Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Booty, Body, Booty

After a few takes Austin finally gets the line.
"Guy are asking for the Tommy Wheeler body at my gym."

Director:  And cut! Print! Moving on.

 Director:  11 takes.  How hard is it to say the word body. 

Austin:    Body, Booty, ....both work.

Actually Austin, booty might be more appropriate.

But no booty shorts for Jake, instead he's pulled out his knee length camo capris. It must be summer!  Maybe cullotes would be the better word.

"Historically, "culottes" referred to the knee-breeches commonly worn by gentlemen of the European upper-classes from the late Middle Ages or Renaissance through the early nineteenth century."
 City Camo Cullottes.   


  1. A Giant has passed. I met the man once, and he was very kind. Farewell for now, Mr. Gandolfini.

  2. Shocking news about Gandalfini. And he has a very young child too. Such a shame. He made Tony Soprano so memorable.

  3. Oh grow up, Paid One. **rolls eyes**. Does he really think someone is going to look at the "cool little bug" he's found?

    Culottes, Bwah!! That's funny. I must say, those are some big ol' shorts. lol

    I didn't watch Sopranos but I knew who that guy was. Very unfortunate.

    Another big day ahead with tons going on and alot of work to get done so I need to spit spot.

  4. Oh man, I have been working some really long hrs and tonight it caught up with me. I fell asleep on the couch sometime just before 8 and woke up at almost 1030. LOL! Dangit. I had 5 texts from my brother, lunch invitation for Sunday waiting and well there went my evening. Now it's time to go to bed.

    What a rot. Maybe tomorrow or Sat, Lord willing, we can catch up a bit on dinosaur tales.

    TGIF and all that!

  5. So a couple of sites are trying to raise as tory about Jake dating some new model. But as usual d listed nailed it. He says:

    "The Hollywood Rent-A-Beard Agency must’ve just signed a deal with Sports Illustrated, because Jake Gyllenhaal’s last piece was SI Swimsuit model Emily DiDonato and his newest piece is SI Swimsuit model Alyssa Miller (seen above doing the “OHMYGAWD I Can’t Believe My Top Fell Off!” pose that models learn on the first day of class at Barbizon).

    Page Six says that Jake and Alyssa (who kind of looks like a mash-up of every CW actress and Mary Hart) ate lunch food together at Dutch in NYC last week and that obviously means that he’s bearded up. Sometime between their lunch last week and today, Jake and Alyssa “made out” at a coffee place in Chelsea. I know, I won’t believe any of this until I see Jake and Alyssa touching tongues in a completely staged photo-op that was set up by his publicist. That’s the only way I’ll believe.

    So while Leonardo DiCatchAHo is flipping through the Victoria’s Secret catalog and ordering Angels for every season, Jake Gyllenhaal is flipping through SI: Swimsuit Edition choosing his next beard. Why do Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated models get all the bearding jobs? Why isn’t there ever any love for the flowers of my personal favorite classy lingerie emporium Wicked Temptations?! I really hope Tommy Girl orders his next beard from Wicked Temptations, because if the modeling world is a garden then the models of Wicked Temptations are the dew drops on the petals of a freshly bloomed orchid."

    Since Jake denied a relationship with the first one, I assume this one will be denied as well, But its funny in the meantime.
