Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rap Sheet

Jake's already wrapping up some impressive comments for his work in  Prisoners.

Will that translate to something in the award season?  It's a long way away and a lot of contenders to be screened between now and then, but it's great to see Jake garnering such praise for his work right now.

...Loki, we are told, has never failed to solve a case, though this is at odds with the man’s solemn demeanor, his haunted gaze and the elaborate tattoos jutting out from his collar suggesting reserves of private rage. Compare this to the eager-beaver murder sleuth Gyllenhaal played in David Fincher’s “Zodiac” and the full breadth of his impressive range immediately comes into focus.
....  it’s Gyllenhaal as the in-his-world, indefatigable detective that takes over as the heart of movie in the end with an impassioned but controlled tenacity that never asks to be applauded as heroic.

....Villeneuve gives much credit to the casting and his key stars. “If you cast someone like Jake Gyllenhaal, you know he will invade the part totally and create something. My background is documentary. I am used to listening to life. The more I am doing fiction movies, the more I love actors and want to give them freedom. There is nothing more exciting than to let chaos happen in front of the camera,” 

Prisoners will officially premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival Friday, September 6 at 9pm. 


  1. Gyllenhaal and Jackman deliver in intriguing, atypical ways. Gyllenhaal especially — he doesn’t seem capable these days of being rote or lazy or anything but on it.

  2. I have cautious excitement for the movie; after all, these are the initial reviews. But the praise sounds genuine and not hype. I'll be happy for Jake should accolades come but I'm still waiting to see what he says in upcoming interviews. These guys make it so hard to throw oneself whole hog into support because they seem to like to straddle the fence, throwing Milkbones to both sides. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome and should the hype be real, that the accolades be used for future, positive and honest steps.

    LOL - look at Jake in that picture with Denis and Hugh. Love it. He thinks he's something with that badge, doesn't he? What a stance. Work it, Jake, work it, buddy. **wink**

  3. Interesting situation going on in the state of Pennsylvania. A County Clerk has began granting marriage license to same sex couple because he believes that the state is violating the law due the recent Supreme Court decision overturning DOMA. It is headed to the courts. Should be interesting to see what happens. Pennsylvania is the only state in the Northeast that does not recognize same sex marriage or civil unions. Something very similiar is going on in New Mexico.

  4. Sounds like Jake's new movie is getting pretty good reviews.

  5. look at Jake in that picture with Denis and Hugh. Love it. He thinks he's something with that badge, doesn't he? What a stance. Work it, Jake, work it, buddy. **wink**


  6. I don't think Jake even realizes his non verbal communication with this finger spread and pointing to his "long arm of the law", if you look at pictures over the years he's done it often. Nature vs. Nuture - Sorry Mama Naomi, Nature wins again. He is who is he, and even SI models won't change that.

    And if they all give him grief, I guess he could say he was getting ready do the Time Warp (ala Rocky Horror).

  7. The subconscious is a powerful force. It always seems to reveal itself one way or another.

    I'm cautious about the reviews too. I remember those positive screenings of POP that proved to be politeness. The reviews so far seem to be real critics, not marketing or PR types so fingers crossed that he hits a home run. I do wonder why he did not attend the Festival though. He has time to wander the streets. Maybe they were not invited or the marketing budget did not allow for it. Also maybe Hugh does not want to be upstaged. He is the big Kahuna after all.

  8. Hugh upstaged by Jake???

  9. Hugh upstaged by Jake???

    well, so far is just what is happening

    Gyllenhaal and Jackman deliver in intriguing, atypical ways. Gyllenhaal especially

    it’s Gyllenhaal as the in-his-world, indefatigable detective that takes over as the heart of movie in the end with an impassioned but controlled tenacity that never asks to be applauded as heroic.

    If you cast someone like Jake Gyllenhaal, you know he will invade the part totally and create something. My background is documentary

    Compare this to the eager-beaver murder sleuth Gyllenhaal played in David Fincher’s “Zodiac” and the full breadth of his impressive range immediately comes into focus.

  10. ^^^ That is a re-quote from one of the reviews and really, it should have been identified as such either by quoting it or at least giving the source. Otherwise, it really just looks like someone's comment and it isn't. That's someone else's quote from an article that's out there on the internet.

  11. And might I say, I don't think PR could send out any more bell clangs, blow the bullhorn, wave the flags, or fan up any more smoke signals than what they have done this past week, clear up into today.

    And if PR has any plans to send out a press release with the announcement, if they do indeed have the you-know-what's to do as such, by the time they do it at this snail's pace, it'll be time for the next round of pre-film extracurricular activity.
