Tuesday, June 11, 2013

In the Pink

Some more pictures for Austin's newest project San Patricios and little more about the movie.

The screenplay was written by Adair Cole was in competition at last year's Austin Film Festival and was on of the festival's second rounders. (semi-finalists). San Patricio's director Sean McGinly describes the movie as "It's about two brothers and loyalty and family and just had such a compelling tension."

The Donnelly family
Tommy, Mom, Margaret,Claudie and Sean
 AKA Austin, Dale, Juliana, Danielle,  and Patrick

Tommy and shiner with Mom and Margaret

Austin shooting some bar scenes

St. Patricio might make you think Go Green.  But Austy that color looks amazing on you!  Give up the neutrals and go bright.


  1. Has Austin ever looked more wow. I mean, wow.

    And the curls in his hair. Holy jujubes - where did those come from?

    And the shirt.

    I'm sure I'll have to change the ol' avatar to Little Tyke or Jessica Fletcher sometime in the near future, LOL, but for right now, it's nice to have this one.

    Never better, Austy!

  2. Aye caramba.

    Special, I think that shirt is salmon. hmmmmmm?????

  3. Anyone for melon?

  4. LOLLL!!! Melon and coral!! Yeah, I can see both.

    lol. That's excellent.

  5. Wow love to get my hands inside that shirt:-)

  6. I had to give Tom a heads up on the post.

    ; )

    Wait til Seaweed sees.

  7. Back to order! Enough of the embarrassing blather.

    **clears throat** Serious business needs to prevail.

    Dang it, why do I have to work for a living, lol. Time to hit the hay.

  8. Does anyone know who Jake's new boy is? The one he took with him to the Tony's?

  9. Yup, the pictures are just as good this morning.

    I don't know what the budget is on San Patricios, probably not very big, but they've got it covered online. There are a couple of accounts i've just noticed which have tweeted about filming. Pretty cool!

    Justin Arnold (@arnoldjustin1)
    6/8/13, 16:22

    Currently filming San Particios directed by @seanmcginly Follow us here @SanPatFilm

    Sean McGinly (@seanmcginly)
    6/2/13, 13:08

    I start production on a film tomorrow. Check it out at https://www.facebook.com/SanPatriciosFilm …

  10. Wow, Austin looks terrific. Is the guy in the light blue shirt actually towering over him or is he standing on something. Austin is so tall, its hard to imagine too many people towering over him. Funny how both he and Jake are sporting similar beards. They seem to be in sync most of the time.

  11. Funny how both he and Jake are sporting similar beards. They seem to be in sync most of the time.

    Yup. Would agree with that.

    Hey m, I'm getting ready to send you an email about my new story, maybe keep an eye out for it!

  12. Me Like !

    It's no wonder Jake fell hard for Austin years ago...

    Sexy and handsome, and getting better.

  13. Yes Austin is getting better with age. I bet his hair smells really nice. Got to say though it is amazing what the right clothes can do to make someone look so hot. It sure don't take much for Austin though.

  14. Look! Over there! A squirrel!

  15. 23:14, 11:18 & 1205 (because you're all the same person), think you need to go back to your hole next door because you're trying to sniff around for something you're not going to get.

    End of story.

    It is a hot one today. I know I said over the winter that I wouldn't complain when summer came but I'm already complaining.

  16. It's so fantastic and such a step forward that Jake took his male date with him the other night to the Tony Awards. We should all be proud of that. No small feat.

  17. What are you talking about?

    Jake was with his ​​publicist

  18. his ​​publicist
    A blonde woman

  19. For those who want to see Jake as The Dude. Spike TV Guy's Choice Awards are on tonight on Spike TV at 9:00pm ET.

  20. Special....

    I bet you're still up watching this damned triple overtime game and cheering for your Boston Boys!

    I'm long past tired.

  21. Oooops....

    Time for me to go to bed, no comment.

