Friday, August 23, 2013

Peek Peak?

Here's another peek of Tommy on Sunday's episode of Ray Donovan.

And surprise surprise - Tommy's got "girl" trouble again.

 Guess Tommy likes as the Lady Chablis would say "the candy"  (Guess you could say like Goose has a sweet Tooth in RL) and it's giving it up no matter how big of action star he is.

Tommy's solution to getting blackmailed by the TMZ of the Donovan-verse, pay them off.

 But Ray has other ideas.

 Did that peak your interest?

Then again maybe this does.
Happy Austin Friday!!


  1. Has anyone read the latest blind on Blind Gossip called Seven Celebrity Dwarfs? That's compulsive reading, that thing is - as good as a soap opera. Everyone is guessing the same names. There are 5 parts so far and all pretty darn entertaining.

    You gotta start with Part 1

  2. Austin looks incredible poolside and I do mean, incredible. Thanks for the screencaps, Special. I'm going to have to get in several episodes of Ray Donovan sometime this weekend so I'll be ready for Ep. 9 tomorrow night. I've missed it due to several dogsitting gigs and my dog people not having advanced cable. That's okay, I don't mind because that's what DVR is for, right?

  3. Has anyone read the latest blind on Blind Gossip called Seven Celebrity Dwarfs?

    What a bunch of losers. Too much, too soon comes to mind. As does the phrase social climber and sleeze buckets. As usual, Harry Styles (the PR created "womanizer") comes off as the one nice guy among the bunch of them. I laughed when he awkwardly tried to get away from the chick trying to hug and kiss him. Good thing Louis wasn't around! I hate to think what would have happened to her. LOL!

    Chappy was terribly uncomfortable during this entire exchange and tried to pull himself away. He doesn’t like talking about his relationship with Clingy, and he really didn’t want this strange girl kissing and hanging on him! He practically had to pry her arms from around his neck, and nearly tripped running away from her.

    Poppy: Demi Lovato
    Lucky: Joe Jonas
    Clingy: Taylor Swift
    Sassy: Selena Gomez
    Twerky: Miley Cyrus
    Flexy: Nick Jonas
    Chappy: Harry Styles
    Junkie: Blanda Eggenschwiler
    Horrie: Blanda’s sister
    Slimy: Wilmar Valderrama

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. covering for 12:08pmAugust 24, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    the people behind Blind Gossip have kept their identity very well-hidden but speculation is that they are actually a loose coalition of paps.

    August 24, 2013 at 12:08 PM

  6. Those blinds gave me a massive headache. Too complicated. Even with Enty Lawyer I can never guess who the people are anyway. One of the things I miss about Ted C is that somehow his blinds were easier to follow and guess. He gave specific clues like where Toothy was born, no college degree etc that helped narrow the field from the 100s of actors out there.

  7. Surprisingly, I followed it all, m. LOL! And I have the darnedest time with Ted - he drove me nuts because he was too vague and I never could tell when he was serious/blatant and when he was just giving a clue.

    Now I didn't know who Blanda or her sister were but I was familiar with everyone else. Maybe today's version of the brat pack, so to speak.

  8. Do you think Jake and Austin have an open relationship? Do you think either could be bisexual?

    I mean the questions.

  9. @SuckAPuck I think that Austin is straight as an arrow

    about Jake, frankly I have no idea

  10. If that is you, SuckaPuck, are you just asking everyone in general and what brings those two questions up and why?

    Just curious.

  11. Just judging by the limited times SuckAPuck has been on this blog, that doesn't sound like SuckAPuck nor does it come across as a comment they would come to the blog with.

  12. in my opinion said...

    @SuckAPuck I think that Austin is straight as an arrow

    about Jake, frankly I have no idea

    Wow, you haven't been paying attention over the last 10 years then. How many more clues and "coincidences" do you need? Because surely there are hundreds upon hundreds. My favorite about Austin was all his gay innuendo jokes when he had the cover of beardy Sophia. And, then the moment OTH is off the air, she discovers he's not The One. Ha! Wasn't that great timing. Then Jake worked with Kirsten to get Austin that part in Wimbledon, which gave Jake the opportunity to fly over the England to be with his boyfriend after completing The Day After Tomorrow. The classic Lakers pics told me everything I need to know about those two guys in the end. Those looks are not between two bros, but between lovers. As someone said the other day, each guy has very sketchy pasts with "girlfriends" (like Austin with Claire Oswalt) who suddenly just disappear. Wasn't Austin supposed to have been with her for like seven years. C'mon.

    Also, Ted would not have spent six years with a Blind Item (Toothy and Goose) that was so obviously these two.

  13. I have paid a lot of attention,

    Ted is a liar and an alcoholic, and that's why he was fired, and a year later he is still unemployed

  14. Ted is a liar and an alcoholic, and that's why he was fired, and a year later he is still unemployed

    Ted spilled the beans and he was railroaded out. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was set up with that Jeremy Renner blind in order to get him out.

    He's been blacklisted, that's why he's having a hard time getting a job.

    See Jonathan Jaxson - same thing. And yes, I'm using Jonathan Jaxson as another example. Somebody shut him up.

    The behind the scenes in Hollywood can be nasty, especially for those who try to buck the system and try to talk.


  15. Ted is a liar and an alcoholic, and that's why he was fired, and a year later he is still unemployed.

    Oh, is that the PR story now? Ted was a heavy hitter in Hollywood for many years. He just stepped on too many toes. Or, the wrong toes? Ever hear of being blacklisted/blackballed? It's commonplace. Telling the truth in a professional made up of liars and scoundrels is a dangerous thing to do. So you're the one who needs to get real.

  16. It has never been more evident to me that Ted was shut up.

    That guy went absolutely fetal. He went so vanilla, so Beaver Cleaver after the firing, it wasn't funny. You could tell. He has steered away from anything controversial like Superman from kryptonite. Lately, he has ventured out a bit, dipping his toe back into the waters but look at the timing. It's been exactly about a year.

  17. You and I are on the same wave length, Prairie Girl.

  18. Ted is just one of the many "nobodies" who went too far with his lies, which is outmoded and no one regrets, and frankly, with that Robsten shit, it was getting ridiculous
    Get real in the world of social media, people like Ted, are just some old useless dinosaurs

  19. Ted is a liar and an alcoholic, and that's why he was fired, and a year later he is still unemployed

    You are incorrect, and obviously have NOT been paying attention.

    1) Putting Toothy Tile and Jake completely aside for a moment, Ted was right on dozens of other blind items that have come to light over the years. He's been more right than anyone.

    2) There is zero actual evidence or real-person testimony (outside of internet comments with an agenda to discredit him - started by you, perhaps?) that Ted Casablanca is or has ever been an alcoholic. That said, there are literally hundreds of actors, writers, directors etc in Hollywood who are alcoholics and manage to function just fine, so even if he were (which he is not) this does not prove anything.

    3) Ted was not fired from E!. He left at the same time other E! online writers that used their own editorial voice were let go, as E! launched a new online layout and eliminated editorial columns. Ted was under contract and obligated to stay but his role would be restructured to staff write entertainment news pieces only (which was a part of what he was doing via The Awful Truth). Ted negotiated out of his contract, and part of that negotiation included a one-year non-compete.

  20. Ted was not fired from E!. He left at the same time other E! online writers that used their own editorial voice were let go, as E! launched a new online layout and eliminated editorial columns. Ted was under contract and obligated to stay but his role would be restructured to staff write entertainment news pieces only (which was a part of what he was doing via The Awful Truth). Ted negotiated out of his contract, and part of that negotiation included a one-year non-compete.

    I don't buy that at all, sorry.

  21. Anonymous I'm still laughing said...

    You and I are on the same wave length, Prairie Girl.

    ; )

  22. PrairieGirl, by the time that Jeremy Renner blind ran Ted already knew he was leaving. That was a goodbye kiss from Ted to an actor he was not fond of. Ted is not blacklisted - he knows far too much to be blacklisted.

    The reason he has gone 'vanilla' is because he doesn't have any legal structure protecting him. If he were to get sued he would go personally bankrupt because he'd bear the liability. We won't get anything from Ted until he is again employed as a journalist and protected by a legal team for the publication, or he starts his own blog and created a Limited Liability Company or other business structure that limits his personal liability.

  23. One of the constants I see now on Just Jared in the comments (besides the now regular imposters) are the posters who will trash Ted.

    Why do they do that? Because the purpose is to discount the whole Toothy Tile/Grey Goose saga.

    That's why they do that. It's a chief goal of WME to do away with the whole Toothy Tile/Grey Goose story and I have no doubt the goal of Jake and Austin as well.

    Ridicule and scoff at Ted, discount the TT/GG saga.

    Kind of reminds me of that scene in the Prince of Persia, you know the one. The scene on the steps when Ben Kingsley's character tries to ridicule Prince Dastan before the people in order to discredit him.

    Same thing.

  24. Ted probably has a non compete. Pretty standard that they run for at least 1 year and I've seen 3 in many industries. He was not a nobody. He had a 15 or 20 year career in the gossip business, starting with Premiere. You dont get juicy inside news unless you are well connected. Troll would not be so hung up on Ted if he was a nobody. It's precisely because he was listened to and had so much influence that the troll persists. Even after a year without a word about him, people know exactly who and what Toothy Tile is.

    We did not need the Lakers photos to confirm the relationship, but yes those looks are not the looks exchanged by friends, but by lovers. Jake looks at men in a completely different way than he does women. Sexually indifferent to women and it shows.

  25. no one wants to discredit Ted, it does very well alone

    everybody knows about ted's problem with alcohol, the time spent in rehab and everything else, but the point is not his personal problems, which also have a certain impact on the working life of everyone, no, the point is, his utter lack of credibility and real information, more and more obvious and pathetic as the time passed and the phenomenon of social media grew

  26. suspicious circumstancesAugust 24, 2013 at 7:47 PM

    I find it very odd that the very last Blind Item Ted wrote about Toothy and Goose was to imply they were going to break up. That was like a present to Jake and WME, tied up with a big fat pink bow.

    That's why I can believe Ted was set up and fired. It's so obvious that these two (Jake and Austin) were never close to breaking up in 2012. Particularly, after they were happily seen together in January and February 2012, almost looking as if they might even been inching out of the closet. (Sushi date and Berlinale).

    I'm on the side of those who think they even may have had another child after that Blind appeared. It's apparent Jake keeps returning to LA too while his people work overtime to tweet up a storm that he is in Manhattan/Soho. Also, Austin showed up out of nowhere last November after he was caught hiding in that subway car with Jake.

  27. You can think that comments about ted on JJ are from someone who has an agenda, but you can't say the same about comments on datalaunge that are exactly the same as those of JJ, the reason is that people are no longer naive as seven years ago, almost to the dawn of the internet, now people know who they can trust and who not, and everyone, absolutely everyone, realized how Ted was full of shit

  28. SuckAPuck said...
    Do you think Jake and Austin have an open relationship? Do you think either could be bisexual?

    Probably yes for #1. For one thing, very common in H'wood. Becoming much more common everywhere actually. Lots of married couples I know practicing polyamory (many loves, different than swinging).

    Probably about half of the male gay couples I know are non-monogamous (that I know of), some are open, tell everything, others are don't ask, don't tell. To read threads on places like Datalounge it appears the stats on gay male couples being open are actually much higher than that.

    If you believe Toothy blinds over the years you know very well that Jake and Austin were not monogamous and that their relationship is/was not without its problems.

  29. but you can't say the same about comments on datalaunge that are exactly the same as those of JJ

    Sure I can. Because you could be leaving those comments too.

  30. If you believe Toothy blinds over the years you know very well that Jake and Austin were not monogamous and that their relationship is/was not without its problems.

    Over 60% of all heterosexual relationships are not monogamous in practice, although couples hypocritically pretend they are. Gay couples often are just more realistic. That does not detract from the love or the commitment, or them having a family together. Heck I've known hetero marriages where the spouses continue to cheat are one another, yet they stay married and raise a family.

  31. All couples have problems. That doesn't mean that Jake and Austin are not together and happy.

  32. LOL!

    That night of Jake and the boyfriend at the Tonys, Datalounge sounded like several of the other blogs like JJ. There were people (or a person) going around that night, trying to plant the idea that Jake went to the ceremony with his new beau. You can make up an identity at DL just like anywhere else. In fact, PR has their fingerprints all over that site too. They are there to disrupt uncomfortable conversations about gay clients. Doesn't matter if the convo is about Jake, 1D or some other closeted types. Believe me, PR is there.

  33. no you can't do that, because datalonge has a detection system troll, try to check better before shooting shit

  34. PR trolls DL constantly. It's one of the most important sites to monitor after JJ for sure.

  35. Keep trying. No one's buying.August 24, 2013 at 9:07 PM

    no you can't do that, because datalonge has a detection system troll, try to check better before shooting shit

    A detection system? Look who's shooting shit now. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL! You are funny. DL can detect whether someone works for WME or CAA. Yeah, right.

  36. I always get a kick out of the troll making stuff up, like he is an insider or something. Just a bored attention seeker.

    Hollywood is full of rehabbed people. Drugs, alcohol, sex. Almost a rite of passage. I buy that E changed their format as it is totally different now. The leak about Jeremy Renner was a big deal for about 10 minutes, but his career is no longer on fire. He sort of fizzled out. If every addict was tossed aside, there would be ony a handful of people working there.

  37. A detection system?

    yes, check yourself, I'll give you a clue, in, jake flying from atlanta, discussion, and once again on datalounge have figured out who Ted was, long before jake passed to WME, out of 100 comments 98 tease him 2 defend him, not the work of pr, even a blind man can see that, it's just common sense, by now they have exposed him as they did with that keram who he had invented that jake / cavill shit

  38. Funny how the next-door neighbor troll chases everybody off of that blog, trashes OMG & its posters, yet look at what he does when he has nobody to talk to. He comes over here to stir stuff up. How ironic is that?

    Get real said...

    no one wants to discredit Ted, it does very well alone

    everybody knows about ted's problem with alcohol, the time spent in rehab and everything else, but the point is not his personal problems, which also have a certain impact on the working life of everyone, no, the point is, his utter lack of credibility and real information, more and more obvious and pathetic as the time passed and the phenomenon of social media grew

    What is the source of your information, Get Real? Because I'm not finding anything Googling about Ted Casablanca and a drinking problem. I've tried several different searches and I'm not finding squat.

    Isn't it ironic that someone visited here not too long ago and tried to establish that Austin had a drinking problem and was in a rehab house? Why this obsession with drinking problems and projecting onto other people? I don't think this is a coincidence. That one had no basis for belief either except to try and say the house number was something that it wasn't.

    Lastly, just a tip and I mean this sincerely and just as a means of education. When you are referring to a person, the personal pronoun "it" is not used in the English language. A man is referred to as "he" and a female as "she". A dog or a table is an "it". People are not it's.
