Monday, August 19, 2013

Cut and Paste Magic

Like they say no rest for the wicked....

Austin tweeting yesterday

Back in the editing suite. One of my favorite parts of filmmaking. - AUS10
 And for those doubters if it's Austin -

Chukka Books

Striped Socks


And who did Jake say was with him at that Steeler's game... a Sasquatch?

"Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to an ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States"


While Austin's might not be "Something Wicked This Way Comes" he may  be a bit of a slippery devil.   

Austin hasn't been burning up twitter much.  So why would Austin tweet something like that on a Sunday afternoon?   Could it be the same reason there were no pictures of Jake leaving LA yesterday, who's in NYC now?

A little look left as we go right? 


  1. That picture Austin has on his desk, it looks like a photo of Sophia

  2. Sorry don't think it is.

    Now the real question is would Austin be devilish enough tweet a picture from inside the house that has launched so much debate?

    Cheeky Mr. Nichols, cheeky

  3. We would know for sure if we could see their gamsAugust 19, 2013 at 9:36 PM

    Looks like Jake in drag to me.

  4. try to enlarge the photo

    looks a lot like her to me

  5. Interesting how the discussion is trying to get away from the fact that Austin could have been tweeting some misdirection for some traveling.

  6. No average citizen has spoken about these two with a child.

    That would be wrong. Back in January 2012 a commenter on a film experience blog wrote the following about Jake and Austin:

    “I think Jake Gyllenhaal and his lover Austin should continue to focus on their new daughter, as they have been doing. He is extremely talented, and a year or two hiatus will not diminish him whatsoever. He is a respected actor for a reason (because he is exceptional, should anyone need reminding). I look forward to his acting choices in future. I would not dare giving him advice, especially in areas where I am not qualified.”

  7. And then there was this tweet as well:

    Bethany S.‏@Pebbles430 just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here. Dam 8:08 PM - 28 Jan 12 via web

  8. Another:

    On January 17, 2012 someone tweets the following: “Exchanged greetings with fellow stroller-pusher Jake Gyllenhaal this AM. More rugged looking in person, but blends into Bk Hts. Friendly guy” 17 Jan via Twitter for iPhone (9:32 a.m.) @mjwbknyMichael J Whidden Michael J Whidden (@mjwbkny)

  9. Oh, and then there was this one. I love taking periodic trips down memory lane. Of course, no positive verification of who this child was but...I don't know if I would have called Ramona a "little kid" just barely a year ago.

    Emily A. C. Osborne
    July 21, 2012 at 6:04pm near New York, NY ·

    Fun day! Rockaway beach and I got to walk a few blocks right behind Jake Gyllenhaal.

    10 people like this.

    Todd Weber Stalker
    I love him, I would too..
    July 21, 2012 at 9:29pm via mobile

    Emily A. C. Osborne
    Ahahaha yeah it was a nice view. He had a little kid on his shoulders. Turned around and glanced right at me and my beach umbrella.
    July 22, 2012 at 11:36pm via mobile

  10. Interesting how the discussion is trying to get away from the fact that Austin could have been tweeting some misdirection for some traveling.

    I think you might be right, Special.

  11. And because someone may miss it on the previous post, let's look at the Ralphs tweet as well as the infamous 'niece' tweet as well:

    Kristi Mahé (@KristiMahe)
    8/14/13, 12:36

    @AUS10NICHOLS --Sorry I was awkward yesterday at Ralph's when you were beside me, but was that adorable kid your son? Nice to see ya. Cheers

    And the infamous 'niece' tweet:

    Deven (@DevenGrey)
    5/31/13, 17:07

    @Jacktwistt apparently he's heading to universal studios and his niece liked my moms shoes! haha! ��✨ #nothingjuicy #nogossip ! ��

  12. I would dare say that @KristiMahe spoke as though she knew Austin. Well enough to tweet at him, but not well enough for him to follow her, therefore she could not DM her question nor text. So she used Twitter.

    I wonder also if she felt as though she acted 'awkward' because she didn't want to ask if the boy was his. Because otherwise, why did she say she felt awkward?

    That was a heckuva loaded tweet.

  13. ^^^ LOLOL. That's some fine entertainment for an otherwise boring Monday night. Thank you MM and PG.

    This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes. Its writers make no serious claims about the sexuality of either Jake Gyllenhaal or Austin Nichols.

  14. Laughing off that which makes you uncomfortable is a common defense mechanism. The poster said there were no examples. There are many. Nothing funny about that, is there?

  15. M & M I thought you were more careful and accurate than that

    analyze your tweets one by one

    Bethany S. @ Pebbles430 just found out Jake Gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at During the summer Because He was filming a movie here. Dam 8:08 PM - 28 Jan 12 via web

    how many times we have to repeat that Jake was not in town filming any movie, but Meggie was instead?

    On January 17, 2012 someone tweets the Following: "Exchanged greetings with fellow stroller-pusher Jake Gyllenhaal this AM. More rugged looking in person, but blends into Bk Hts. Friendly guy "Jan 17 via Twitter for iPhone (9:32 am) @ mjwbknyMichael J Michael J Whidden Whidden (@ mjwbkny)

    this is the best, this person was in NY, but Jake was in Los Angeles that day, January 17th is the day of the famous sushi lunch with Levine and AUSTIN!

    the commenter on a film experience blog it is irrelevant, it could be anyone, you, me, the former Pope a compulsive liar, a prankster etc.

  16. how many times we have to repeat that Jake was not in town filming any movie, but Meggie was instead?

    Wrong. Get your research correct.

    this is the best, this person was in NY, but Jake was in Los Angeles that day, January 17th is the day of the famous sushi lunch with Levine and AUSTIN!

    We all know that Jake does photo ops and has them published whenever he wants them to be to put him in a certain place. Someone tweeted the guy back and said, "Are you sure it was Jake" and he said absolutely.

    the commenter on a film experience blog it is irrelevant, it could be anyone, you, me, the former Pope a compulsive liar, a prankster etc.

    Or, it could have been someone who actually knew about Jake and Austin and decided he was tired of the other posters ridiculing Jake and his work ethic.

  17. Excellent comebacks, Methodical. Funny how these loons believe everything about A. Miller, no matter how absurd, but anything that points to Jake being a daddy can't be true. I hadn't seen the Ralph's tweet about the woman asking Austin whether that was his son. That is intriguing. Thanks!

  18. m & m get your facts straight , it was not a picture but a video, x17, and at that time no one has questioned the date, the photo of Jake holding fruit juices were even of another agency, sorry girl epic fail

  19. "Back in the editing suite. One of my favorite parts of filmmaking."

    I doubt Austin has an editing suite in his house, so I doubt that is his picture on the desk.

  20. I don't know where Methodical went, but videos and stories can be posted whenever PR wants them too be unveiled. Distorted timelines is part of the deception. Look at the times we have have photos or tweets placing Jake in New York and he's actually been in California.

    For instance, Jake was seen in England at the end of January 2012, long before he was supposed to have left New York. So yeah, Jake could have easily been in Brooklyn on January 17 when that video and story hit the gossip sites. The fellow stroller pusher even engaged Jake in conversation. So he was up close and personal with him enough to make an accurate ID.

  21. Wrong. Get your research correct

    Hum no Meggie was in Pittsburgh that summer, filming Won't Back Down

    The last time Jake was in Pittsburgh filming a movie LAOD was 2009, and it was not summer

    Principal photography began in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania region on September 21, 2009

  22. but videos and stories can be posted Whenever

    No with a video there are too many people involved, not to mention that in that video there was another international rock star Adam Levine, I highly doubt you could mess around with dates in this case

  23. Here we go again. The indifferent follower who tracks every date and time and argues every fact. M &M is the record keeper so I wont comment on time line. But paparrazi are paid and publicists can play with time as they want, still or video.

  24. Jake in new interview:
    Of course I take my job very seriously and I find it important. I don’t do this to keep up a glamorous life style. Movies can change a lot. With stories you can make change happen and make people think about the important things in life. I want to be part of these questions that keep the world thinking. In the past years I have been interested in the reality outside my own world more and more. I am independent, don’t have kids and no responsibilities. Therefore I have the freedom to explore these abysses and be influenced by them. I feel a bit like the journeyman of life and I want to explore everything.

    Jake on nieces and god daughter:
    'I would do anything for these kids. They may not be my own but I have a very strong bond with them and I truly love them. When I shot “Prisoners” I had to think about them all the time. The interesting thing about my character is that he tries to develop no emotional ties while hunting the child molester. Which is hard when kids are involved. I didn’t succeed at that while shooting. I had my nieces and godchild on my mind all the time.'

    Move to New York:
    'There were several reasons but my family was certainly one of them. They all live here. My mum, my nieces, my sister and her husband, even my uncles, aunts and cousins. There was a point in my life where I realised that I want to spend my everyday life with my family. I want to be able to see them every day. Which is easier when you life in the same city and not 3000 miles apart (laughs).'

  25. lol. You know, you can post that a kazillion times on this blog.

    Doesn't change what we know.

  26. A couple of sidenotes:

    If you look at the daycare tweet, Pebbles never distinguishes when exactly Jake's daughter was there. I interpret her tweet to say that the daycare is where she works at in the summer.

    #2 After doing a little perusing last night, I found it hilarious that for the Jake site which is known to enthusiastically and obsessively showcase all of Austin's babelicious DM's in a poster's vain attempt to prove Austin's hetero, I didn't see the Ralph's Grocery tweet posted.

  27. Keep sellng it, JakeAugust 20, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    There was a point in my life where I realised that I want to spend my everyday life with my family.

    You mean that point when WME told Jake that once Austin finished with OTH and there was no regular routine of him living back in North Carolina part of the year, that Jake needed to pretend to move to NY. Can't have them both living in LA at the same time. No one in their right mind believes that Jake suddenly had a compulsion to be with his "family" at 31 years old. All kinds of stupid.

  28. PR can play with datesAugust 20, 2013 at 9:11 AM

    No with a video there are too many people involved, not to mention that in that video there was another international rock star Adam Levine, I highly doubt you could mess around with dates in this case

    What I found odd at the time of the Sushi date with Levine and Austin back in January 2012 was that no one saw them. No twitter comments, no Facebook, no nothing. That's what makes me think this was a prearranged media op. Along with that old guy who was with Jake and Austin, letting the video roll for a minute or so. So I know I could them doing this "gathering" on another date and purposely releasing it in the middle of the month to place Jake in LA when he was actually with Austin and the newborn in Brooklyn, reading to fly out to England for that Shoes video.

  29. Keep sellng it, JakeAugust 20, 2013 at 9:12 AM

    And, isn't it convenient that Jake supposedly moved back to NY once Austin no longer had the cover of a beard.

  30. If Jake and his PR team pulled off a fake move to NYC and it is possible then they did one hell of a job. Jake must pay these people a hell of a lot of money. Maybe a couple of pics on a few weekends could set him up for a year. No wonder he is always wearing the same damn clothes. Plus how many tweet accts must have been created. Hard to believe they could pulled it off but def possible.

  31. If you look at the daycare tweet, Pebbles never distinguishes when exactly Jake's daughter was there. I interpret her tweet to say that the daycare is where she works at in the summer.

    OKaayyy, Just who is Pebbles??You're believing a tweet from some random Nobody who could easily be a JIG BT fanatic or just some lame person who wants attention. Who is this person? And why does this person know so much about Jake's life? Somehow I don't recall anyone trying to figure out if the tweet or the person was legit.

    If you're gonna latch onto (1) one random nobody claiming to have inside info to Jake's supposed child and marriage, well, you can. But somehow I'm not seeing the harsh indepth scrutiny you reserve for comments, post, tweets, instagrams you "don't want to believe"! And, there have been many.

  32. consistency is not your strong suitAugust 20, 2013 at 10:56 AM

    jake lived in ny already a year before OTH ended, and you said that he was in ny because jake and austin wanted live in the same coast, but now you tell us that they can not live in the same coast, and it is for this reason Jake moved to NY

  33. The main point is that jake was not in Pittsburgh, the summer in which she has worked in that daycare, but Meggie was

  34. Let's be Real peopleAugust 20, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    Jake's relationship with the model seems like PR / bearding. But they can be real friends

    Jake and Austin definately were involved. Don't know where is stands now. Too much time away doing thier own thing. Maybe hookups here and there if any!

    Jake lives in NYC! Probably an apartment in LA also.

    Much as some want to believe, I can not see any real concrete evidence of a child or children, regardless of want some say they know. What I know is those who claim they know on the blogs have not seen any child.
    So my conclusion is there is none since Jake has "Said" it. Could you image a HW star stating it many times in the press then the world finds out he's be hiding children. He would be classified a monster by everyone.

  35. If Jake and his PR team pulled off a fake move to NYC and it is possible then they did one hell of a job.

    I agree that anything is possible with enough money and enough motivation. The Church of Scientology has proven that. Jake doesn't have tons and tons of money, though.

    We know pap agencies work in collaboration with PR and celebs. there've been very few scandals broke by paps. An obvious one that comes to mind is the KStew affair scandal. FYI Lainey said at a recent fan event that this was retaliation - KStew was horrible to the paps.

    As far as the Gyllenhaals go there are a few agencies that regularly shoot Maggie and Jake. seems reasonable that these agencies would tweak dates of release for PR sometimes though to do it regularly would probably mean a steady stream of cash to the individual paps.

    So what's the motive? Does it really matter if Jake and Austin live in the same city? Hugh Jackman lives on the same property as his boyfriend, as does Jeremy Renner (rumored). I don't buy that this really matters enough to shell out all that cash and go through such a charade.

    If if Jake and Austin need to live in separate cities and be in different places all the time why are they intentionally papped together sometimes (NYC stroll last year, the sushi outing)

    Why not just live in NYC? Don't understand why some of y'all think Jake does not live in NYC / Long Island. Many celebs with kids live in NYC, and you rarely see pap photos of them with their children unless they are called in. He could live in an 8,000 square foot apartment with a doorman, several private entrances and an underground garage. And of course full time childcare assistance. He could have a more private weekend home on the beach somewhere. No one would ever have to see him with the kid(s). Also in NYC he has his Mom, sister, aunts uncles etc that could be helping with childcare.

    About TWITTER. Yes there are many fake accounts - millions probably. There's been a lot of press about fake accounts recently - google it. The main reason fake accounts exist is so people can buy followers (even though they are fake) to make themselves look popular. You can also buy Facebook fans. For entrepreneurs/bloggers/wannabe celebs this makes them look relevant and popular. It's fake "social proof." I'll bet PR companies use fake accounts too in order to counteract negative messages or put out flattering messages.

    I'm pretty sure Jake has used fake twitter accounts a few times. That whole swarm of tweets about how hot he was and sightings of him and him buying the condoms at midnight, and all of the accounts had something to do with the fashion institute. That was weird. the accounts looked like they could have been fake.

    However many of the tweets placing Jake in New York, recently MV, etc are from accounts that I'm 100% sure are real.

    Tips to real accounts - Lots of tweets that are spread out over time and about lots of different things. Tweets that include links. Their bio includes a link to a website where you can verify they work there or it is that person's blog. Interactions are with different people who also look real.

    In conclusion, I don't see good evidence to support that Jake's move to NY was fake. Much more likely IMO is that Austin is in NY much more than we realize.

  36. Consider this - that August 14 (15?) tweet from an actress who saw Austin in Ralphs is the first tweet in months that placed Austin in L.A. Coincidence that Jake is also in L.A. at the same time? If Austin was there all the time why wouldn't we see tweets like this regularly? This summer Austin was tweeted several times in Austin while he was making his little movie there. That made sense. Jake was meanwhile 'working' his beard relationship in MV and NYC - that made sense. I don't think these were fake tweets, and I think Jake probably lives in NY. The only mystery is - where does Austin live? because he is completely unaccounted for most of the time.

    What about N Detroit St? I think that was a red herring, a (successful, evidently) attempt to prove that Austin lives in a modest neighborhood in L.A.

  37. Bethany S.‏@Pebbles430 just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here.

    First off, Bethany said “Jake Gyllenhaal's” daughter. Secondly, she said “he” was filming a movie there. Last time I looked those were both male pronouns. Thirdly, Ramona would have been five years old. Which means she was old enough for everyone to know who she was, her name and who the parent was. In other words, everyone at the daycare would have known about her. Jake’s child, however, would have been under one year old. Easy to see how several years might have gone by before she heard that Jake’s daughter had been there.

  38. Anything is possible. The perfect plan for J and A would be just to create confusion. I do agree with the above comment for Jake to outright be denying kids of his own would be unforgivable. Just is no around something like that.

  39. M&M I'm not following you.

    What difference does it make that she said Jake's daughter! Who cares. There's no evidence of Jake going to some daycare center. For all we know this could be some derange person claiming they used to babysit for Madonna or used to be a nanny for John Travolta. Believe what you want. No pictures of Jake and child, Not his nieces, I don't believe it. Sorry You've been very adamant about how people can and will make storys up, hummm, why not this one?

  40. Where's the evidence Jake went to a daycare center while filming LAOD?

    Hell, I can tweet I saw Jake and Austin at the Costco in my neighborhood last night buying the extra long costco hotdogs.


  41. The tweet about Jake with the kid on his shoulders in Rockaway - Ramona is too big to be on shoulders in 2012. That would have been a different kid.
    Jake with a stroller in early 2012 - Gloria wasn't born yet and Ramona is way too old / big to be in a stroller. A different kid.

  42. Jake with a stroller in early 2012 never happened because the same day as this sighting in NY, Jake was in LA having lunch with Austin and Adam Levine

    as for sighting in Rockaway Beach on July 21, 2012, It Seems That Jake had other programsa that day
    July 21, 2012

    Ben Rimalower ‏@benrimalower

    I legit just saw Jake Gyllenhaal sitting with some chick by the water in Williamsburg. Stars, they're just like me.
    July 21, 2012

    Dominic Militello ‏@Nooch80

    Just rode the R train with Jake Gyllenhaal, so I have that going for me today
    July 21

    Jacqueline W. ‏@jackiewas

    Just spotted Jake Gyllenhaal leaving my subway stop. Confirmed - he does nothing for me, same w/ Tobey Maguire and Channing Tatum #allyours
    July 21, 2012

    kzmaic Jake Gyllenhaal at breakfast :) w/@joleen_marie 6h

    kzmaic He sat by us at the Wythe Hotel ;)
    July 21, 2012

  43. Makes ya think 90% of tweeter accounts are created for an agenda.

  44. Ok just what exactly is the truth?

  45. Ok just what exactly is the truth?

    usually the one that we like least

  46. Sorry You've been very adamant about how people can and will make storys up, hummm, why not this one?

    Oh you've got to be kidding me. Who is going to make up a tweet or story about Jake Gyllenhaal's daughter? Who's going to do that? Why would you make up a story about Jake having a daughter in a daycare? This young girl was a huge Adam Lambert fan. She could have cared less about Jake.

    What difference does it make that she said Jake's daughter! Who cares.

    lol. Obviously you do, don't you? Enough to crank out a comment.

  47. Why would you make up a story about Jake having a daughter

    Hum Ted Casablanca?

  48. tweet sounded truthful to meAugust 20, 2013 at 8:27 PM

    Hell, I can tweet I saw Jake and Austin at the Costco in my neighborhood last night buying the extra long costco hotdogs.

    But, only one person tweeted and she wasn't even a Jake fan. She and her friend love Adam Lambert. Seems to me she had no hidden agenda. In fact, no one else pursued the conversation after she posted her comment. That lends support that she was simply stating what she had heard.

  49. Way to go Lucas!

    Nickolodean's 'Fred' Reveals He's Gay

    YouTube star turned Nickelodeon actor Lucas Cruikshank, who is best known for creating the hyper-active, over-the-top character Fred Figglehorn, has revealed he is gay by posting a coming out video on -- where else -- YouTube.

    Cruikshank, 19, came out during a question and answer session with pal, actress Jennifer Veal, telling fans "I'm gay."

    The actor broke out in a fit of laughter and said, "It feels so weird saying it on camera."

    "My family and friends have known for like three years, I just haven't felt the need to announce it on the Internet," he explained, adding that he felt "so awkward."

    Though coming out was clearly something Cruikshank wanted to do publicly, he seemed slightly frustrated that he had to do it at all. At one point he turned to Veal and asked, "How come you didn't have to make a video saying you're straight?"

    Huffington Post

  50. Family Tile is what is going onAugust 20, 2013 at 8:34 PM

    The truth is Jake is in the closet and once the rumors started that he and Austin were together, Reese appeared. After a few years, she dumped him and within 5 weeks was seen with Jim Toth. Suddenly, the rumor who didn't want to get married again or have children, did both. Then Jake was seen with an Audi Q7 months later (an SUV designed for a family, not a bachelor) and at the end of May he was seen with Austn and Soapy at the gym. Pretty obvious what has been going on here. The stories are true. Jake and Austin are together and something is keeping them that way all these years. Children sounds like a plausible explanation to me.

  51. and at the end of May he was seen with Austn and Soapy at the gym.

    LOL! I'm glad that name Soapy has become popularized.

    Suddenly, the rumor who didn't want to get married again or have children, did both

    I think you mean that Reese suddenly got married and had children when she said she didn't want to do either with Jake. Excellent point.

  52. Oh you've got to be kidding me. Who is going to make up a tweet or story about Jake Gyllenhaal's daughter? Who's going to do that? Why would you make up a story about Jake having a daughter in a daycare? This young girl was a huge Adam Lambert fan. She could have cared less about Jake.

    First of all you don't know what she could have cared less about. Second, anyone with an agenda could do just that, tweet a story, (false and scandalous) about anything/anyone, especially if they have and agenda. Third, she could have been a Devine fan, it makes no difference, she could still tweet things that are false. Why didn't she post a picture with it? How does she know about Jake's family with Austin and children since it's such a HW and industry secret? She's working on or around the set and from Pittsburgh and she knows all about Jake's family life. These are the questions that need asking. Why weren't they??? What a stretch. Believe what you want. This story should be filed under the heavy scrutiny & needs evidence stack then investigated with a fine tooth comb.

  53. The Q7 is Audi's luxury SUV. Having an expensive SUV does not equate having children. (a minivan maybe, yeah...) Jake very well might have a kid or kids but pointing out an SUV as evidence is kind of ignorant.

    "Family Tile" I'm guess you don't live in an affluent area.

    Honestly there is way too much tunnel vision and cherry picking the evidence here. A person can twist and turn almost anything to support a pre-conceived belief.

  54. i am so angry tonight, at my own country. we cannot protect anyone of Our own, it seems. well, we have had 22. july, and nothng will progress from that, i thik. well, in over four years we have had t.moland and j. French prisoned in kongo for killing a person. i know nothing if they are guily or not, but i have followed the trial Close was just so unfaiar. what about a tolk that didnt speak franch? the evidences was laughable. i dodn`say they they are innocent...i just think they decerve a fair judgement. and now, t. moaland has died. 32 years old. i am angry.

  55. First of all you don't know what she could have cared less about. Second, anyone with an agenda could do just that, tweet a story, (false and scandalous) about anything/anyone,

    Okay, I'll bite. Go back to her twitter and tell me what agenda this girl has. As PG stated she is an Adam Lambert fan. Brought Jake up in passing. And, the conversation went to a dead end. Why? Because she and her friends have no interest in Jake. That alone tells you that she had no agenda other than passing on the celebrity information she had heard. She obviously thought her friends would be interested but they weren't. The fact no one thought the statement was odd, tells me they had no idea about Jake's status as a father. Nor did they care.

  56. Tom mentioned Jake wearing the same clothes all the time as a tactic to not pin down dates and times. I stroll through the web a lot, just hitting highlights of stories and news of Movies, stars, etc and the only person who dresses the same day after day is Jake. The overwhelming majority change their clothes like regular people, every day. And even those hiding that they are gay chnage their attire. But Jake is hiding something big enough to warrant extreme measures. Like a family. He makes himself suspect.

    Just a word of caution, the troll is not letting up and arguing incessantly. I think they are just doing that to tire us out. It was an effective tactic on WFT2 as it drove everyone away from that site. They are getting paid to argue and will challenge every sentence ad nauseum. They won't convince us otherwise, nor will we they until Jake publicly comes out or is found out.

    Clear evidence that jake still resides in LA. His dog is there and his old car is there. Who keeps the same car if you have moved to NYC. You sell it and get a rental when needed.

  57. Exactly. The difference between all the tweets about Jake with his beard or placing him in certain places may, and I mean may, be less credible because there is an agenda. Sometimes they seem pretty real, but others sound too much like the were written by a PR firm.

    Nobody has an agenda in placing Jake or Austin with a kid. I know you think we all run around posting these things, but we all know each other, and we all know nobody here does that, so yes, we are more prone to believing those tweets or sightings.

  58. A person can twist and turn almost anything to support a pre-conceived belief.

    Like you.


  59. Clear evidence that jake still resides in LA. His dog is there and his old car is there. Who keeps the same car if you have moved to NYC. You sell it and get a rental when needed.

    I agree. An absolutely excellent point.

  60. Who keeps the same car if you have moved to NYC.

    Exactly. Or why not at least get something smaller than a Winnebago?

    Kind of interesting that Mr. G-Haal invested in a whole new set of tires. Seems to be a sign to me that he's going to keep that truckster for awhile.

  61. so, thats norway... protect Our own when its Worth it, Money, reputasion, etc. we can do nothing against a war, its just talk, talk, talk... so wecome to norway...( those With bombes and guns ...please take a stand in the first road:D... welcome to norway....

  62. Why would you make up a story about Jake having a daughter

    Hum Ted Casablanca?

    No, Ted never was gender specific. He simply referred to the child as Baby Tile. It's both this daycare worker as well as another blog commenter on another site who referred to one of the children as being a girl.

  63. i am sorry i got so invovled, so please delete my comments special, i want you to. please... i really want you to <3

  64. It's good to see you NG, I don't think you should worry about your posts. I know nothing about the recent story you are writing about, but I can understand your anguish at injustice.

  65. Friendly reminder about how the game is played so let's have a stroll down memory lane:

    January 11, 2012

    Jake and Austin seen having Sushi


    Today my car got searched by the police, got a pkg tix, sat next to Jake Gyllenhall & Austin Nichols at dinner & had great sushi. Yay 2012?

    January 11, 2012

    @Kendal_MoKendal Ellese Moore
    @cbarrow91 and I just sat with Maggie Gyllenhaal on the plane! How did it feel to date batman and what is the name of your baby? #starstruck
    15 hours ago via Echofon

    Both Maggie and Jake were at the Golden Globes in Beverly Hills on January 15th. So its quite plausible that Jake was seen in Brooklyn on January 17th and the Sushi date was recreated during the daytime with Levine on a date prior to that. Like someone mentioned, not one tweet or Facebook sighting of this high profile event was observed. Levine, Gyllenhaal and Nichols and not one public sighting? More than odd. Frankly, unbelievable.

  66. Special K said...

    Really interesting tweet about Maggie. She obviously hasn't had her second baby yet, and Ramona is 5, she's no baby. So who's the baby with Maggie? And interesting that is on a flight from SF.

    Maggie was in SF with the baby and flew down on a Wednesday for the Golden Globes on Sunday.

  67. You can't put a value on the memories and the way the minds of M&M and Special work.

    M&M was inspired to go back to some old OMG posts around the time of the sushi date and look what she dug up, thanks to a great comment by old-timer Jason. Thanks, Jason!! Miss ya.

    Funny how some things can look a little clearer with the passage of time.

  68. you have to know how to loseAugust 20, 2013 at 10:04 PM

    you're not fooling anyone M & M I thought you were better than that, that sighting was a dinner,not a lunch, and no mention of the super famous adam levine, learn to lose with more grace ;)

  69. And then there was this tweet from January 21, 2012 where Maggie is seen in Brooklyn with her baby. Only problem is, she didn't have her baby until April 19, 2012.

    TEthiopia (@TEthiopia)
    1/21/12 7:12 PM
    Got to serve Maggie Gyllenhaal today @bkflea
    Her and her baby inside were happy people

  70. Okay, I'm convinced now. Why would Maggie be seen with a baby not once but twice in January 2012, if it wasn't Jake and Austin's baby. It fits in with the Film Experience comment from that commenter from January 2012 who said that Jake and Austin need to spend time with their new daughter. Oh my gosh. It took me awhile, but I'm a believer now. Jake is a daddy, many times over.

  71. that sighting was a dinner,not a lunch, and no mention of the super famous adam levine,

    Look at what M&M said. She said the tweet could have been used to "recreate".

    M&M said:
    So its quite plausible that Jake was seen in Brooklyn on January 17th and the Sushi date was recreated during the daytime with Levine on a date prior to that.

    So the recreation does not necessarily mean that Levine needed to be included in the original sushi event. He could have been an add-on.
