Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ball(s) and Chain

It's Episode 9 on Ray Donovan on Showtime,  this coming Sunday night, and that means

Tommy's back.

And what's Tommy got himself into this time?

For a hint you have to watch the clip.

Will have to see what else is going to happen.

And Tommy's chain - it's like the Austin's "subtle" version of Jake's :D


  1. Nice that Wentworth finally came out. Great that he did it for a very good cause. Hopefully he felt some sorrow for lying for so long. Just shows that when the rumors persist they persist for good reason:-) Hello Jake!

  2. rumors persist for Leo, Clooney, Cooper, damn even for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and nothing less than Mister Richard Geere so......

  3. Wentworth Miller has been in the last 2 Resident Evil Movie.
    I don't follow that movie franchise but he may have been in more than the two I saw him in. It's always on some cable channel.

    I would have never thought that original movie would get the mileage it has and it seems to continue. What are they on the 8th movie now?
    My point is, Wentworth has been acting.

  4. Yeah so when will they come out wish said.

  5. I have made a couple of friends down here in Florida and when I told them I was Gay both said that although they prefer woman they had sex with guys when they were younger. Each said it so matter of factly it really amazed me.

  6. Things are really happening fast. Walls are coming tumbling down if you really look at how it is now versus just 5 years ago. I think as Americans, we frequently have a mentality of wanting it all now, wanting instant change all at once. But if you look at how it's been since the beginning of time, really things have moved incredibly fast just in the past several years.

    With someone like Wentworth taking such a stance, he really is being lauded on Twitter as dishing it to the Russian anti-gay laws, and as one to be personally congratulated. I have seen very few nasty tweets - almost all are positive. He is being very admired tonight for his action.

    And he will most likely inspire others. Company can only give great strength.

  7. PrairieGirl I totally agree with you. Change happens slowly at first, and then quite suddenly. And it very much seems that high profile gay people coming out are inspiring others.

  8. Tom, i was taught in the old 'marriage and the family' course in college that something like 30% of men have had a homosexual experience to the point of orgasm. Seems high. Sorry to be crude but perhaps circle jerks account for some of that (are they even real)?

  9. Its a hand on a penis, doesn't matter if it's male or female when you are young and horny. But i never believed the 10% of the population is gay stat.

    I think it's 10% who admit it to themselves;
    And about 10% who can't admit it themselves;
    And 10% who have no idea what it is that's missing from their most intimate relationship.

  10. Had to laugh at the I haven't found the right girl statement. Where have we heard that before. Oh, right. Jake.

  11. Had to laugh at the I haven't found the right girl statement. Where have we heard that before. Oh, right. Jake.

    Has Jake ever actually said that though?

  12. Yep when Jake talks about meeting a potential mate he pretty much says he wants to meet the perfect woman to have his children.

  13. As I always make sure to say, it is every man's job to find the right woman.

  14. Anonymous Watershed said...

    Tom, i was taught in the old 'marriage and the family' course in college that something like 30% of men have had a homosexual experience to the point of orgasm. Seems high. Sorry to be crude but perhaps circle jerks account for some of that (are they even real)?

    I don't know for sure. Never been in one. Sounds a little like pin the tale on the donkey though.

    Most younger or even older people experimenting with the same sex comes with partying and the things that come along with partying these days like alcohol and drugs.

  15. Wentworth came out? I'm not spending enough time on the internet!

  16. Hi London! You definitely are not! HA!

    Hope you stop by again soon.

  17. Ben Affleck has been officially chosen to be Batman in the Man of Steel sequel.

    I dunno about this one lol

  18. I don't know about that one either; odd choice.
