Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wrap it up and tweet it out

Austin and the San Patricios crew wrapped today.  Now all that's left is the wrap party.

Before moving on, one more pic from filming

and those great pics of Austin

 But Austin's got plenty to do this weekend:

Showtime wants me to live tweet for the premiere of Ray Donovan Sunday night. Raise your hand if you will attend. - AUS10

Ray Donovan premiere tomorrow night on Showtime at 10pm EDT

Tell 'em Tommy sent ya.


  1. @SHO_RayDonovan: The @NYPost calls #RayDonovan this year’s best new show!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay, back up just a minute. Is this a serious tweet? Were the nation's tax dollars paying for this?

    Maggie Gyllenhaal ‏@mgyllenhaal 27 Jun

    Thank you Mr. Obama @potus for lending me your (REAL!) secret service agents for the evening. #WHD premiere

    Maybe there's something I don't know

  4. Aw, I forgot the date/time. Here it was:
    9:43 AM - 27 Jun 13
    So it may have been an attempt at humor but maybe a winky smile face would have been a good idea at the end of that tweet.

    So now we have a short story hour coming up, kids. Two stories in one. One about the little ongoing Jake & Alyssa torrid romance and the other a tale of circling wagons - the circling wagons of the G-haals. Ha! I could have linked the two and said G-Hauls. BWAH!! lol.

    Now some of us see how this is all working and I don't have to spell it out to the seasoned vets around here but we have a lot of lurkers out there and they probably don't look online a lot and so that's what we're here for this morning. This is for all those hits that Special consistently gets on a day to day basis.

    People may scoff. Some people may think that Jake and Austin are kaput but I am telling you this morning that there is a reason why OMG has quite the large audience. (Did you catch that, WME?) An audience that has only grown and grown by leaps and bounds since those first several years.

    ok, bragging done. Time for a laugh.

  5. The first one is short and sweet because of its dumb simplicity. I'm not sure who WME thinks they are fooling with this nonsense.

    So you have the first official weekend of the "emerging" hot couple, Jake G and Alyssa M since the breakout news this past week, a story that came out of nowhere and has hit the online media like a major cropping fertilizer bomb.

    We had the brief Facebook publication of Jake and the back of his girl's head at the NYC premiere of his sister's movie, WHD. So it would only be logical that this weekend we should see them everywhere, particularly at Jake's old haunts, so many possibilities.

    And there were a variety of alleged Jake "run-in's" yesterday in NYC with the obligatory hashtag mentions of Chelsea, Soho, blah blah blah. But what? No mention of a dark-haired, tall gorgeous lady in his company and subsequent smooching? Why would that be? After all, here was Jake eating what I assume would be dinner outside, judging by the time (my tweets are in Central Time) A grand opportunity for another back of the head pic:

    Gemma Fleming ‏@gemmarfleming 14h

    What's creepier: the fact that we spent over 10 minutes staring at Jake Gyllenhaal or that it took 10…
    If you can see him please let me know where he is
    6:45 PM - 29 Jun 13 from Manhattan, NY · Details

  6. But no, unlike with the debut of Jalyssa at the White House Down premiere and everyone on FB letting us know about this new couple, yesterday, nobody saw her. : (

    Where was she? Oh, she was out of town, you say? In Vegas. Oh, well now, that explains it, doesn't it? And then we have this tweet which I dunno, explains why she can't get back to see Jake, we could only assume because you know, with these online fauxmances that is what you're supposed to do. It's kind of a word puzzle to play online:

    Alyssa Miller ‏@luvalyssamiller 18h

    Not amused with our cancelled flight Sad face

    Oh, the flight was cancelled. Too bad. I guess that means she can't make it back to NYC and so that's why she's not there! lol. But of course, it's so clear now.

    See how that works?

    lol, how many more weekends of this do they need to come up with these kinds of creative scripts? That just ain't gonna work, folks.

  7. I'm slipping, aren't I? Forgot the date/time yet again:

    2:58 PM - 29 Jun 13 · Details

    Ok, enough of that nonsense. That one was too easy. This second one is a bit more serious because to me, this is just one big demonstration of how Jake and Austin are managing to hide their kids. They've got people helping them and the money they are making from the likes of Ray Donovan, Prisoners and Into the Woods, plus also the likelihood of money pocketed on the side from the promotions of SoulCycle and now the shadowboxing gym, <---- all of this is helping to hide this large family of theirs. Private jets and private clubs, celebrity friends who are also closeted, all of this combines to help them.

    And then you have the G-haal family who are like circling wagons now forming around Jake, even closer than they always have been since he met Austin way back in 2002 and he began bearding with Kirsten Dunst.

    They have been his cover ever since Jake "moved" to NYC. And Jake did say that's why he moved to NYC, was to be near his sister's family.

    Jake Gyllenhaal Moved to New York To Be With Family
    Sept. 21, 2012 01:37 PM
    Bang Showbiz

    Jake Gyllenhaal's family are the most important thing in his life.

    The 31-year-old actor recently moved to New York to be closer to his sister Maggie, her husband Peter Sarsgaard and their daughters Ramona, five and Gloria Ray, who was born in April, and the 'Brokeback Mountain' star loves living close by and playing with the kids.

    When asked why he moved to New York, he said: ''To be with my family. My sister just had a new baby and that is the most important thing in my life.''

  8. ^^^ Jake better hope his kids never find that quote of his. He and Austin have a lot of online scrubbing for their mgmt's to do whenever they decide to stop hiding themselves and their family.

    And so notice that Maggie G and the G-Haal matriarch Naomi Foner have recently become very active on Twitter. I don't know when these accounts were set up; I can only see when they actively began using the accounts. You have Maggie's account where she basically started tweeting alot with it on May 22, 2013.

    Maggie Gyllenhaal ‏@mgyllenhaal 22 May

    Hi all - I'm going to try to start tweeting! I hope this can serve as a safe space for people to say really nice things about me :)
    1:04 PM - 22 May 13

    And Mrs. G-Haal only has 14 tweets to her account with the earliest being on Oct 1 2011, but none again until June 11 2013. And now she is consistently tweeting, several exchanges with her daughter and well, isn't this amazing.

    See, I think the G-Haals are tired of real tweets getting through and placing their closeted family member in cities where he's not supposed to be, i.e. Texas or LA when Austin is in LA. That niece Club Lounge tweet which happened on May 31 was deadly.

    And so I think you are seeing the wagons circling tight around Jake and if the G's have to get on Twitter to help out, they're going to do it. And nobody says all their tweets have to be coming from them. After all, I'm no longer convinced that all of Austin's tweets have been from him. I don't think there is much authentic anymore about Austin's account - but that's a whole other topic.

    So just keeping that in mind for future watching.

    And then finally, there's this news that Maggie is taking a new role for Sundance's Honourable Woman which will put her in several filming locations soon, one of which is - yes, the UK.
    Imagine that!

    Maggie Gyllenhaal to star in Sundance Mini The Honourable Woman

    I'm out of time to bring a few quotes from an interview of hers detailing on her decision to take this role but I found it very interesting that she could be in the UK close to the same time her brother is.

    Would help to explain a sighting of one of Jake's little ones, wouldn't it if Maggie was over there and had Gloria or Ramona should they come to visit Maggie or stay over there with her?

    I've got to go, ran out of time.

  9. 3 hours til Ray Donovan. I will be live tweeting. So send your questions.

  10. Help me get this trending. #RayDonovan. Show starts in 20 min. Start sending questions then.

  11. @Alison_OTH4ever I can't describe Tommy in one word. He's flying one minute. Crying the next. He loves everybody. Tommy wants to feel deeply

    @RiverCourtSML. Tommy is so fun cause his personality is so large. I've never done anything like it.

    @_ForeverDelena. I love every cast member. Can anyone name the other cast members I've worked with before?

    @holly__xoxo: @AUS10NICHOLS will you direct an episode of Ray Donovan? I will. But they don't know that yet!!!!

    @kika_n: I am in episodes 1,2, and 9. Great stuff in 2 and 9. Hope you all love it!!

    @Alison_OTH4ever: How is it to work with the talented @LievSchreiber? He's like Michael Jordan. A leader. He will lead us to a championship

    @AliceMatildaOK: #RayDonavan what's your favourite part of the episode? Mickey - Jon Voight

    @Always_LoveOTH: how do you feel about the fact that #RayDonovan was named as this year's best show? I'm over the moon!!!

    @ObradorSarah: What do you think about the personality of your character? I think he's the most complicated character I've ever played.

    @ItsMeMez_:what do you and @LievSchreiber get up to on set? We work hard. But mostly just try to figure out when the next swell is coming.

    Thanks everyone around the world for watching Ray Donovan. For those that havnt seen it yet, it's coming to you soon!!

    I love all of you so much and I will always do my best to make great film and television for you. Thanks for your time and great questions!!

  12. What timezone was he "live" tweeting for? He doesn't understand the concept apparently.

  13. Ray Donovan starts in 15 minutes. I will answer more questions. Encore. GO!!

  14. Boom. Jon Voight. My old friend from Glory Road. He will be a fan favorite

  15. Paula Malcomson and Dash Mihok. Also old friends. They are so good on this.

  16. @eddiemarsan has been one of my favorite actors for years. What a talent. So grateful to know him. Terry Donovan.

  17. Elliot Gould. Wow. If you havnt seen The Long Goodbye, watch it immediately.

  18. The Wolf is in the Gate

    7:55 PM - 30 Jun 13 · Details
