Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Who's in the kitchen?

Someone's in the kitchen and it's not Dinah.

Jake working at the Beach Plum in MV with his buds and throwing some love to the camera.

Some actors want to be rock stars, others prep chefs. 

You never know who might be making your amuse bouche.

 But bet Austin knows who makes his. ; )  


  1. He looks good in the kitchen but I wish he did not have that beard around the food.

    I saw on the web that John Barrowman and his partner got married in Ca. Congrats to them both. And now Neal Patrick Harris and his partner are going to get married too.

    Picking up my neice tomorrw for a visit so will be dropping by only when I can squeeze it in. Hope everyone has a great 4th.

  2. Happy 4th of July! I'm just so darn happy to be off for awhile after weeks of long, hard hours. These are unprecedented times at my work and while exciting, it's been physically & mentally exhausting. So this is great fun to have these days off.

    It is good to see Jake be publicly seen with Chris Fischer again. Maybe Chris F. gave Jake a good hometown Snap-Out-Of-It thump on his head. Unlikely but oh well.

    And so, I believe that 3rd young man would likely be this fellow from Feb 15 2010?

    Boom Pow Pop

    You all have a great day!

  3. Someone's in the kitchen and it's not Dinah.

    Ha! I LOL'd at that one.

    Have a great 4th everyone!

  4. Happy 4th and more of the sameJuly 4, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Jake is in Austin, Texas. Splashy stuff everywhere in NY, but a leaked photo of him with Chris in MV, which had to have been done with permission or her ass would have been fired. Jake's people are desperate to keep him from the tall Texan with that Sondheim film down the pike.

  5. Wait, is the guy in the kitchen and the car the guy from the Tony Awards? Anyone have a link to that photo?

    Today is Alyssa Miller's birthday. If they plan to make this 'relationship' last longer than the typical two weeks, then we can expect tweets / photos from Alyssa and others placing them in the same location, for sure.

  6. And so, I believe that 3rd young man would likely be this fellow from Feb 15 2010?

    LOL, uhh, nope.

  7. "Gabby says:
    July 4, 2013 at 11:03 am
    Hate to say I told y’all so, but I did! I’ve been saying this on here about Henry for a year.

    Jake Gyllenhaal (also with WME) is another closet case, though he’s learned that exclusive photo ops are a giveaway to the fauxmance and is much more subtle and crafty now. He has an Oscar-buzz role in his next movie. His new model girlfriend had just switched agencies (signed with IMG) two weeks before they announced their budding romance via US Weekly (yet she was suspiciously still living with her ‘real’ boyfriend… huh.)

    You don’t have to dig very far or be too cynical to see right through these things. Look at the agencies, agents, managers or PR firms they share, signals that one of them is desperate to move up, inconsistencies (like Lainey picking apart the timeline on Henry $ Kaley and concluding it’s basically impossible) etc.

    PR relationships are all over the place. Heterosexual romances = major publicity."

  8. PR source Page SixJuly 4, 2013 at 2:17 PM

    ^Beard switching agencies appeared on Page Six June 7:

    "Jumping ship
    Last Updated: 11:27 PM, June 7, 2013
    Posted: 11:20 PM, June 7, 2013

    Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Alyssa Miller has new representation. The beauty has jumped from Elite Model Management to IMG Models, which handles A-list faces including Kate Upton, Karlie Kloss, Chanel Iman and Gisele Bündchen. Miller makes the jump to IMG after working with designers Stella McCartney and Blumarine, walking in runway shows for Roland Mouret and Tuleh, and appearing in German Vogue and French and Italian Elle."

  9. "Miller makes the jump to IMG after working with designers Stella McCartney and Blumarine, walking in runway shows for Roland Mouret and Tuleh, and appearing in German Vogue and French and Italian Elle.""

  10. Yes, we can read. Why did you repeat the exact quote? It looks the same as it does above. Curious that her agent cited her runway work in the press release announcing this switch, as Alyssa herself recently said "I don't do runway, it's not my thing."

    Interesting that Alyssa just switched to IMG. IMG is totally the place to be right now, though, if you want to move up and at 24 years old, she needs to do it soon if it's going to happen.

    Did you know that an editorial spread in Vogue pays a model about $250.00? That being in SI swimsuit issue pays about $300.00? The only money in modeling is in brand contracts and endorsements. That's why Alyssa recently went to Vegas to host a stupid SI swimming party for money. Emily DiDonato and Kate Upton don't have to do that stuff anymore, and they're younger than Alyssa.

  11. The Page six article is embellished with PR words. Her career is mostly being a bikini model and centered on Sports Illustrated. She did some prestigious jobs but very sporadically and her career has been stalled for a long time. Now with switching agencies and a PR romance she is looking for better work and contracts with brands.
    The timing of the switching agencies and then suddenly the new fauxmance starting days later is very interesting and not a coincidence at all.

  12. Kismet you saw Alyssa? the girl is just stunning
    that agency is the place for her with or without jake

    Give it up darling

  13. What about Henry?

    They make a cute couple tho - and he can carry lots of groceries! :)

  14. Oh come on PR We all know Page six, and what he said to Jake, and how it has always made ​​fun about PR-shit

    Alyssa's career was taking off long before jake and she was with a famous photographer and for years

    page six knows how these things work
    if it was all fake they would be the first to say it and get a big laugh

  15. What about Henry?

    Oh please even people on Datalounge no longerb believe in this fanfiction

  16. 'just saying' and 'give it up', I realize you're trolling and I shouldn't respond, but I can rarely help myself.

    Of course Alyssa is stunning. She's also down to earth and charming and not as narcissistic as most models, which does her career no favors. I think she did not famewhore herself out for many years, instead choosing a happy quiet life in New York with decent (but modest paying) jobs and her very hot boyfriend. I suspect someone advised her recently that she's not getting any younger, and that if she wants to kick it up a notch she needs to do it soon. Hence the agency switch and the PR romance. I highly doubt she and Bjorn actually split up at all. I think they're on a break while she puts in her time in a high profile relationship, gets her twitter followers up to 100k and lands a cosmetics contract.

    Page Six is no longer any different than People or US Weekly. They're bought and paid for. I can't think of any "gossip" columnists any longer that aren't bought and paid for.

  17. The adventures of Henry are almost as ridiculous as Jake in his Reese and Taylor phase. I really like Kaley so hate to see her caught up in all this nonsense.

    Have a happy 4th everyone. Off in a bit to a barbecue at Roma's.

  18. Why the heck would you have a burger without cheese?

  19. Kismet the truth is not "trolling" All this your attempt to find flaws and holes and big PR conspiracies where in reality there seems to be nothing and just because does not fit with your desires is not doing any favors to your intelligence or that of Jake or Alyssa or even to that of his hot ex boyfriend famous photographer

    the truth is that these things happen all the time
    --- important relationships end and others begin
    Jake also is human and not everything in his life is a big PR charade

  20. "Page Six is no longer any different than People or US Weekly. They're bought and paid for. I can't think of any "gossip" columnists any longer that aren't bought and paid for."

    You are not fooling anyone
    Page Six is always the same they just changed their mind about Jake

  21. Yes, practically everything in J.G.'s life is a PR charade these days. Has been for some time now. His public persona is shaped to fit whatever his people think will sell at the moment. And, that includes a laughable laundry list of fake heterosexual hookups.

    There is hardly anything authentic about Jake when it comes to his relationship with his audience. He views them as nothing more than a means to an end: money and fame. I'm sure his friends and family see the "truth" inside, but his whole public image is not just a charade, but an inscrutable scam. Pretense, trickery, veneer. I'm surprised he still has defenders after everything he has pulled over these past 6-7 years. Some of you are paid operatives, but there are probably still a few fangirls and fanboys left who believe. I hope you all have ruby red slippers to click together.

  22. Jake long ago stated that he only shows his real self to a very select few. He has been showing only what sells for a long time. That's why his interviews come across so stilted and rehearsed. Interesting that the timing of see Jake is straight and see Henry is too is concurrent, considering that there were rumors of a torrid affair between the two during the POP filming.

  23. the bearding gameJuly 4, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    Did you see how the new woman, Kaley Cuoco, who is supposed to be "dating" Henry Cavill, had been in a secret relationship for two years and was even engaged, but we're told it just didn't work out. So sad, really.

    C'mon now. What self respecting, hetero gal hides her mainstream relationship with a boyfriend? And a boyfriend who, by the way, she co-starred with in the Big Bang Theory. This tells me that she is already an established beard who is simply expanding her resume.

    By the way: I love the title of the article at the Daily Fail today:

    It must be love! Henry Cavill's new girlfriend Kaley Cuoco wears Romeo and Juliet t-shirt as she takes another trip to Starbucks

    How romantic! Barf.

  24. What heterosexual gal would pass up a chance to take a bite out of Superman's deltoids?


    JK They are cute together.

  25. Looks like we are veering off the road here. Let's try to get back on the main road of OMG.

  26. OK, swerving back on course. Just couldn't resist. Feel free to delete if you want, Spesh.
