Toothy's past indiscretions this latest one's a little harder to stomach. T2 had the nerve to not exactly discreetly hole up in a fancy hotel room recently with a coworker. From one of his movies, no less. It did not go unnoticed by the posh inn's even more posh clientele. This is a far cry from one of Toothy's back-alley pretty-boy quickies, and it's a situation Grey's finding it much harder to not let bug him.

    We say why try? Isn't enough enough?

    Come on, true love's one thing (especially when you have family together), but unending masochistic devotion's entirely another. Grey, stop pretending you're Saint Suck-Up and completely move on, already.

    AND IT AIN'T: Brandon Routh, Lenny Kravitz, Jon Hamm

    Now who would try and discredit that? Who would dare say that Ted was lying?

    prairiegirl said...

    I'm not buying this one from Ted today.

    So Jake hasn't been filming since last summer and we're supposed to believe that Ted just now is writing a BV about a co-worker (why doesn't he say co-star, btw?)??? Did Ted just now find out about the make-up guy?

    Ted is now trying to destroy the whole Toothy Tile/Grey Goose story and break them up.

    Oh. Well, I'm sure Special K would defend Ted...

    Special K said...

    Yeah I think this is a smokescreen too. Along with alot of other people here on OMG who how aren't buying it either.

    Ok, but surely Methodical...

    Methodical Muser said...

    Everyone has pretty much expressed many of my opinions on Ted's poorly named BV today. Smokescreen is right. Ted has always made it very clear that Toothy is a very private and smart guy. An absolute expert at being super secret and keeping his "relayshes" on the DL. Using terms like Überprivate and sleuthlike in his closeted ways. No way would Toothy go to a posh hotel and have guests witness his vicey behavior.

    (all comments taken from this post )

    Well, look at that. I found three people who said that Ted made up a false Toothy Tile blind item. So go ahead, The Awful Truth, remind them all of Ted's 16 years in the business and how wrong they would be to try and discredit him.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. How naive to think that everything is so black and white, that there is no money exchanged under the tables of this world, that good doesn't ever go bad.

    All I have to do is look at how Ted Casablanca has been literally shut up like a bear trap. The guy has gone fetal position ever since he lost his job at E!

    Plain as day to me that he got railroaded out of there. There is a mafia, if you will, of old Hollywood that is bound and determined to keep the gay community "in their place" and "under their collective thumb".

    That's why Brokeback didn't win. That's why gay actors such as Jake, Hayden Christenson, Jeremy Renner, and Hugh Jackman have played the game this long. Do people really think these men and women like Kristen Stewart and Jodie Foster would go through what they're going through if they could be out and proud and still get these big franchise or plum roles?

    You act like there are no gay actors in Hollywood. Wow. Wake. Up. There's a big community of gay actors in Hollywood and they're ball and chained if they want choice roles.

    I throw my hands up at clogged up drains like Fear. They're part of the huge problem in Hollywood. Refusing to open their eyes and I have no patience for their nonsense.

    And I will not be intimidated, ridiculed, and harrassed into silence. With every comment the clogged drain makes, I'm only going to get louder.

    Keep it up, everyone. Obviously we are hitting on some truths. It's a holiday and yet there's a Troll hanging around here for the past 48 hours or so, requoting things we've said long ago in the past and blathering for miles. What does that tell you?

    What an appropriate adjective name for the speaker themselves. That's exactly why they're here - they're scared of what we're saying over here.

  19. BTW, speaking of suspicious activity, there was a tweet posted sometime recently that was picked up by Smarp but now has since been deleted. You cannot click on a link because it will tell you that the link has been deleted.

    And what did it say? It had a spotting of Jake at Whole Foods in West Hollywood, CA.

    No longer a valid link. Interesting how that one disappeared, isn't it?

  20. Have you ever heard of complexity and multitasking? Ted was a gossip columnist, first and foremost. That was his stock in trade. I remember how many people, over the years, asked Ted why, he would act like Reeke was real or write a story that obviously promoted the PR version of events regarding certain performers "heterosexuality" when he had a BV that directly contradicted that information. Ted said very clearly, that as a gossip columnist he also printed what was out there because that was also part of his job. Throwing out bones if you will. He was not going to out Jake or anyone else for that matter.

    Let's just say that I find it convenient that Ted posted that last BV about not just Toothy, but Grey Goose as well, and for the first (and last time) encouraged Goose to leave Toothy. Even with the November 2010 BV about Toothy trying to get it on with another man in an alley way, Ted was not suggesting that Goose leave him. Yet, on the very last BV of his career with E!, Ted essentially ties up the whole relationship in a neat little bow. The departing message being that there probably will be no happy ending:

    Because even though put-upon Grey has looked the other way during Toothy's pastindiscretions this latest one's a little harder to stomach.

    T2 had the nerve to not exactly discreetly hole up in a fancy hotel room recently with a coworker. From one of his movies, no less.
    It did not go unnoticed by the posh inn's even more posh clientele.
    This is a far cry from one of Toothy's back-alley pretty-boy quickies, and it's a situation Grey's finding it much harder to not let bug him.

    We say why try? Isn't enough enough?
    Come on, true love's one thing (especially when you have family together), but unending masochistic devotion's entirely another.
    Grey, stop pretending you're Saint Suck-Up and completely move on, already.

    And, of course, once Ted was fired just three months later the Toothy Tile archive was removed from the Internet permanently. How convenient for a certain closeted actor who wanted to sink deeper into his closet.


  21. And what did it say? It had a spotting of Jake at Whole Foods in West Hollywood, CA.

    No longer a valid link. Interesting how that one disappeared, isn't it?

    And, funny that another sighting disappeared from Smarp earlier this year in February 2013 that placed Jake in Plano, TX shopping at Whole Foods again. Other sightings, far-fetched as they are, stay put. But, not posts that place Jake in California and Texas. Off limits, apparently.

  22. Well, look at that. I found three people who said that Ted made up a false Toothy Tile blind item.

    I read English and I have to say that someone stating that they thought the BV was a smokescreen does not mean that anyone was accusing Ted of lying. I think the BV was peculiar too. Not his normal pattern of writing about T & G that's for sure.

  23. Interesting TonightMay 28, 2013 at 1:14 AM

    Wow, interesting discussion going on hours ago.

    I believe Jake is either gay or bi. I just do. I believe Jake and Austin were in a hot and heavey relationship, broke up a couple of times, now good friends and maybe get together for a little fun and nasty stuff every now and then. Or, they could just only be friends now. This happens very often. (That's how it goes at times in the gay comm). especially the dl in the closet masculine gay communinty. Something most straight women who only deal with gay men thru literature, tabloids, rumors are unaware of.
    Yes there are gay familys, long lasting couples (for years), and everything good and wholesome for gays "NOW", and widely accepted by some straights and growing. (Good). But for the in-the-closet gay/bi man there are more issuse and will be until they come out. But of course, it's their choice to come out when they feel they are ready.

    LoL Sorry, the point was, Jake and Austin could easily be "just Friends Now". And nothing is wrong with that.
    Something becomes wrong with it when there are expectations of them from others. When some grab hold to a rumor, theory, blind item, fantasy and then turn it completely into their own "Truth".
    Therein lies the problem.

    Thinking Jake and Austin are married with more than 5+ children then hiding them and telling the press the are single and want children in the future because they don't have any children now has to be very unsettleing for anyone let alone the people who believe this scenario.

    Now let's look at this.

    Who is the Creepiest? Jake and Austin for lying about something so seruious or the Fanfic fans who believe in Something so farfetched, weird and quite frankly, disturbing because they either can't admit to being wrong when they know they are or they just NEED for this to be True?

    You tell me!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Trying to act like you just 'happened' upon the discussion. **eye roll**

    The more these people type, they always eventually slip and give themselves away. They just keep coming back because they want that last word, that last dig, that last impression left for who they fear is the large audience stated to exist. But when they do that, it's always one time too many and you realize they're really just someone very familiar who has been on many times before. It is a small world.

    **heavy sigh**

  26. Special, thanks for the pictures. You had alot of my favorites in there.

    And yes, it is indeed a day of the big V!!!!! Vacay!!! Oh yeah, life is sweet.

  27. I would say that when women like Beyonce fake pregnancies, or use a new baby to recapture fame and headlines like Reese Witherspoon, that's what I would consider to be disturbing behavior. Gays in the closet is as old as time itself. Hardly scandalous or fanfiction. With the medical breakthroughs with surrogacy, beginning in the 90s, I wouldn't be surprised if more male performers go this route instead of the Will Smith and Jada Pinkett power couple pathway. With today's medical technology and powerful talent agencies who hold a tight grip on the industry and their client's images, the casting couch of old seems almost quaint by comparison.

  28. One thing to consider about Ted encouraging Goose to move on was that Ted's own personal relationship had fallen apart by that time. He went from married to divorced and that had to hurt deeply. So his own personal feelings may have been involved when he told Goose to not put up with it any more. Plus the rumors about Jake being nuts for Henry Cavill had been floating around so there was a lot on Goose's plate. But love either persists or it doesn't and I think for these guys they did tough it out.

    Did anyone watch the Liberace show on HBO. I had 3 hours to kill waiting to go to the airport and while I found Michael Douglass's tone of voice annoying, it was an eye opener re the real Liberace. I am drawing a blank on the name but they should do a special on that daytime talk show guy from way back - he had a place in Palm Springs and "dated" one of the Gabors for years but was totally DL. I knew someone that worked for him and they kept it totally under wraps until he passed away.

  29. Merv Griffin. It came to me. As down low as they come.

  30. I saw the Liberace biopic, I thought it was a lot of fun, even if parts of it were sad.

    People in Hollywood hide a lot of things, but I really don't think you'll see many, if any, hiding kids they are actually raising, as opposed to hiding the fact they fathered a kid and are sending him or her child support. Still on the fence as to whether Jake has any kids, and if does, I think it is only one. But if he does, not going out and about with your kid is a very different thing than agreeing with another adult to hide your relationship.

    And I really don't think there is any way for someone like Jake to go out without there being photos, even if they never make it to a gossip site or tabloid. You can use pressure to stop official sites from running photos, but no way you could stop Joe Public from taking photos or blogging about something like that.
