Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Night Time is the Right Time

Ray Charles might have sang that the night time is the right time to be with the one you love, but for Jake it's the right time to be making another movie.

Jake is back in front of the cameras currently shooting Nightcrawler under cover of  darkness.  Twitter sightings have confirmed Jake and Co. are shooting around  LA.

And add one more person to that a cast and crew and it's one Mad Man.

Mad Men's  Kevin Rahm aka Ted, is swapping 'careers' and will play a news channel editor. He joins Jake, Bill Paxton and Rene Russo in the indie thriller.

Just a plot refresher Nightcrawler follows "a driven young man who discovers the nocturnal world of L.A. freelance crime journalism."

A short shoot, the film co-produced by Jake with writer/director Dan Gilroy, will wrap by the end of the month.

Jake might like to be in front of the camera for the story but he's not a big fan of being photographed while he's working, but a lucky few have captured him hard at work.
 And we must say Kudos Jakey - Prisoners remains in the #1 spot in the UK for the second straight week.


  1. Wow, what a sexy picture of Austin in that last post. Have not seen that one before and it deserves to be given a star spot. The look on his face, the hair, the pose. Hot as hell.

  2. Katherine Tulich ‏@KatherineTulich 12h

    #throwbackthursday my first interview with #jakegyllenhaal #2002. His mom kept ringing the whole time to check on him... So sweet!
    Katherine Tulich doesn't know the 1/2 of it

    1:13 AM - 10 Oct 13 · Details

  3. Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Hollywood's elite.

    Spotted in NYC: Lonely A coming back to the apartment she used to share with her ex-boyfriend. With her ex-boyfriend. Or should I say never-been-ex-boyfriend?

    Here's an inside tip, Little J: bearded gays don't just happen, they're made. By parents more wicked than their offspring. And we all know our Queen N is not happy with the public's reaction to your new girlfriend, so she has decided to get rid of her for good. Not that the public does not like your new girlfriend, it's just that she cannot seem to shake off the g-word your shoulders.

    Careful Queen N, one thing about making a deal with the devil - he always comes to collect. And for a scandal to really blow up, all it needs is an unexpected turn. Is lowly Lonely A cheating on our Little J? Sound unlikely? Does the initials B.I. ring a bell? Is it cheating when it never was? Get out your shovels and start digging the dirt, kids. Honesty may be the best policy in some zip codes, but not in this one and not this week, 'cause "I was a beard" is not exactly a winning college essay.

    In drama, there are many ways to unmask a villain. Sometimes you know who the bad guy is from the start. But most times, you find out they've been right in front of you all along. Now that sex and lies have been caught on pictures, Queen N's documentary just became the most anticipated new release of the year. So watch out Lonely A, better keep quiet now that your contract is over.

    One good scandal deserves another. Wonder who's going down next? Everybody wonders if Little J has anything to say about it. Probably not. Poor Little J, you made your bet, now you have to lie on it. Some people might call this a fluster cluck. In Hollywood we call it business.

    You know you love me.

    Xoxo Gossip Girl.

  4. That's quite a blind if true.

    Could the person who posted it, please be so kind as to post the link?

  5. Love the blind, thanks for bringing it! Even if you made it up - hilarious! certainly not far from the truth. A & B reunion would be a fab way to end this charade with a clean break.

  6. I'm not able to find it online.

    I'm beginning to think it might be a set up.

    I agree, 18:31, it is hilarious though.

  7. they are clearly still together but conveniently and publicly share custody of their dog so sightings at his apartment could be easily explained. how she still lived with him for the first month of dating Jake is not so easily explained but nobody dug into that mess

  8. Interesting. There is a Gossip Girls Blog that posts blinds such as this, but they haven't posted any blinds since 2010.

    The mystery deepens


    I interrupt this blind issue with a revelation that I've been reading about online and I guess Americans need to be thinking about during this government shutdown. Maybe others know this already; I still am oblivious to all of the impacted organizations.

    But the FDA is not conducting food inspections on imported foods right now during the shutdown.

    This article from Buzzfeed says that seafood is the most widely imported food and so we all should pay attention right now to where our dining and grocery bought food is coming from because our food supply is becoming at risk.

    Just something to think about.

    Okay, Long John's, where do you purchase your fish?

  10. That blind sounds made up - though it is the work of someone up to speed on Jake, Naomi and the beard. Sounds like an insider having fun. Maybe the real boyfriend stirring things up. He can't be happy about all this. Like Reese's real boyfriend and now husband.
