Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hollywood Horror!

Just out for a evening drive

You think you see something out of the corner of you eye

Not sure if it is anything.

Suddenly the phone rings

 Hello Jake....

You can't see me ....

but I can see you ...

Remember the story of the bloody hook?  
Have you heard about the arm from the backseat?

 Shhhh.....It's behind you.


  1. Momma is calling :-)

    I remember the first time I saw Jake with his mom was on the beach in MV. He followed her like a little puppy dog.

  2. Guesses are Jake for this blind, but we know Alyssa probably hasn't been in L.A. so...

    Blind Item #3
    This A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was out two nights ago with his boyfriend. Yes, sure his girlfriend was there too but he didn't come in with the girlfriend she came later. He didn't leave with the girlfriend she left earlier. He did leave about one minute from his boyfriend though who had a car waiting right behind our actor.

  3. Marriage Equality will be the law starting Monday in the great state of NJ. The NJ Supreme Court ruled today that the gov could not stop the ruling made earlier by a NJ judge. Proud of my home state :-)

  4. Great news about NJ! Take that Christie.
