Wednesday, November 13, 2013

And the Goose goes.....

You may know what the Fox says

But someone knows how the Goose goes



  1. Jake is a real long shot for an Oscar nom for Prisoners. I doubt he will get a Gloden Globe or SAG nom either. Competition is very tough this year for Best Supporting Actor. Jared Leto and Michael Fassbender are co favorites right now.

  2. How very manly of Jake. Looks like he'll go method to get that Oscar nomination.

    Jake Gyllenhaal Hospitalized with Stitches After Punching Mirror

    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Actor Hospitalized
    Breaking News
    Jake Gyllenhaal socked a mirror on the L.A. set of his new movie -- slicing up his hand so badly, he was rushed to the hospital to be stitched up.

    It all went down Wednesday morning, according to ... Jake "flipped out" during a scene for "Nightcrawler" and punched the mirror with his fist, shattering it and damaging his hand in the process.

    Jake was reportedly taken to a nearby ER where he was treated and released. He returned to the set later that day.

  3. Jake is sooo dedicated to his artNovember 14, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    That's a pretty sensational headline if Jake returned to work "later that day." If the news broke in LA (TMZ)@9:15 a.m. yesterday and he was back on set by the afternoon, I hardly call whatever he did to himself noteworthy. Sounds to me like the injury was much to do about nothing. Also, since the "incident" happened yesterday morning, how is this story even breaking news!

    Of course the whole thing got him some cheap publicity and made him look like such a dedicated actor. #SnarkIntended

    Jake was reportedly taken to a nearby ER where he was treated and released. He returned to the set later that day.

  4. Maybe they wanted it to sound like he's dedicated and manly, but I don't know, that's not how I reacted. I kept thinking that it sounds like he may have gotten mad at something and literally flipped out and had a meltdown on the set.

  5. Jake Gyllenhaal was sent to the emergency room after punching a mirror on the Los Angeles set of his new film Nightcrawler Wednesday morning.

    "Jake flipped out," a Nightcrawler source tells PEOPLE. "His character was looking into a mirror during the scene and punched the mirror in anger and broke it, cutting himself so bad he had to be taken to a hospital."

    And while a source close to Gyllenhaal, 32, confirms the actor received stitches in the emergency room, the source says the reason for the incident was nothing more than a moment in character during an intense scene after an 18-hour day.

    "The scene was emotionally charged and his character was talking into a mirror and he got so into it, he banged his hands against the mirror and it broke and cut him," the source close to Gyllenhaal says. "It was all the scene and not because he was mad about anything else."

    Another source says the traditionally buff star has also been "intensely focused" on losing approximately 20 lbs. for his role as a crime-scene reporter in the upcoming drama.

    Regardless of the reason for the hospital visit, Gyllenhaal returned to set later that day.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jake's critical conditionNovember 14, 2013 at 7:17 PM

    Going to an Emergency Room for stitches is not the same as being hospitalized. I think WME is at work trying to portray Jake as immersing himself in some kind of all consuming performance. Frankly, he sounds like a fool to me. Maybe Jake just lost it when he looked in the mirror and saw his mother looking back at him. lol.

  8. Oh, I wish I hadn't taken my post down after reading People's account. The HW Reporter said that hitting the mirror was part of the scene.

    Why is nothing with Jake ever clear? why is there always some layer of mystery?

    I'm trying to understand how you could forget that what you're about to hit is a mirror? Mirror = Glass

    Incredibly forgetful and dangerous. Not only to himself but to possibly anyone else near the scene, i.e. camera people, actor, etc.

    what if the scene had called to be barefoot? What if there were falling/shattering glass? What if a major artery were cut?

    What about the lowly-paid staff member who has to pick up all that glass? What about their safety?

    Sounds like he is very lucky that stitches took care of it.

    Boy, Zac Efron falls in a puddle at his house and now Jake breaks a mirror. What is going on.

  9. Maybe Jake just lost it when he looked in the mirror and saw his mother looking back at him. lol.

    Ha ha. Actually, that's not all that far off - has anyone else noticed with Jake's mullet haircut, that he really is beginning to actually look like his mother?

    I'm serious - he is. I can't get over the resemblance. He's looking more and more like his mother all the time as he is growing older. And so is Maggie. They're both strongly taking after her.


  10. Can't stand breaking glass. Because what do you do with all those sharp pieces? You have to find a box to put it in so that nobody else is endangered by handling the disposal. You can't just throw the shards into a Hefty bag and be done with it. Somebody else might pick up the bag, not knowing there's glass in there and you have the risk of another injury.

    And you also can't just throw the blood-stained paper towels/cloths that are used to tend to the wound away by themselves into the trashcan either. You have to dispose of them properly.

    Lots of things to think about and handle safely with an incident/injury such as this.

    Again. Another Safety Moment opportunity thanks to Jake.

  11. Seeing his mother in the mirror. That one killed me.. So funny :-) Mommy is probably on the set with him so he very well may have seen her.

  12. As an employer, I'm sure the studio was required to send Jake to emergency, just to cover themselves for the workers comp claim. Sounds like he just needed stitches, which is serious in its own way, but hardly worth big headlines. It could have been a lot worse though, so I am glad he was not seriously hurt. D-listed had some choice words about it too, joking about it being a fisting accident. A bit harsh and extreme for D-listed in this case, in my opinion. Supposedly Zac Efron (sp?) had an accident but many are saying it's a drug relapse related injury, so you never know if the studio is making up a story to cover what really happened or not.

  13. And I’m sure you just screwed up your hand after punching your monitor when you saw this picture of Jake Gyllenhaal looking like a malnourished Eddie Munster on meth. That’s some Faces of Transylvanian Meth shit.

    People says that Jake Gyllenhaal was shuffled off to the hospital yesterday morning after he got so into his character so much that he punched a mirror while filming a scene for the movie Nightcrawler in L.A. Jake got a few stitches in the emergency room and while he was there I hope the nurses hooked him up to an IV drip full of liquefied meals from Outback, because it looks like his eyebrows are so hungry that they’re eating his face. Some source (aka Jake’s publicist) said this to People about the owwie on his hand:

    “Jake flipped out. His character was looking into a mirror during the scene and punched the mirror in anger and broke it, cutting himself so bad he had to be taken to a hospital. The scene was emotionally charged and his character was talking into a mirror and he got so into it, he banged his hands against the mirror and it broke and cut him. It was all the scene and not because he was mad about anything else.”

    This movie hasn’t even finished shooting yet and Jake is already working harder than Anne Hathaway for that Oscar. Bitch is going all out. I guess messing up his insides and outsides by going manorexic for a role isn’t enough. Now he’s punching a mirror during a scene so he has an “I’m so method!” story to tell during his Oscar campaign. But you know who should really get the award here? Jake’s publicist for spinning this. We all know that Jake busted his hand in a fisting gone wrong accident. Nice try, though, Jake.

    And what is happening to the hot white pieces of Hollywood? They’re falling apart! First, Zac Efron busts his jaw and now Jake Gyllenehaal busts his fisting hand. Prayer circle around ASkars before he sprains his vampire viking d*** in a bizarre sex scene accident.

    No more fond Strawberry Shortcake suitcase words from Michael K any longer

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  15. **looks at watch**

    How predictable. Here comes Management's hired hand to try and disrupt/stop the thread.
