Saturday, October 12, 2013

On the job training too!

Covert and secret?   Where could  Austin have perfected that?

Multiplatform Thriller The Temp
Agency [14 x 30 mins/ 9 x 10 mins/1 x  90
mins] from US independent studio Vuguru,
is debuted at MIPCOM by Content Television.

The series uncovers a covert world of corporate
Espionage, featuring Austin Nichols as The Temp,
Who is recruited by a secret agency to bring companies
Down from the inside.

So it looks like they are trying to sell this series to distributors and have e 14  thirty minute episodes, 9 ten minute segments, and a 90 minute pilot/movie for television, online or stream like Netflix.

So it brings up all kinds of questions.  Like....

When did he make it?  And where?

Who is Vuguru?

Who else is in it?

Is this another covert project he alluded to in a tweet or two way  in the past?

And does being a super secret temp does he get any extras like vacation, sick days, or benefits or is he screwed like the rest of the people who are contractors here in the U.S.?

But can't you just see Austin's character turning on the charm one minute and then coolly pulling off the job of taking out the target, and not one person suspecting a thing.  Or does everyone?

Hmmm.... sounds familiar. 


  1. Jake's New BFF
    4/10/2007 1:30 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

    Forget Matt and Lance, Jake Gyllenhaal has a new buddy.

    Jake was spotted in San Diego last week, visiting the set of HBO's pilot "John from Cincinnati," where his pal Austin Nichols plays the lead. Gyllenhaal arrived and was immediately escorted to Nichols' trailer, where they spent most of the day. Austin left the trailer only to grab some grub for the two from catering tables. This photo shows the best friends at a Lakers game in 2006.

    Then, this past Saturday, TMZ spies spotted Jake and Austin in Los Angeles, having a quiet dinner at Jar restaurant. The two eluded having their pic taken by paparazzi when they escaped through the kitchen's backdoor. Reese Witherspoon, who has been romantically linked with Jake, was not present.

    This is not the first we've seen of Jake and Austin -- their friendship goes back to the 2004 filming of "The Day After Tomorrow." Unlike the trio of Jake, Matt and Lance, this duo appears to be a lasting friendship.

    This duo appears to be a lasting friendship



    Are these two a couple? Sure looks like it to me!!!!
    2378 days ago


    These two are adorable - they make a much more interesting couple than Jake and Reese.
    2378 days ago


    The cutest couple in Hollywood! Go, boys! *swoon*
    2378 days ago


    Jake in Austin's trailer all day. *sigh*

    Jake and Austin sharing a quiet dinner. *sigh*

    Reese who?

    2378 days ago


    That whole Jake and Reese thing seems so fake to me. I'm much more inclined to believe that there's something between Jake and Austin. They sure make a cute couple.
    2378 days ago

  2. Shame J&A split up years ago

  3. Oh, Sam....tsk tsk tsk. You would be wrong.

    So you do admit Jake and Austin were "together". Let's start at that point, shall we?

    Let's say they're an "old" couple, done with one another.

    Do you reckon that when both Jake & Austin were at Berlinale together last year, that they slept on different floors?

    Oh,and then there was this late night hamburger run:

    Ally ‏@missallycay 12 May 12

    "my girlfriend would be freaking out right now if she was here" -Jeremy to Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols.

    1 Retweet

    2:15 AM - 12 May 12 · Details

    Ally ‏ @allyBUNNY
    @MelAriella in-n-out hahah. He said they were nice and scruffy lol
    34 min ago

    I'm sure there was merely polite and platonic fry and hamburger eating at that late hour, eh?

  4. The Chiefs are on fire this year. Congrats PG

  5. There was a blind item on Blind Gossip about an assistant who was asked to take their bosses luggage/carry on and they got stopped when security found pot in the celeb's bag they were carrying for them.

    Here is the blind item:The Assistant at the Border

    But it was one of the comments that I found most interesting:

    October 11, 2013 at 11:33 am Log in to Reply

    ALL OF THEM!!! As a former high profile celeb assistant, you are asked to carry much much more including “assisting” lovers, mistresses, and illegitimate children on flights and travel. Oh not to mention WADS of cash as well.

  6. That is interesting, Special. Oh, what those celeb assistants must see and know. lol

    You know, it was fun to go back and look at those old articles on Jake & Austin because of course, we don't get them anymore. But what's also interesting is to go back and look at the comments. You had people who loved the 2 guys together and then you always had some thin-skinned people who had to come on and rain on the parade with all kinds of accusations and high-shrilled remarks.

    And I noticed one thing every time. Every time you see an old post (or even a new post anymore) on Jake, you see someone who always has to harp on Ted and how he helped to start all of the "gay rumors" because of his Toothy Tile blind.

    First, a lot of people blame Brokeback. But they also blame Ted and they crap on Ted, discounting a lot of what he wrote and in particular, the Toothy Tile and Grey Goose stories.

    And it is very, very plain to me how much Jake's Management must have hated that Toothy Tile moniker/story. Toothy Tile came up repeatedly in Comment sections and I'm sure this was a huge hindrance to their repackaging of Jake.

  7. The magnitude and the lengths Jake's Management is going to, to repackage him has been big.

    Jake's totally changed his physical appearance. He's changed the people he hangs out with. He's changed the type of movies he does. He's changed so much of the surface area - gotten "rid" of the dog, gotten rid of the color and gone earthtone, supposedly gotten "rid" of L.A. and gone NYC; he smokes and curses like a sailor and grows a huge beard; everything's gone jagged and granite.

    Everything on cue to change Jake's image. But you still had two big obstacles really in the way of Management's resurrection of Jake.

    And that was Brokeback Mountain and Ted Casablanca. And as long as those two things continued to "haunt" Jake, Mgmt felt they couldn't accomplish what they wanted - which was to get rid of the gay.

    So they got rid of both.

  8. This is not the first we've seen of Jake and Austin -- their friendship goes back to the 2004 filming of "The Day After Tomorrow." Unlike the trio of Jake, Matt and Lance, this duo appears to be a lasting friendship.

    People inevitably confuse the year Jake and Austin actually met (auditions for TDAT) and when the film was released). The guys have been together since 2002, not 2004. Hence the reason for bringing Kirsten Dunst on board as Jake's beard in September/October 2002.

  9. As a former high profile celeb assistant, you are asked to carry much much more including “assisting” lovers, mistresses, and illegitimate children on flights and travel.

    Or, asked to sub as a nanny and a personal assistant as Ted slyly implies in June 2008:

    JUNE 25, 2008

    I Want Eye Candy

    Two reality stars start up just as soon as one of them is about to hit the road, while Jake Gyllenhaal apparently gets choosy when it comes to personal (assistant) matters.

    It's a Woman's World

    As if Naomi Campbell wasn’t exacting enough, now we’ve got our darling Jakey Gyllenhaal being a tad pushy, too. It’s all so treacherous these days watching celeb-ville get more and more cantankerous. Did you know Mr. G is currently looking for a new assistant? Must be all those coffee and yoga dates with Reese-love—I’m sure they’re all hell to put together, those sweaty appointments. Help is needed by the dimpled dude!

    But don’t bother applying if you’re a guy. Insiders knowledgeable with the star who’s dating the chick known for always buying two calendars (in case one gets too smudgy half way through the year), say Gyllenhaal is more interested in a female assistant. Doesn’t surprise moi, really, ‘cause everybody knows men gossip more than women. Known fact, babe-cakes.

  10. And yeah, Management has done everything they can to eliminate Brokeback Mountain from Jake's public resume and they helped to take care of Ted.

    And I think I put N. Foner right up there with his Management.

    She's been right there every step of the way during this resurrection. And if she is indeed the one calling the shots on the beard campaign, what does that tell you?

    Well, one big beef about this mis-placement of blame. Jake's mother needs to also look at her son. He's done some of his own rah-rah-sis-boom-bah on the sidelines, not exactly blameless.

    How did she think Ted probably got some of his inside information? We've seen how closed up Jake is now. He wasn't exactly hiding that sonogram picture years ago, was he? He wasn't hiding those little boxes of candy coming out of the medical office either. Was he? Chocolate bunny on the Easter walk, anyone?

    Lakers game with Austin? Not hiding it.

    Wedding band on touchdown at Heathrow for PoP promo? Not hiding it.

    If you really want the bleeding to cease, quit picking at the scab.

    You can't fan the fire flames yourself and then call out the fire department.

  11. Oops sorry, M&M, didn't meant to interrupt your excellent observations, lol. I didn't hit preview that last time.

  12. Not a problem, PG. Both comments were stand alone observations anyway. And, I agree. Jake is primarily responsible for the rumors that have followed him around for well over a decade. That of being a father as well as Austin being the main love interest in his life.

  13. I'm not complaining about the clues Jake himself has given.

    But I'm just saying that for the rulers in his life to "blame" Ted, Brokeback or beard inadequacies is ridiculous.

  14. Jake is primarily responsible for the rumors that have followed him around for well over a decade.

    You know, I don't think that's spoken of enough. Ted had an insider(s) who could very well have been encouraged by Jake himself, and he showed up at that Lakers game, acting all love drunk, knowing what would happen. Ted suggested many times that Jake loved to taunt and tease. Always thinking he would be protected. Like a child, dipping his toe in the cold water, only to run away screaming from the terrifying waves. He was confident (arrogant?) that no one would spill the beans. Jake is kinda a cross between an old guard guy and a impetuous, spoiled brat, who probably still likes to think of himself as a groundbreaking artist. We can see he's a mama's boy, but for the sake of his own ego and manhood, I bet he thinks all the little clues he continues to send out make him an independent thinker. A daring, risk taker. Someone who can stand on his two feet. When, in fact, he is very much of a traditionalist and quite conservative in his approach to his career and his life.

  15. I'm not complaining about the clues Jake himself has given.

    I'm not complaining either. I like that Jake has left so much evidence along the way and continues to do so. Although now, maybe not so much because it appears he's going for the gold ring (aka gold statue)and has buried himself deep in that musty closet again.

  16. Jake is a huge flirt and can't help flirting with men. It just come naturally. Didn't Ted say that he and Jake worked out in the same gym at one point.

    Great find re Austin's prospects. I would love to see him get another TV Series. And even if it's a web series, those are catching on too. Does anyone watch Husbands? A really cute web series though the 3rd season is not quite as good

  17. What about those Pats!

    Unbelievable ending!

    Now on to the Sox. Ready for Game 2.

    GO SOX!!!

  18. Go Sox!!!!

    and he showed up at that Lakers game, acting all love drunk, knowing what would happen.

    That's an awesome description. lol. Cracked me up.

    So accurately and eloquently put, wants it both ways.

  19. Elizabeth Manzo ‏@Eliza_Manzo 2h
    Standing next to #JakeGyllenhaal Yes. That is him.

    11:48 AM - 13 Oct 13 · Details

  20. Elizabeth Manzo ‏@Eliza_Manzo 7h

    That's #JakeGyllenhaal s back he just said hi! Heehee����
    Haircut looks better from the back, doesn't it
    12:01 PM - 13 Oct 13 · Details

  21. Specialllll !!!!!!

    Congrats on that fantastic win!!!

  22. Yippppeeee, The Boston Red Sox win. Those last couple of innings were really exciting. Congrats, Special!
