Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Letters - Starts with a B

Only kind you should have

and the only kind you date.
Happy Austin Friday!

Jake wrong year to be a Damn Yankees fan.

 Bring Back the Hat

We know you still have it.

Congrats to the Boston Red Sox - The 2013 American League East Division Champions!!!


  1. Congrats, to the Boston Red Sox for clinching the AL East Title tonight. *Sigh* I guess the San Francisco Giants can't win every year. *wink*

  2. Prisoners is doing well this weekend in the box office, but I expect there to be some flack since it is really the only movie playing. More mixed reviews showing up. The SF Chronicle review was good overall, but said it falls apart at the end. Still worth seeing though. I do marvel at the job that Jackman's PR has pulled off. Not Jake's. He is just gaining as a by product so good for him. Lke he said in the Actor's Studio interivew, there is a heirarchy in Hollywood, Mr Affleck. And Mr Jackman is right up there too.

  3. Forecast: 'Prisoners' to Capture Adult Audiences This Weekend

    Kidnapping drama Prisoners goes head-to-head with 3D dance movie Battle of the Year this weekend. It probably won't be much of a contest, though: with a heavy marketing effort, a very wide release, good reviews and at least one major star, Prisoners will likely take first place with around $20 million.

    Opening at 3,260 theaters, Prisoners is being positioned as the first adult drama of the Fall season. Marketing has clearly established the movie's kidnapping plot, and set up a heart-pounding race against time to recover the missing children. Ads have also made clear that the movie has a quality cast, which includes Hugh Jackman as a father desperately trying to find his daughter. It helps that the movie received strong word out of premieres at the Telluride Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival, and as of Thursday afternoon it has a solid 81 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Prisoners does have a few major drawbacks, though. It's a very long movie—the official runtime is north of two-and-a-half hours—which can be a turnoff for more casual moviegoers. More importantly, the gloomy color palette and dark subject material is likely to keep many people away from the theaters.

    Warner Bros. has had some success releasing darker adult dramas in the month of September. 2010's The Town and 2011's Contagion opened to $23.8 million and $22.4 million, respectively. Those movies were almost certainly more accessible than Prisoners, though, which means the kidnapping drama will probably wind up a bit lower. Regardless, that should be good for first place ahead of Insidious Chapter 2, which will likely drop at least 60 percent in its second outing.

    Bar for Success
    If Prisoners gets to $20 million, it is in good shape.

  4. The new US Weekly has a two-page article about how in love Jake is with his beard:

    “Jake Gyllenhaal - a man in love. He’s smitten

    The serial dater gets serious! He’s romancing (and cooking for) model Alyssa Miller – and she’s even met his mom
    by Sarah Grossbart

    Jake Gyllenhaal is a creature of habit. Take the Tuesday routine he stuck for most of 2013. The star would pop over to SoulCycle near NYC’s Union Square for a class with his favorite spin instructor. But rather than lie low in the sessions, the actor – his hair pulled into a messy topknot – would occasionally move his bike onto the teacher’s platform. All the better to bask in the admiring stares. Says a source, “He loved the attention of the ladies.”

    These days, he’s more interested in an audience of one. Since meeting Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Alyssa Miller, 24, at a Manhattan gym this spring, the star of the thriller Prisoners (opening September 20) has been “smitten”, says a source. In fact, Gyllenhaal, 32 – who split with another SI beauty, Emily Didonato, 22, earlier this year, and has previously romanced Reese Witherspoon and Kirsten Dunst – has told friends his serial-dating days are over. The former heartbreaker (see:Taylor Swift’s album Red) “is different with her than he’s been with other girls,” says another pal. “He wants to see where this goes. They’re very serious”.

    Jake’s moves

    For Gyllenhaal, the romance was lust at first sight. After spotting the L.A.-bred stunner “he knew he wanted to be with her,” says a pal. Initially his advances fell flat – she had a live-in boyfriend – but Gyllenhaal proved hard to resist. When Miller (who one pal describes as “bright and worldly”) split with her man, she and the actor started dating “immediately,” says a pal.

    And quite seriously. Gyllenhaal wooed her with home-cooked meals and, within weeks, the model “was head over heels,” says an insider. Ditto for Gyllenhaal, who introduced the Stomp Out Bullying ambassador to his friends – and to screenwriter mom Naomi Foner. Says the pal, “That was a big step”.

    Not hiding

    Now he’s showing her off to the world. After an August 20 taping of Inside the Actors Studio, Miller leaped from the audience to greet her guy and “he looked at her like she was the only person in the room” says the witness. And at a September 8 bash for his movie Enemy at the Toronto International Film Festival, Gyllenhaal was seen, ahem, nibbling a piece of raw seafood off her bottom lip. Consider it the gesture of a truly infatuated man. Says the pal, “He’s in love like I’ve never seen him before”.

    “Jake’s a romantic,” says a friend. “He loves weekend trips with her.”

    Jake’s fit girls

    Interested in Gyllenhaal? Better hit the gym stat! The ultrafit actor has admitted that exercise can be a “real addiction” for him – and he expects his ladies to keep up.

    Reese Witherspoon: when he split with the actress, 37, in 2009, Gyllenhaal lost his fave workout partner. The duo were often seen jogging and taking LA cardio class Burn 60.

    Emily Didonato: He met the SI stunner at (where else?) Soulcycle in late 2012. The couple frequented his usual haunt until they split this Spring.

    Alyssa Miller: Since their first gym meeting, they’ve continued to sweat together. A source says they “love” they running and toning sessions at Barry's Bootcamp.

  5. ^^^ lol

    Kind of interesting this latest of tweet of Mr. Nichols:


    Yeah I love @kelly_clarkson too. Her voice is insane. And she's from Texas. So she's my girl. RT and let her know.
    1:29 PM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    Kelly Clarkson was the opening act for Maroon 5, has been for their current tour.

    So what's kind of interesting about this tweet is that Austin seems to have had a duh moment and figured he ought to give Kelly C some lovin' too - like nearly 48 hours later.

    Sort of another one of those do re mi.....ti! moments, huh? lol

    The other thing I noticed? Since he tweeted this nearly 48 hours later, why is it Austin didn't tweet about how great Kelly Clarkson sounded that night of the concert? I reckon he could have arrived late and missed her concert totally. But then, that's kind of contradictory to his lavish tweet praise. If he thinks Kelly C has such a great voice, why didn't he make an attempt to go? If he was supposed to have caught some of her act, then he should have tweeted about what a great show she gave instead of giving a generic statement about her voice and being a TX gal.

    You know, it wouldn't surprise me if Austin & co. never left the mid Atlantic coast after all.

  6. BWAH!!!!!

    Corey Cable (@cpc397)
    9/21/13, 14:18. Location: Lake Travis, TX


    ROFL. Hey Mgmt, could this be yet another reaction?? To this, perhaps? Glad to be of service.

    ToothyTile&GGoose (@GoosesTile)
    9/21/13, 6:59

    Later that day of the 18th, we found out that GG wanted it known he was already in Austin TX, even though previous returns home have been...

    ToothyTile&GGoose (@GoosesTile)
    9/21/13, 7:01

    met with much fanfare and fan sightings/fan photos. For those of you who follow the acct, you know of which I speak.

  7. And so now in case you're wondering where Jeff is in relation to Mutt, who is in 'Texas' , here you go. Just posted today. LOL

    Soft and Fuzzy shoutout

    NYC, but of course! ; )

  8. That's a snuggly cuddly shout out, PG. LOL! Uh-oh. Jake doesn't look too masculine there.

    His clean up team better get to work and catch Jake in the act of beating the stuffing out of one of the kids' beloved teddy bears.

  9. That is just too funny that picture of Austin suddenly appearing on the internet. I mean, what in the heck? lol

    I'm speechless, to coin a current fave word of his husband's.

  10. My soft 'n fuzzy shoutout is to the cashmere sweater and nothing else.

  11. The article about jake and the beard is a riot. They give themselves away in the first sentence when they refer to him as a serial dater. Yeah, he "dates" a woman when his latest movie promo begins and for about 20 minutes. But the constant in his life is Austin.

  12. Posted on Just Jared under the new post of Jake and The Beard in reaction to a comment about the T & A remark by Jake and how he supposedly was "joking".

    Sasha @ 09/22/2013 at 12:42 am
    I watched the Inside the Actor’s Studio show and Jake was very serious. No doubt the response was scripted so it could be repeated on sites like this. He is so far in the closet it really is silly as well stupid. Warner Bros is distributing his new film and I’m sure his bearding was all part of the distribution deal. The guy is creepy now. I used to like him, now I can’t stand him or what he represents. Wasn’t he supposed to have had a secret child with his boyfriend, too. Man that kid is going to be screwed up big time. And for the Still? poster up there. Give it up. Jake being gay has nothing to do with Brokeback Mountain. West Hollywood has know about him and his real sexual orientation since he entered the biz long before BBM.

